Sentences with phrase «long studied yet»

«Ice will flow faster over sediments, like those found in rifts,» said Bell, a veteran Antarctic researcher, who has long studied yet another dramatic, yet invisible geological feature, the hidden Gamburtsev Mountains in East Antarctica.
The longest study yet of bacteria in simulated microgravity found that their adaptations remained even when researchers tried to erase them.

Not exact matches

While you might not be ready yet, one study found that marriage is a major factor in making people happier in the long run.
Yet a wealth of studies have been conducted which indicate that if people stay working longer, they're often better off for it.
A long gestating plan to build a rail line connecting Camden to Gloucester County to the south has a feasibility study underway, Seymour said, though no dedicated funds yet exist for the estimated $ 2.6 billion project.
Dividends are the last thing you'll hear about when reading the financial press or talking to most small investors, yet they're the lynchpin of all of those reports (such as the CSFB Equity - Gilt Study) that reassure us the UK stock market goes up over the long - term.
«Yet Buddhism and Shintoism, Japan's traditional faiths, have long lost their credibility,» said Martin Repp, a German Lutheran theologian who is the deputy director of the NCC's Center for the Study of Japanese Religions in Kyoto.
BuzzFeed: Americans Don't Know Anything About Romney's Religion — Yet Armed with fresh survey data and a counterintuitive thesis, a new Brookings Institution study released Wednesday makes the compelling case that Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, long pegged by pundits as a political albatross for the candidate, won't actually hurt him at the polls in November — and it could even help.
In spite of the fact that Socrates studied with all diligence to acquire a knowledge of human nature and to understand himself, and in spite of the fame accorded him through the centuries as one who beyond all other men had an insight into the human heart, he has himself admitted that the reason for his shrinking from reflection upon the nature of such beings as Pegasus and the Gorgons was that he, the life - long student of human nature, had not yet been able to make up his mind whether he was a stranger monster than Typhon, or a creature of a gentler and simpler sort, partaking of something divine (Phaedrus, 229 E).
While studies have not yet been performed using the K - D test in screening athletes at the youth and high school level, the long use of the test in diagnosing reading problems in children «gives me reason to be very optimistic that the test could help parents and coaches to determine whether an athlete who has been hit may have suffered a concussion,» Dr. Balcer told MomsTeam.
Though clinical studies show that technology is better at finding potential tumors, and less likely to result in false alarms, there is not yet long - term research to show whether it saves lives or otherwise improves outcomes.
Yet Levy said a study he released last week for the Long Island Regional Planning Council shows the caps may not be sustainable.
State officials maintain that long - term health studies haven't yet been completed.
Another concern might be the yet to be studied long - term performance of the systems, especially in harsh environments — a matter for future research.
A study led by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has opened up yet another avenue for understanding the biological reasons why some people live longer or respond better to treatment — RNA editing events.
These factors have been long - studied for large dams, yet have been largely ignored for small dams — especially considering the potential cumulative effects of many small dams in a single river system.
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is the most commonly used medicine in pregnancy, yet there are very few studies that have investigated the possible long - term consequences for the child.
Nor have any studies yet shown that the treated mice live longer.
Scientists had long suspected that some local animals might not be able to outrun climate change, but researchers haven't yet been able to prove the hypothesis, says Loarie, who was not involved in this study: «It's just wonderful to see empirical evidence that backs this up.»
And yet in this study, «even in the absence of comorbidities, patients with obesity had longer stays and higher hospital costs.»
The durability of the vaccine (that is, how long protective immunity lasts after vaccination) is not yet established, and one longer - duration follow - up study of vaccinated individuals suggested that vaccination might not convey long - lasting immunity to all recipients.
Yet, a long - term systematic study of the adverse effects of gas drilling on communities has yet to be undertakYet, a long - term systematic study of the adverse effects of gas drilling on communities has yet to be undertakyet to be undertaken.
But Hochedlinger, whose group's paper appears in a new journal called Cell Stem Cell, stresses that researchers still need to study human cells to learn how to reprogram them and have no idea yet which approach would work better in the long run.
Early sipping represents what is often a child's first direct experience with drinking, yet little research has examined the long - term impact of this behavior, in part because most studies do not measure early sipping and tasting alcohol with parental permission.
These new results will help to guide long - term studies in humans but it is not yet clear what the implications of these findings will mean for family planning and human healthcare.
«Some previous research has suggested that treating patients with statins after they suffer hemorrhagic stroke may increase their long - term risk of continued bleeding,» said lead author Alexander Flint, MD, PhD, of the Kaiser Permanente Department of Neuroscience in Redwood City, Calif. «Yet the findings of our study suggest that stopping statin treatments for these patients may carry substantial risks.»
The study was only 10 weeks long, so the researchers can't yet draw any conclusions about long - term effects on aging.
Climatologists, who study longer timescales and are used to working with incomplete records, have more faith in the data, yet know less about the day - to - day dynamics of hurricanes.
Twenty - five years later, with people still claiming injury from the disaster yet little corrective action having been taken, the government of India has called for a study into the long - term effects of the spill.
But they have a longer lens in mind as well: They have been setting aside hundreds of rock samples in hopes that future scientists can study them with yet - to - be-developed geologic dating methods.
Some of the full - timers interviewed for the study said they had worked at their institutions on contract for more than 20 years, and yet they had never received more than a year - long contract and little support for professional development.
Some members still raise important issues, such as pushing for large - scale studies of those infected with HIV for long periods who have yet to develop AIDS.
American alligators and South African crocodiles populate waterways a third of the globe apart, and yet both have detectable levels of long - lived industrial and household compounds for nonstick coatings in their blood, according to two studies from researchers at the Hollings Marine Laboratory in Charleston, South Carolina, and its affiliated institutions, which include the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Metagenomics initially identified Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) as a potential marker or cause of CCD [4], yet a subsequent study demonstrated that IAPV was in the USA long before the recent CCD outbreaks [5].
Yet, many long - running volunteer efforts did not originate with the specific purpose of understanding the consequences of global climate change, and as a result, most of these projects were not designed to foster communication of scientific findings back to project participants; this is particularly true for studies using data from online repositories.
The latest data, the result of the largest long - term follow - up study of autism treatment yet undertaken, is from a randomised controlled trial by three UK research groups and published in The Lancet.
Two long - term studies of HD mutation carriers - TRACK - HD and COHORT - were designed to track changes in people who carry the HD mutation, including those who do not yet have symptoms.
Flares themselves are the result of complex changes in solar magnetic fields — a long - studied, yet still hotly debated, topic in the solar physics community.
The results of a long - term study out of the University of Cincinnati point to yet another reason to adopt a regular yoga practice: It can help with positive coping mechanisms and long - term resilience.
For long, the pathophysiological process behind this condition has been widely speculated, yet this particular study might shed some light on the reason why the pancreas stops functioning as intended.
While not all of these benefits are supported by medical studies (yet), they are worth mentioning because of alfalfa's long history of successful, safe use.
While the benefits of cold therapy and cold thermogenesis are well - supported, we don't seem to know yet how WBC compares or if it has the same long - term benefits, though the anecdotal evidence and initial studies are promising.
Several recent studies have shown that even light and moderate alcohol consumption is linked to higher cancer risk — yet when the California government proposed warning labels, alcohol companies fought back, giving new rise to a decades - long debate on the topic.
The Framingham Offspring study found 39 percent of subjects had deficiency — yet doctors no longer routinely screen it out.
But the fact is, long - term studies have yet to show that one form of protein powder is superior for muscle growth and tissue repair compared to the others, so pick the one that best fits your lifestyle and budget.
No long term studies have been conducted as of yet on bio-identical hormone replacement therapies.
Such herbs should be used with caution, as clinical studies have not yet determined the long - term effects of estrogenic herbs on health.
It's interesting to note that the Pacific Islanders that Dr. Price studied never brushed their teeth, never flossed, never used antibacterial mouthwash, and never saw dentists and yet they had superb dental health as long as they continued to eat their traditional, coconut - based diet.
Second: we just don't have any good long - term studies of fasting in humans yet.
Although there is yet to be a large, long term, controlled study on the effect of TRT [testosterone replacement therapy] on PCa [prostate cancer] risk, it should be abundantly clear that raising T [testosterone] in hypogonadal men has little, if any, impact on PCa risk or growth in the short to medium term.
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