Sentences with phrase «long term unemployment»

Although reports of the economy improving are great news, many of us will suffer the after affects of tight credit, increasing finance charges, and long term unemployment for the foreseeable future.
«With long term unemployment already rising sharply, the government can not get away with labelling the long - term unemployed as scroungers when there are more than five jobless chasing every vacancy.
12:01 - Stella «payday» Creasy says there's been a 42 % increase in long term unemployment among young women under his watch.
And we'll be paying the price of this failure many years into the future - because the scarring effects of long term unemployment have a devastating effect on people's employment prospects and earnings through the rest of their lives.
Activity that made it possible to present the statistics on long term unemployment a bit more favourably but often without really changing lives, without getting these young men and women into lasting jobs.
I am trapped into long term unemployment because of apathy, indifference and a corrupt city councilman like Eric Ulrich who cares about his cradle - to - grave political ambitions, instead of allegiance, civics, sacrifice and public servitude to ALL of his constituents.
With many mortgage delinquencies caused by long term unemployment and fallen home values, the government is adding relief provisions in hopes of keeping more homeowners out of foreclosure.
All else being equal, when folks fall off the unemployment benefit rolls, the labor force count falls, the employment rate ratio rises and the unemployment rate falls — none of this having anything to do with actual jobs being created, but rather a lot to do with those losing longer term unemployment benefits.
Many - not all - believe aid provided earlier can sometimes prevent larger and longer term damage to a national economy by preventing long term unemployment and loss of job skills and prevent a lack of investment in infrastructure, health, and education.
Personally, I err on the side of 12 + months, because I've experienced long term unemployment in the past.
Consumers accustomed to drawing against home equity may now have to rely on using credit cards after their home equity diminished or disappeared; consumers facing long term unemployment may be forced to use credit cards to meet essential expenses.
Despite the score still being high, the US» talent mismatch indicator is lower this year than last due to the country's long term unemployment rate declining.
Since the great recession came to an end Long Term Unemployment has stayed at historic levels.
As US homeowners continue to struggle with long term unemployment and home values below their mortgage amounts, FHA is amending its requirements to allow mortgage lenders to assist homeowners at risk of «imminent default.»
been on long term unemployment and i already tried this sort of thing.
The Basic Skills Test will help us attack the root causes of worklessness and prevent more people falling into long term unemployment, or «low - pay - no - pay» cycles, that build up more costs to our social security system and undermine the strength of our economy.
Raising the minimum required credit scores may be a solution for reducing underwriting risks, but even some of the most qualified consumers have seen their credit scores tank as the result of long term unemployment, foreclosure, and mortgage defaults stemming from their inability to sell homes worth less than the mortgage amounts they owe.
Like other countries, however, Canada has a problem in that long term unemployment — those who have been without work for a year or more — was over 12 percent of all unemployment.
This also coincided with a long term unemployment due to the economic downturn the country experienced.
The rich countries too may find their production bases being moved to countries where labour is cheaper, leading to long term unemployment in the rich countries too.
But this has taken far too long, and long term unemployment is still at levels not seen since the last time we had a Tory Government in control.
Nothing more clearly demonstrates the importance of Labour values in a time of tough choices than the priority we will give to dealing with the waste of youth and long term unemployment.
Even if it is long term unemployment, there are loans available to cover for it.
To put it simply: If you get in a desperate situation (long term unemployment) it is better to have to cash in a mutual fund than try to sell your house on the quick and move in with your mother.
As with any experiment, its hypothesis, and outcome, we'll have to wait and see how HUD / FHA update their reverse mortgage program, and the solutions they propose for changing how such mortgage loans can serve the public against a backdrop of crashing home values, long term unemployment and changing financial priorities.
The bad economy coupled with long term unemployment and investment losses is threatening retirement plans for many «boomers.»
They «get» long term unemployment.
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Diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder at 26 years of age required a self report of ≥ 1 hallucination symptoms plus 2 other symptoms (delusions, disorganised speech, catatonic behaviour, or negative symptoms) and ≥ 1 social or occupational impairments in 3 areas (long term unemployment, poor money management, not in a relationship, paranoia, social isolation, or poor grooming).
Although widely accepted and broadly researched, the social determinants approach to health and wellbeing appear to reflect a deficit perspective — demonstrating poorer health outcomes for those from lower socioeconomic populations, with lower educational attainment, long term unemployment and welfare dependency and intergenerational disadvantage.
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