Sentences with phrase «longer full motion»

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In a motion filed today, Apple argued that it «would require significant resources and effort» to develop the software, requiring at least six and as many as 10 software engineers working on the project full - time for at least two weeks and as long as four weeks.
Make sure to go through the full range of motion in each exercise to get the big long muscle that looks good when you cut the fat later.
On the other hand, this allows the seat to go through a full range swinging motion (the distance the seat can swing back and forth), resulting in a longer and smoother swing.
The sub 4 is one of the best running stroller as the child will be kept happy for longer and you will run as long as you can due to the motion control hub with full suspension and torsion control bars for impact absorption and response frame flex contained in this stroller.
In that context, we can differentiate between positive failure — the point when you can no longer perform another rep with proper form and full range of motion and negative, or total failure — the point when after a few forced reps, you can't even lower the weight without assistance from a spotter anymore.
Your arms should be long enough allowing your pectoralis muscles to cover the full range of motion with maximum strength, achieving full fatigue before the other muscles get involved.
Similarly to the underhand grip, the range of motion in this variation is longer allowing you a full focus on the whole length of your lats, with the involvement of the traps and rhomboids.
However, a better way of implementing partial reps for hypertrophy is by performing an exercise with the full range of motion, then shortening it as you start to fail and continuing the movement for as long as possible.
With that in mind whenever you start a new training program, make sure you understand how long it takes to get stronger — and that sometimes achievements like full range of motion or no pain or discomfort are far more important than sheer strength.
To avoid the bodybuilder trap of becoming slow, tight, and inflexible, it is vital to work through a full range of motion keeping the reps low, the rest periods long, and lifts as explosive as possible.
I know what a hectic morning can look like ~ one shoe lost; homework forgotten; a missing library book; a refusal to leave their favourite toys; the «I don't want to go today»; the bickering; the still - sleepy - slow motion - zombies; the spills; the last minute toilet emergencies; the hairstyle not having enough clips; the clothes that are too long / short / tight / loose / scratchy; the world - is - going - to - end emotional meltdown... and it is safe to say these scenarios are applicable whether you have a house full of toddlers or teens!
Similarly, isometric training at long muscle lengths is not as dissimilar as you might assume to full range of motion training with constant - load, free weight exercises.
So full and partial range of motion training are not so very different from long and short isometric training, really.
Even so, McMahon et al. (2013) did find that full range of motion training produced similar increases in EMG amplitude at all joint angles, while partial range of motion training left EMG amplitude unchanged short muscle lengths, and reduced EMG amplitude at longer other muscle lengths.
Similarly, if full range of motion training with free weights is similar to isometric training with long muscle lengths, then we should see parallels between those two types of training, as well.
The easiest way to understand how these factors drive the differences in adaptations between full range of motion training and partial range of motion training, is to look at isometric training at either short or long muscle lengths.
Comparing conventional free weight, dynamic training at long and short muscle lengths, McMahon et al. (2014) used a range of exercises in which the subjects performed either full or partial ranges of motion.
And training using full ranges of motion moves the angle of peak torque to longer muscle lengths (McMahon et al. 2014).
Partial and full range of motion training are not as different as you might think from isometric training at short and long muscle lengths.
Weight behaves like full range of motion in (axial) exercises, as it stresses the muscle at long lengths.
Dynamic strength training through either a (1) full or a (2) partial range of motion (ROM) are similar to isometric strength training at either (1) long or (2) short muscle lengths, because the muscle is only really challenged at the point of peak contraction, and this is at the start of the concentric phase in most common exercises.
While a little long and full of some pretty hefty amounts of cheese (slow motion action scenes complete with slow motion talking abound), Young Guns is just downright entertaining, especially if you love the 80s.
The Turtles and their father Splinter are no longer actors in full body costumes, but the work of motion capture technology.
While the writing throughout can be extremely hit - or - miss, it's the best full - motion video (FMV) I've seen integrated into a game in a very long time.
In disbelief Keith and I were looking over a full year - long record of ocean temperature, salinity, and pressure as well as glacier motions from a GPS.
For designers, this means you no longer need to resort to using a different slider plugin to get full motion graphics into your slider.
This expands the old summary judgment test so that a judge can now decide a case as long as he or she has enough information from the evidence filed on the motion (typically limited to written evidence) to have a full appreciation of the case.1
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