Sentences with phrase «long term repercussions»

This unwarranted and unfair attack on Alberta sets a dangerous precedent for Canada with long term repercussions for all Canadians» said the senator.
Defaulting on a student loan can have longer term repercussions on the credit file of the borrower, and can cause their overall credit rating to plummet, affecting their future ability to borrow needed money or to purchase a home.
So it's no surprise when our first injury is announced, but this time luckily it will certainly not have any long term repercussions for the Gunners, as it concerns one of our loan players, Wojciech Szczesny.
Don't get me wrong, I thank God that it was such a blessed experience overall, that my baby arrived safely, and there were no long term repercussions of doing what we had to do, but deep in my heart, I felt like I had failed at birth, and I had no idea why.
But the long term repercussions of these last few weeks will no doubt engulf the Labour party, too.
There are long term repercussions to continuing to eat problem foods: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis etc..
The future of Bitcoin Cash remains unclear and we have no idea how Bitcoin Cash is going to turn out in the future nor do we know the long term repercussions that it will have on Bitcoin.
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