Sentences with phrase «long sides over»

Bring long sides over filling, pinching seams and ends to seal.
Wrap the mixture in the towel burrito style, that is, fold the longer sides over the onions first and then fold the ends.
Fold 1 long side over, just beyond the middle, then fold over the other long side to overlap the first, curling it over slightly on top to create the stollen shape.

Not exact matches

«Over the long run, we believe that subscription growth on the developed market side through many of their channels of other business lines could actually provide a P / E multiple enhancement in year four and five» of a five - year timeline, Morganlander said.
Syria peace talks due to begin in Geneva this week look set to struggle with the sides showing no sign of compromise over the issue at the heart of the five - year - long conflict: the future of President Bashar al - Assad.
WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama made good Tuesday on a threat to veto a bill to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, bringing the two sides in the long - running controversy to a rare point of agreement: their battle is far from over.
But, as we've seen from Chipotle's troubles over the past 20 years, it seems, now — I guess it hasn't been that long — it's just really difficult to actually marry the fast food side of things with high quality, locally sourced ingredients.
While this approach to investing can be challenging at times when we find ourselves on the wrong side of market trends, our confidence in its efficacy over a long - term investment horizon is unwavering.
My quest for biblical womanhood led me to these stories late at night, long after Dan had gone to sleep, and I conducted my nightly research by his side in bed, stacks of Bibles and commentaries and legal pads threatening to swallow him should he roll over.
A developed argument about American exceptionalism and the nature of the American Founding would take us a long way toward understanding why we don't want religion to be pushed from the shared mainstream over to one side's shore.
Surely, this bridge is solid And will get us to the other side Not for a moment would I wish To cause one to doubt or slide I've looked over the rail And its a long way down I did have a little sister who danced on the rails in her gown And just as she did her dismount Lets just say — I still have a little sister.
We reached the 1.5 mile marker and drove through a long Roman - like road with farms either side and, in the distance tall hills towering over the car.
A long drive around the M25, getting lost on the way and winding through unfamiliar side streets gave me more over an hour of worrying about fitting in.
Since one - hundred - foot spans were difficult for the ancients to roof over (long enough timbers being rare and expensive), the builders raised a narrower set of walls on colonnades, dividing the floor into a central nave under the raised roof and two side aisles under shed roofs.
When you are trading with large sums of money and over long distances, it's important to have a lot of confidence and trust in the company or person on the other side.
It's really important that you don't flip the pancakes too early though — wait until the top side no longer looks like the runny mix in the bowl, but it's starting to look firm and cooked, at which point flip it over.
The fish: Halibut or Alaskan True Cod / The halibut is thick and should be cooked over low — medium heat for a longer period of time / The cod will cook quickly and will benefit from high heat / Either way, salt and pepper uncooked fish / Drizzle 2 T olive oil and 1 T butter into a non-stick sauté pan / When oil is hot, add the fish / Sauté cod on medium high heat for 3 — 4 minutes per side, halibut at lower heat for 7 or 8 minutes per side / Add a piece or two of lemon to the pan, flesh side down, and let it cook along with the fish / When done the fish flakes apart easily and has lost its translucence.
Flip over and continue cooking until golden brown on the reverse side, about 1 minute longer.
In fact, happiness is a short - term side effect of eating veggies, which means that while increased health occurs over a longer period of time, happiness can increase much more quickly once one makes a habit of eating veggies.
They've got those long, curvy necks, and they know just how to hook them over the side of the bin so that you'll see them there, peeking at you, giving you the eye.
To live on the side of a Greek island overlooking the beautiful sea, where I can walk or bike all over the town making stops at market stalls to buy fresh produce and seafood all year long.
After I jogged a few miles and I could no longer feel the tip of my nose or the sides of my face, I decided it was game over.
(Optionall: cut a 3 - inch wide strip of parchment paper long enough for ends to overhang sides of pan, press into bottom and up and over sides, and spray again with non stick spray.)
Lay one of the nori sheets on a clean work surface with a long side facing you and the shiny side down, then evenly spread half the nut butter over it, leaving a 3 cm (11/4 in) border on the top side.
Spread the mushroom mixture out evenly over pastry, leaving a 1 inch border along one side of the long side.
Then put the blueberries in the triangle and fold the top piece over to the long side of the triangle.
When the pancakes are no longer glossy on top and have some big bubbles, flip over and cook the other side (or until golden brown).
Fold long sides of dough over filling; press edges to seal.
Turmeric powder is very safe to consume but side effects can occur when very high quantities are consumed over a long duration of time continuously — and can be from supplements which have been manipulated by technology with the turmeric no longer in its natural form.
Cook over medium heat in a skillet for about 4 minutes on each side until center is no longer pink.
Pressed out 2 7x7 squares and then the long side that was left over... split it and it combine to be the bottom layer.
Sprinkle sugar mixture over cut side of peaches, cover grill and cook until sugar has melted and caramelized and peaches are easily pierced with a sharp paring knife, 3 to 6 minutes longer.
Melt coconut oil in fry pan and cook patties over medium heat about 6 minutes each side or until they are no longer pink in the middle.
Fold the crepe over twice and cook a bit longer on each side, until the cheese is melted.
Then, with the long edge of the dough facing you, you fold one third of the dough into the middle and then the remaining third over from the other side.
Spread half of onion mixture over turkey breast; roll up jelly - roll fashion, starting with long sides.
Prepare a 8 ″ x 4 ″ loaf pan, coat with coconut oil and a strip of parchment paper lengthwise, long enough that it extends over the side of the pan over the handles.
Insert parchment paper overlapping over the long sides.
This time, I took unbleached parchment paper and cut it to fit the length of the pan and drape over the long sides of the pan.
Fry in a skillet with oil and butter over medium - high heat on both sides until no longer pink in the middle.
Brown chicken strips in oil in a large skillet over medium heat until meat is no longer pink and golden brown on sides.
Again, cook for 3 to 4 minutes, coming up for air occasionally... Cook a moment longer each side if fillets are much over 1» thick, you lucky boy...
Spread 3 tablespoons butter over dough stopping at least 1 / 2 - inch from the edges on the long sides.
Place a rectangle of parchment paper over the long part of the bread pan overlapping the sides.
Using a small offset spatula or butter knife, fold the long side of the plantain masa rectangle over beef mixture.
Cut a long strip of parchment paper or foil and lay it on the bottom of the pan with the ends hanging over both sides of the pan.
Brush the long edge, as well as between each spoonful of filling, with water, then fold the other side of the dough over the top.
I didn't have any flour so I substituted an egg & just brushed the egg over them, letting them cook a bit longer on both sides.
Turn the scallops over and cook on the other side until golden brown, about 3 1/2 minutes longer.
Cook over medium heat until crispy on the first side, about 10 minutes, then carefully flip to the other side and cook for 10 minutes longer.
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