Sentences with phrase «long waketime»

If I lay her down early she falls right asleep but then has such a long waketime before bed.
Typically, if a baby is not crying in bed but takes a long time to fall asleep, I say the baby needs a longer waketime length, BUT 60 minutes seems plenty long enough for a 3 week old.
He could even need a longer waketime length.
but I would guess that he either needs less waketime and / or less stimulation or longer waketimes and / or more stimulation during play.
Katie, 1 - I wouldn't go a longer waketime at that age.
For the last nap, she might need a longer waketime.
Does he need a longer waketime?
Becca Anne, For the crying, he might need a longer waketime.
One is that he is ready for a bit more stimulation durding waketimg OR a bit longer waketime length.
One is that she might need a slightly longer waketime.
It also might be the longer waketime.

Not exact matches

I know she knows how to transition it just seems like she may be up too long during her waketime.
It just might take you longer to get to her sleeping until your morning waketime.
I also kept up the dreamfeed longer than he probably needed it and added a 1:30 am pumping (he had been STTN for a couple months) and woke him to feed him at 5:00 am (normal morning waketime is 8:00).
But if she just won't sleep longer than 1 30, then you will need a waketime of 2 hours to make it to 3.5 hours with a 30 minute wait time after waking up.
I'm not sure there is anything that I can do about this excessive long wake time window of fuzzing action since he usually has a big bowl movement around 2:00 a.m. I'm only guessing his bowl movement is what keeps him up for 3 hours, but who knows it might be do to my poor waketime strategy during the day.
She might eat better if she had a four hour schedule, but to do that you would want to try to fix the early waking, or wait until her waketime can be longer.
If nothing has changed, is there something that should change (like waketime length being longer or feedings being spread out).
If the child takes a long time to fall asleep without crying, it is a sign that waketime length is too short.
I have read about shortening waketimes, but shouldn't they be getting longer and not shorter since she's about 5 months??
At that age, it can be that waketime is too long or too short.
1.5 hours at that age is definitely too long; McKenna is just barely reaching 1.5 hour waketime at 7 months.
When they fall asleep quickly, but wake up early, it is a sign that the waketime was too long (as outlined in this post).
You have to be really careful when messing with a 6 month old waketime that you don't go too long.
What is done during waketime before the long vs short naps?
Just be happy about it:) This is so long as she is happy and engaging during waketime.
However, as he has become more alert, I have made the mistake in the past week of keeping him up too long for his waketimes.
I don't think the waketime is too long though since he did really well with it before.
How long did you keep your bambino up for waketime?
Also, how do I try to extend his waketimes... I see him yawning at the one hour mark almost every time in the a.m. but he can go a little longer in the afternoon.
Lsn, His waketime length is quite long for an 8 week old — even now at 10 - 11 weeks, he should be up for 60 - 90 minutes before his first nap.
Typically if baby was sleeping well and then starts taking a long time to fall asleep, you need to add some waketime length.
One thing is to be sure his waketime isn't too long.
If waketime got longer and then she started taking shorter naps, shorten waketime back up.
Last question, is it normal for waketimes to be getting a bit longer at this age of 12 week??
Laurie, that might help, but only if his waketime is too long right now.
My theory is they do nt need as much sleep, but they can't stay awake for too long, so Im hoping once her waketime increases, her naps will join together!
With the crying before naps, I would guess the waketime was too long.
With a short nap, he wouldn't have as long of a waketime anyway.
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