Sentences with phrase «long term history»

Look at long term history — eventually move to a policy that reflects that.
the tagging of almost all breeding individuals and of four whole cohorts of pups, that will permit the study of life histories of males and females in the long term
The important issue is that in each case I'm looking at the long term history of rising tops in each index.
With the possible exception of Monreal, who to me would be the only defender kept, were I manager and even he would be a squad choice, not first pick, NOT ONE of all the others is remotely near good enough to play for a club of our stature and all of them shame the memory of the greats of our long term history.
I am on 200 mg of Zoloft per day and 100 mg of Elavil per day for anxiety / depression and insomnia (long term history that started about 15 years ago) so I can't get off those meds, I wish I could but can't
Facebook has no long term history of profits (and I am convinced not even a long term plan on how to generate that profit) and Tesla is finding out the capital requirements to produce quality cars from scratch is staggering.
All it takes is using a credit card responsibly and appropriately to start a long term history of great credit.
These patients are usually middle aged or older and upon questioning the owners will likely describe that the patient had a long term history of intermittent lameness and skipping gait.
Since the warming has been slight and the relative humidity has not kept up with Hansen's model, then we should just accept that HE AND HIS MODELS ARE WRONG and global warming will just be a Slight Global Warming (as has happened to date and as has happened in the long term history of the climate going back 500 million years.)
A strong Life Insurance Company, that has a long term history of paying high cash values, can be a good resource through which to get your best life insurance quote, invest in the company and build a secure retirement income or a good college fund.
Considering how many tens of millions of Galaxy products Samsung sells each year, not to mention the long term history of the Galaxy series with AMOLED, and chances are OS agnostic people are aware that Samsung phones have «better» screens even if they don't know why or how.
The cover letter can explain such anomalies as employment gaps, incomplete degrees, and a long term history with one employer in the same job.
You might try a Credit Union or regional bank that holds mortgage loans in their portfolio (as opposed to selling them in the secondary market (eg, FNMA or FHLMC) as they might even look at an additional year to comprise a longer term history to average to get a better feel what you make with your flipping business.
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