Sentences with phrase «longer read time»

It's easy to read but a long reading time may give you eye - strains (some people may not experience it though).

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If you have a bad article, keep it on your desk and read it everyday for a long time until you correct the mistakes.»
«For years, I've been saying Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature was the best book I'd read in a decade,» writes Gates, who is clearly a long - time Pinker fan, but he continues, «his new book, Enlightenment Now, is even better.»
We tried hard for a long time, and we're really disappointed,» the statement read on Pratt's page.
I did not have the time to read every one, especially long emails from unknown senders or email chains to which I was added at some later point in the exchange.
If you aren't taking the time to get this long - term perspective, you're leaving marshmallows (read: money) on the table.
When you take the time to read the latest article or, even better, spend some time casually catching up with a team member over a cup of coffee or lunch, you may not be scratching something off the to - do list, but you're building relationships, learning something interesting, discovering something you likely would not have found out otherwise... and, most important, helping to build the foundation for long - term success.»
This time around, instead of having study subjects read a bit of Don DeLillo or Louise Erdrich, they asked more than 2,000 people how many of a long list of authors» names they recognized.
Unsubscribe from receiving messages from specific senders if you no longer want to receive their missives or don't have the time to read them.
For a business school's admissions staff, the use of video also can save time because it's often used as a replacement for written essays, which take longer to read and assess.
Now the dean of Schools of Business at Wake Forest University, the long - time head of Pepsi told Yahoo Finance that he would be out of bed at 5:30, already reading the papers.
I did read Heart of Darkness when I was young and so I kind of knew where it was going but then I said no, I don't think I can go off for that long a time.
It's an especially good feature if you're reading a long article or simply don't want the phone to go to sleep when you're looking at something longer than the screen's default 30 - second time - out period.
Instead, take a look at what you did well, what you didn't do so well, and figure out how you can make more time for those other things you enjoy — like reading, going for long walks, or cooking yourself a nice dinner at home.
In 2011, Burton and long - time entertainment producer Mark Wolfe acquired the Rainbow license — which paved the way for the two to relaunch the Reading Rainbow brand under the RRKidz name and into the digital age.
However, in my three decades of experience coupled with reading about markets before my time, the only strategy that I see standing the test of time is to buy solid blue chip dividend - paying stocks from diverse industries, hold them for the long term, and diversify them properly with a judicious allocation to bonds and cash.
«For a long time I thought Whole Foods was just a weird company and nobody was like us,» he says, «and I read that book, and I realized that we were not alone.»
It's the end of an era at Business News, with long - running columnist Joseph Poprzeczny calling time on his well - read column, State Scene.
I resisted reading it for a long time because I figured it would be full of self - affirmational claptrap, and there is some of that, but it's mainly about a simple financial truism: no matter how much money you make, the only way to get rich is to spend much less than you earn.
Several years back, I had the opportunity to take a directed reading course from John Smithin. In addition to being a long - time member of the Progressive Economics Forum, John is a York University Professor in both the Department of Economics and the Schulich School of Business.
I know this page is long, but if you take the time to read through it, you'll come away with a different perspective about links, and learn how my approach, philosophy, process and practices help you succeed.
I think I will read the other two articles on the Roth, but I am not sure if you touched upon the fact that one can also take up to $ 10K in gains for a first - time home (no tax penalty) and there is also no tax penalty for withdrawals so long as the account is 5 years old.
We recommend reading his three books: The End of Illness, A Short Guide to a Long Life, and The Lucky Years: How to thrive in the brave new world of health — all of which were New York Times bestsellers.
Been reading this site for a long time.
Unfortunately not everyone has time to read long articles, I just think videos have more of an impact and gives a more personal feel to the situation.
Whether you are a long time borrower or expect your first student loans in the coming years, read on to learn how a Fed interest rate hike affects you.
The long - term momentum readings are quickly reaching oversold levels, and although we still expect the correction to go on in time, and a re-test of the lows is possible, the price low might already be in.
After reading this, you'll not have to toil anymore or take a long time before you own a piece of the cryptocurrency.
The time scale over which a seed stage venture capitalist might see a return from their carried interest is so long that some people you have read about have not yet received a distribution of carry.
I have been critical of the Globe «s business reporting practices in the past (especially its tendency to quote Bank economists as «objective» observers of economic events) but on Saturday, it ran one of the best business pieces I've read in a long time.
For a long time, though, I have wished Stratechery did a better job of providing value not just through daily emails and posts, but to the new user stumbling across the site for the first time, or the long - time reader hoping to find that one post they remember reading.
I remember reading that a long time ago Warren Buffett walked during snow in NYC only to save his taxi fare.
Value Investing has it roots with Benjamin Graham (1894 - 1976, that's a long time ago), he wrote two great books about value investing: «Security Analysis» and «The Intelligent Investor» (I read the latter, it has some nice anecdotes and is REALLY boring).
Once up a time long ago I read a book called In Search of Excellence.
Wish I had read this a long time ago... Bad keyword research has punish my efforts badly, still, at least in my niche, which by the way is travel, there are not so many keyword options.
If you are an experienced trader then trade somewhere else, either traditional futures and options or if you're the adventurous kind you can try the longer binary time - plays offered by some legitimate (read: regulated) binary providers.
7) Those who have read me for a long time know that I think GM and Ford are eventual zeroes for the equity, and the subordinated debt.
This will result in long wait times for customers paying with... Read More»
As we recently pointed out, the DJIA has posted unprecedented overbought readings in longer - term time frames and we suspect that the distance from the 200 dma it recently reached was quite a rare extreme as well.
For a long time,... Keep Reading
It's a long and in depth article I had to read a few times to understand but the basic gist of it is that when investors are under allocated to equities, future returns are better than when they are over allocated.
For a long time it was... Keep Reading
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
only minds can concvive of thoughts, sry if your lacking mr. fake... a thought is one that is transferible by accidenct — those that read or hear even sometimes feel can be instantly takenover by a thought, and as thoughts go — you, I, everyone, hasn't had a original thought in most likely ummm, say a long friggin time, i'd say personally i think being that the species is as old as (provible) 37,000 thousand years old, every thought as been thought since by maybe a few thousand years... and thats a hopeful «thought» being i believe our average person to be generally dumb.
It is an easy to read guide about setting up an investment portfolio that requires very little maintenance, and will, based on historical performance, achieve solid investment returns over a long time horizon.
That is the most ridiculous thing I have read in a long time.
Whether it is 15 minutes in the morning where we read the Bible and pray, an hour - long jog while appreciating His creation, or a weekend retreat spent worshiping Him, consistent, intentional time spent getting to know God is one of the foundations of a deep relationship with Him.
This is one of the best articles that I've read in a long time, and I will forward it along to family / friends.
It is by far one of the best if not the best artical I've read in a long long time.
What about the fact that the Odyssee has survived for centuries, longer than the bible, by your logic, shouldn't a story that has withstood the test of time and is still reproduced and discussed today deserve to be read?
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