Sentences with phrase «long study hours»

It is tempting to equate low levels of life satisfaction in East Asia or elsewhere to long study hours, but the data show actually no relationship between the time students spend studying, whether in or outside of school, and their satisfaction with life.
It is tempting to equate low levels of life satisfaction in East Asia or elsewhere to long study hours, but the data show no relationship between the time students spend studying, whether in or outside of school, and their satisfaction with life.
It requires students to make a serious commitment — usually three years, long study hours, and thousands of tuition dollars.

Not exact matches

Seeking entry into this field at mid-life meant competing with established professionals or those much younger than me, many holding a degree in journalism or another directly related course of study, an experience - rich resume to support their interest, and the freedom to work long hours in an office away from home.
Women have less time for on - the - job labor because they spend more time doing housework than their male counterparts — so they miss out when they're working in fields that reward long hours, based on a new National Bureau for Economic Research study.
A study from 2009 now getting buzz on the blogosphere explored the role marriage plays in the lesbian wage premium, and found that women who don't expect to be part of a traditional family spend more time investing in labour participation through on - the - job training and working longer hours than household skills.
And if you're wondering how much sleep is enough, here's a rough guide: One of the most acclaimed sleep researchers, Daniel Kripke, found in a recent study that «people who sleep between 6.5 hours and 7.5 hours a night, live the longest, are happier, and most productive.»
The study found that improvements in life expectancy top out at about four hours of running per week, hence the «three years longer» conclusion.
If you think this isn't important, bear in mind that long - term studies show that working 11 or more hours a day at least doubles the risk of depression.
Many studies find you don't get more done by working longer hours.
Many studies have shown that long hours can be counter-productive.
Mixed findings in this field of research may relate to various operationalisations of long working hours, that is, in some studies the cut - point has been 40 [12] or 45 hours [14] or «more than one hour weekly overtime work» versus less [13] and possibly to the different work cultures in which these studies were carried out.
Our findings are in accordance with some observations from previous studies showing a positive association between long working hours and depression [12] but contrast with other reports of null findings [12]--[14].
The study also found that 56 percent of respondents who work long hours at demanding jobs have partners who do the same.
A Canadian study from 2004 suggested one - fifth of all 1,100 passengers surveyed on a series of flights longer than 2 1/2 hours came down with a cold, and were at least five times more likely to catch a cold five to seven days later than non-flyers.
Over 20 hours of videos, interactive lessons and case studies curated to help you manage your savings, plan your long term goals and invest in the future.]
While you might be thinking you'd love to work from home in your pajamas in front of the TV, the study goes on further to show that telecommuters put in longer hours and have more ambition.
The sombre thought of guns and of the stricken and perplexed Europe, governed then by guns, gave him long hours in his study.
For what do we long for when we read the Beatitudes, when we meditate on the words of Christ through lectio divina, when we join with Christians past and present to pray the hours, when we climb Teresa of Avila's «Interior Castle,» when we raise our hands in worship, when we eat the bread and drink the wine, when we walk the labyrinths, when like David we see that the night sky declares the glory of God, when we study the Bible in Hebrew and Greek, when we connect with a glorious line from Wendell Berry or Frederick Buechner, or Annie Dillard?
Long hours of study are required to find out.
Go to the source and make that decision yourself after long hours of study.
Furthermore, anyone who has studied ancient Near Eastern culture knows that the familial structure we see represented in scripture was nothing like the nuclear family epitomized by the Cleavers, but would rather have included multiple generations and relatives living together in clans, with women working long hours «outside of the home» in the fields, tending sheep, gathering food, trading goods, etc..
In fact, a recent study shows people who get five to seven hours of sleep live longer than those who get eight or more hours.
As he glanced about the room straining to catch the expressions on his students» faces, they recognized a scholar who was almost blind from long hours of study.
In a lab study, researchers reported that rats who consumed powdered liver were able to swim much longer (from 63 minutes to 2 hours) compared to rats fed a basic rat with or without supplemental vitamin B complex.
I always kept a small container of trail mix in my backpack for those long 12 - hour study days.
In between your long hours of classes, parties, studies, parties, dormitory filibusters, lectures and parties, as well as those interminable trips to the, ahem, library, you have undoubtedly noticed that the ancient notion — rehashed and bashed though it may be — that college life revolves around its athletic teams has never been more accurate.
He does the things that leaders do, like paying the way for several of his receivers to join him for off - season passing workouts, dubbed Jets West, at his old high school in Mission Viejo, Calif., and putting in long hours of film study.
The class presentations, studio critiques, creative problem solving studies, and long 24 hour sessions in the computer lab defined a career that I still love to practice everyday.
Yes, studying hard and giving schoolwork your absolute best shot are crucial, but at the end of the day, you are not going to remember those long hours you spent in the library without rest, slaving away at an English essay that you know was finished two drafts ago.
The study puts a lot of emphasis on the possibility that employed breastfeeding mothers may reduce their work hours, take longer maternity leaves, switch to more family - friendly work, or quit work altogether in order to breastfeed.
• In UK studies (Herbert and Carpenter, 1994), fathers reported returning to work very soon after their child's birth and working longer hours than usual; in New Zealand studies (e.g. Ballard, 1994), fathers reported that they consumed more alcohol and more frequently as a way of dealing with their own emotional trauma.
In a study by Oo, Kuhn, and Desai, in Br J Clin Pharmacol, looking at the maternal levels of alprazolam in mothers» breast milk after a daily dose of 0.5 mg of the drug, they found that the half - life of alprazolam in the milk is long: 14.5 hours, more than half a day.
One study reported that waiting up to 24 hours, known as expectant management, didn't increase the risk of complications as long as mom and baby didn't have an infection.
When I finally had a chance to speak, we were already running over the 2 1/2 hours allotted for the roundtable, so I was only able to briefly touch on two of my many message points: one, that the game can be and is being made safer, and two, that, based on my experience following a high school football team in Oklahoma this past season - which will be the subject of a MomsTEAM documentary to be released in early 2013 called The Smartest Team - I saw the use of hit sensors in football helmets as offering an exciting technological «end around» the problem of chronic under - reporting of concussions that continues to plague the sport and remains a major impediment, in my view, to keeping kids safe (the reasons: if an athlete is allowed to keep playing with a concussion, studies show that their recovery is likely to take longer, and they are at increased risk of long - term problems (e.g. early dementia, depression, more rapid aging of the brain, and in rare cases, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and in extremely rare instances, catastrophic injury or death.)
This study highlights that there are additional barriers for Asian fathers such as language problems, long unsocial working hours, supporting dependant elderly relatives in Pakistan and cultural barriers such as the mixing of unrelated men and women.
In a recent study, we found that 80 % of babies slept almost an hour longer a day with our product vs. competitive products.
A study from 2009 found that 58 % of dads think mums get the better deal when it comes to parenting, forging strong relationships with the kids while dads work long hours and miss out.
In this study, more infants were alert, ready to suckle and suckled correctly, when the time between analgesia and the delivery room was below 2 hours than when it was longer.
In a recent book by Dr. Peter Cook (Mothering Denied) describes better than most others the difficulties that Dr. Jay Belsky has had convincing his fellow scientists that social ideology is passing for, if not dictating, scientific interpretations of studies on this issue (as is true for the bedsharing debate), in favor of dismissing the serious concerns and negative developmental correlates of infants and children being placed for long hours, early in their lives, in daycare centers.
Studies show that young babies who typically have long stretches of awake time during the day (more than 3 consecutive hours) appear to have more disjointed sleep and shorter sleep stretches.
a longer mean length of labour (hours)(mean difference (MD) 0.50, 95 % CI 0.27 to 0.74; participants = 3328; studies = 3)(Analysis 1.18); However, there was evidence of skewness in the data from one of the trials in the analyses of length of labour (Turnbull 1996);
Women who had midwife - led continuity models of care were more likely to experience no intrapartum analgesia / anaesthesia (average RR 1.21, 95 % CI 1.06 to 1.37; participants = 10,499; studies = seven), have a longer mean length of labour (hours)(mean difference (MD) 0.50, 95 % CI 0.27 to 0.74; participants = 3328; studies = three) and more likely to be attended at birth by a known midwife (average RR 7.04, 95 % CI 4.48 to 11.08; participants = 6917; studies = seven).
In the Consortium on Safe Labor study discussed earlier, although the mean and median duration of the second stage differed by 30 minutes, the 95th percentile threshold was approximately 1 hour longer in women who received epidural analgesia than in those who did not (20).
Recently the Journal of Human Lactation posted an article based off of a research study done to prove how birth practices do in fact effect the initial birth weight of the baby, and if the mother has had an induction, a cesarean birth, or an epidural longer then 6 hours, the additional fluids passed into her will in turn get passed into the baby, thus resulting in a «false» birth weight.
A National Institutes of Health study found that childbirth for first - time moms now takes 2.6 hours longer than it did 50 years ago.
No studies have been done on the long - term effects of this chemical being in contact with a baby's reproductive organs 24 hours a day for upwards of two years.
One study suggests that babies can sleep as much as four and a half hours longer than usual during a spurt.
The Cochrane review could not make any conclusions on the first few hours or days of a neonate's life and the possible side effects of epidural analgesia as none of the research studies being reviewed included any longer term data on neonates.
A study published in November has shown that infants getting their first round of immunizations slept longer over the next 24 hours if they had their shots later in -LSB-...]
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