Sentences with phrase «long time user»

After reading all the reviews from long time users of this product, I am going to stick with it.
The site has a lot of long time users who don't see a need to move to other sites.
Admin or long time user answer this, but why is this site called «Mario Party Legacy»?
After reading the reviews at Amazon and Costco I learned long time users, like myself, of TurboTax are jumping ship because TT Deluxe no longer supports small investors and businesses as it has in years past, without upgrading.
Curious to hear what long time users of the phone have to say
It seems like a nice and easy solution, both for Android users daring to make a transition to the Windows platform and long time users dying from app envy.
Long time user of Urban Poser recipes and excited to try Cassava tortilla recipe.
«One of the reasons that I am a long time user of your software is not only because it ROCKS but also because of the quick and personal service that you provide, just like this time.
Being a long time user of Rockin» Green, I was impressed with their detergent and their customer service.
Happy to see this change, as a long time bG and CB fan and long time user of Tidy (F&C).
Long time user of Urban Poser recipes and excited to try Cassava tortilla recipe.
Saw this on a beauty bloggers review and as a long time user of double wear had to give it a go, its lovely!!!
Long time user of these brushes I think I have one that is actually 7 years old (it probably needs replacing)!
I've been a long time user of metacritic, yet never had the desire to create an account.
I am a long time B&N fan and a long time user of the nook — but I think that many of their criticisms are reasonable.
For a long time users have been forced to browse the Android Market and download applications using Android's mobile client.
iPod vs Kindle Fire, from an Amazon customer review by a long time user of iPod and other Apple devices:
I've been a long time user and honestly it's one of the easiest to understand in my opinion.
As a long time user of Global Entry I can confirm that it's definitely worth the effort of jumping through all the hoops, so don't be put off by the process.
I've been a long time user of metacritic, yet never had the desire to create an account.
Veteran players will also receive a unique badge to let other users know they are long time users of DOOM.
I'm such a long time user... [more]
as a long time user of MWB pro i can say its great, especially with real time protection enabled.
If you are a long time user of LinkedIn, your profile may still have an outdated section called Specialties.
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