Sentences with phrase «long stretch of road»

You'll need long stretches of road to really work the engine, though, because speed isn't accumulated here, it's multiplied.
Hiring a rental car is generally considered the best way to get around, with long stretches of road covering much of the shoreline.
Everyone hates additional traffic lights, particularly on long stretches of road like Route 32.
Cadillac is joining the ranks of Toyota, BMW, and Volkswagen this week, by announcing that it is working on an automated driving technology named Super Cruise that could allow drivers to take their hands off the wheel for long stretches of road trips.
The Avenue of the Giants is in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, and consists of a 32 - mile long stretch of road with rows of massive redwood trees on both sides.
With limited visibility and long stretches of road without proper lighting, driving at night can be a hazardous and nerve - wracking experience, which is why the Ford pedestrian detection safety feature has been updated for safer nighttime driving.
In - gear acceleration times border on the downright dangerous and overtaking with a full complement of passengers on board requires nerves of steel and a very long stretch of road.
Share in this collection of photographs that explores what H Street looks like from the artists perspective and how this mile - long stretch of road connects so many diverse communities
Whether you drive on long stretches of road or through tight corners, the combination of the wide body, the Targa bar, and wraparound rear window results in an extremely sporty profile.
The quilted leather seats that receive you are comfortable for long stretches of road, but could perhaps do with a bit more bolstering for those twisty bits between.
On the official event day you can expect to see anywhere from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 people and 30,000 — 50,000 collector cars along the 16 mile long stretch of road.
We could not wait until the next stop because we were on one of those long stretches of road where the next gas station was not for many, many miles.
Of course this video I took is of one long stretch of road but believe you me... there were twists and turns.
Before making the trek to Laguna Seca, the hosts find a long stretch of road for a drag race.
Fun car to drive on a long stretch of road!
While the A5 offers a sportier drive than its A4 predecessor, the S5 has the added benefit of a «dynamic racing mode» racing profile, meaning you can set it free on long stretches of road or take it around a track to see what it's really made of!
The chunky steering wheel's big knuckles helped keep things straight on longer stretches of roads.
The long snowy winter is a challenge to the best of vehicles, the last thing you need is to have a vehicle that you can not count on to start, or even worse, will leave you stranded along a long stretch of road with spotty cell phone service.
Everyone's experienced that moment: you're driving a long stretch of road when suddenly something catches your attention.
At either sunrise, sunset or just whenever head down just pass «Top of the Road» and you will be on a long stretch of road.
The long stretches of roads and overnight buses will lead you through the big cities, to the surf coast and through to the tropics and the Great Barrier Reef.
You get to scratch that urge to just ride on a long stretch of road and get the benefit of relaxing in beautiful beach - side towns at the end of each day.
This leads on nicely to the sense of speed, when barrelling down a long stretch of road at 140mph you feel every bump in the road through the rumble feedback and the slight shaking of the camera view, it is quite exhilarating and scary at times, and a crash is always imminent.
Doom isn't just an abstract noun used by evil wizards in movies anymore, either, and who knows how Rage will tie in with vehicles and long stretches of ROAD (see what I did here?
Then, as a noun, still more physically solid like a long stretch of road.
First and foremost, a truck carrying more weight needs a longer stretch of road to be able to bring the truck to a complete stop.
This will be a long stretch of road!
We have a long stretch of road in NH called Antique Alley on the way to the beach so we often take hours to stop and bargain hunt.
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