Sentences with phrase «longer claim benefits»

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Over the longer run, things may get even better: a team of American researchers recently claimed that Canada's farmers may actually benefit from climate change.
In fact, as long as Rosie waits until her full retirement age to claim benefits, Rob can take home as much as half of Rosie's benefit.
The longer you wait, the more your Social Security benefit grows — but for some it still makes sense to claim benefits early.
Yet less than 2 percent of men — and only 3 percent of women — wait that long to claim their benefit.
In other words, plan fiduciaries now will have greater freedom to expend portfolio resources to effect liberal social goals simply by claiming that they think doing so will have long - term benefits without having to quantify those benefits.
In 2007, it rejected Frito - Lay's bid to fix the mistake, arguing that the one - year lag time for claiming NAFTA's duty - free benefits had long passed.
As Selena points out, your lifetime benefits are a factor of when you claim Social Security and how long you live, so if you anticipate living to your life expectancy, it's rational to front - load your Social Security, so long as you're comfortable with the future consequences.
If you delay your claim until your full retirement age — which ranges from 66 to 67 depending on when you were born — or even longer, until you are age 70, your monthly benefit will grow and, in turn, so will your surviving spouse's benefit after your death.
In situations where the spouse's Social Security monthly benefit is greater than their partner's, the longer a spouse waits to claim Social Security, the higher the monthly benefit for both the spouse and the surviving spouse.
In the case that you pass, the policy beneficiaries should file a claim with the insurer, after which point the circumstances of your death will be reviewed and receive the payout (also called a death benefit or the face value of the policy) so long as everything is in order.
Proponents of scrapping Illinois» constitutionally protected flat tax make three key claims: a progressive tax would cut taxes on the middle class, it would go a long way toward reducing income inequality and it would benefit the state's economy.
If your spouse's benefit amount will be higher than yours, the longer he / she waits to claim, the greater your survivor benefits will be [2].
Abortion was sold to the American public in the early 1970s with a long series of claims about its future social benefits.
This selective «colorblindness» is a mighty convenient approach to race in America for white people, for it allows us to paper over America's troubled (and decidedly anti-Christian) history, to discount racism as a thing of the past for which we are no longer responsible, and to ignore persistent racial injustices like mass incarceration, police brutality, voting rights issues, white flight, and economic inequality, all while consistently benefiting from an oppressive system we claim we can not even see.
The reason: «Proponents of abortion rights overcame Americans» qualms about the procedure with a long series of claims about the benefits of unrestricted abortion on demand.
It is widely claimed that the globalization of production helps to cut costs, and that (as long as gains are not outweighed by transport costs) everybody benefits; the truth of such claims is also strenuously challenged, and there is strong evidence that the real beneficiaries are powerful, wealthy, western countries, and the transnational companies they support.
Most people who are not senior citizens now wont benefit even in the long run because by the time they can claim benefits they will of already payed 10x its value into it.
Anuradha Desai, one of the co-owners of Blackburn Rovers, claims the dismissal of Allardyce will benefit the club in the long run.
We can not claim such long - term benefits without sound empirical evidence.
If the American Academy of Pediatrics, and others were to say, «We recommend breastfeeding because it reduces the risk of severe diarrhea and vomiting during infancy, and because breastmilk contains unique immune, hormonal, and nutritional factors not found in formula, the long - term benefits of which are unknown,» I would have no problem with their claims.
Its short - term and long - term health benefits are confirmed by research (despite recent claims in the media).
Yesterday, the executive in charge of running the medical assessments for benefits claims at Atos Healthcare offered her apology to the long - term sick it incorrectly labelled «fit for work».
The long - term unemployed will be required to carry out work placements in return for the benefits they claim — an unsurprising continuation of his policy to pare down the welfare bill.
Every day, our members pay out # 155 million in benefits to pensioners and long - term savers as well as # 58 million in general insurance claims.
Plans under discussion include extending ID card controls to make sure immigrants are eligible for benefits, making new arrivals wait longer before they can claim benefits and pushing ahead with a right - to - reside test.
She spoke to Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics about currency and defence issues, claiming one benefit of independence would be «no longer having to put up with Trident being based here in Scotland».
In the lawsuit, the county alleges the companies «falsely and misleadingly» touted the benefits of long - term opioid use, downplayed the risk of serious addiction and claimed that opioid dependence and withdrawal are easily managed, among other things.
In such cases, FDA allows health claims based on scientific data that are strong and building — but only as long as product labels «qualify» those purported benefits — that is, describe limitations of the data linking food and benefit.
All of these benefits are yours to claim as long as you take good care of your diet, supplementation and training intensity.
But the deep squat has had some major opponents who claim that this way of squatting will inevitably cause knee damage and other serious complications in the long run — these «experts» propose that the squat to parallel is the optimal way to perform this exercise for maximum benefits with a minimum risk of injury.
«Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day,» says study senior author Sara Lazar of the MGH
Key Claims and Benefits: Long - wearing, eight hours crease - proof, water - resistant, features a creamy formula, ophthalmologist tested, dermatologist tested, for all skin types safe for contact lens wearers and non-acnegenic.
This appears to contradict Greene's claim that «attainment is a more meaningful indicator of long - term benefits than achievement test results.»
In the kind of methodologically sophisticated, intellectually fatuous study that has become all too common, Chetty, Friedman, and Rockoff claim to have found long - term economic benefits for students whose teachers have higher «value added» scores.
While this surely sounds impressive to deal with city traffic, Nissan also claims that the ePedal also offers its benefits on long winding roads.
The longer you wait to claim benefits between the ages of 62 and 70, the more each monthly payment grows.
The authors seek to address the questions posed by «critics and regulators» about the benefits of hedge fund activism to shareholders and the claim that hedge fund activists «destroy value by distracting managers from long - term projects.»
To do that, you'll want to go through a rigorous retirement - income planning process that starts with thinking seriously about how you'll live in retirement and then moves on to such tasks as making a retirement budget; assessing different strategies for claiming Social Security benefits; considering whether you want more guaranteed income than Social Security alone offers (which is where an annuity might play a role); and, settling on a withdrawal rate that has a reasonable shot at making your savings last as long as you do.
No, as long as you are not the owner / co-owner of the property, you can not claim tax benefits on home loan.
In the case that you pass, the policy beneficiaries should file a claim with the insurer, after which point the circumstances of your death will be reviewed and receive the payout (also called a death benefit or the face value of the policy) so long as everything is in order.
If you delay claiming social security benefits, you could earn even more benefits, so think about making a budget to live off of your savings for longer.
The false idea that there is a benefit from deferral causes «experts» to claim it is better to delay RRIF drawdowns as long as possible, even while ignoring any higher tax rate that may apply later.
Working longer can also boost the eventual size of your Social Security check, as each year you delay claiming Social Security up to age 70 increases your benefit by roughly 7 % to 8 % a year, possibly more since the extra years of work may boost the lifetime earnings calculation the Social Security Administration makes to determine your monthly benefit.
You will receive that benefit once you claim at 62, and you'll receive that benefit all year long.
If you live at home with a partner who also claims benefits, then the loan will not need to be repaid until both of you do not need the house any longer.
Once a life insurance claim has been submitted, the insurer will review it and pay the death benefit, so long as there are no issues with the submission.
More than half of SSDI claims are denied, but even if you're approved that money will cut into the benefit amount you get from your employer - sponsored long - term disability insurance.
After you turn 70, there is no financial advantage to waiting longer to claim benefits.
As long as your former marriage lasted at least 10 years, you can claim spousal benefits — even if your former spouse has remarried — as long as you meet the following criteria:
That way, you don't have to worry about having made too much early in the year when you weren't actually eligible for benefits, as long as you cut back earnings after you actually claim your monthly Social Security payments.
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