Sentences with phrase «longer sleep time»

Longer sleep time was linked with greater sexual desire the next day.
I try to sneak one more feeding time in before I go to bed for the chance I will get more sleep and establish a longer sleep time for the baby.
Swaddling mimics the warmth and comfort of the womb, offering enough calm to ensure longer sleep times for many little ones.
Students with longer sleep times report significantly higher grades than students with poor sleeping schedules, according to one recent paper.
Greyhounds typically have longer sleep times than other dogs, and the brachycephalic breeds with their pushed in snouts (Boston terriers, pugs, English bulldogs, etc.) are more disposed to upper airway obstructions.

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Scientists found a long time ago that you need deep REM sleep to recharge.
The modern work culture tends to promote the idea that sleeping is time wasted and that as long as people feel OK, they're probably getting enough rest.
Huffington adds: «As long as success is defined by who works the longest hours, who goes the longest without a vacation, who sleeps the least, who responds to an email at midnight or five in the morning — in essence, who is suffering from the biggest time famine — we're never going to be able to enjoy the benefits of time affluence.»
It's an especially good feature if you're reading a long article or simply don't want the phone to go to sleep when you're looking at something longer than the screen's default 30 - second time - out period.
«At a high level, people find they fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and wake up fewer times in the middle of the night,» says Silbert.
When it's time to start sleeping in because you no longer have to work, you just might not need to withdrawal any of your retirement funds at all!
Wake my mother (who would sleep until 12 noon or longer if allowed) up get her dressed make a breakfast for her, along with medicines and allow the therapist or nurse to get the time they needed.
Still, if she has the larger story right (and it is the same one that economists such as myself have been telling for a long time) then you can add the reality of low interests rates to the list of things that the aging boomers will no doubt lose sleep over.
I was a long time getting to sleep.
On the «soul sleep» kind of thing, I remember when I was about 19 or so talking to a physician, off duty, and saying that it must be terrible for someone in a coma to wake up after a long coma and somehow being aware of this long time where they only had their brain and no connection to the world.
STONER»S PRAYER Now I pass out into sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep Grant no other stoner take My weed and bong before I wake Keep me safely in thy sight And grant no crackhead's thrill tonight And in the morning let me awake Breathing scents of wake «n bake God protect me in my dreams and make this better than it seems Grant the time may siwftly fly When myself shall be so high In a green grass weed bed Where I long to rest my head Far away from all these scenes And the smell of bammer smoked by beans Take me back into the land Where the cops never take you out Where the weed won't burn my throat like sand; Where the scent of chronis blows Where the good Mary Jane grows; Take me back and I'll promise then Never to leave BC again... - Anonymous
There is a time to leap with joy, and a time to drag oneself along the earth; there is a time to waken early, and a time to sleep long; there is a time to run with the herd, and a time to go apart to die; there is a time to build nests with one's beloved, and there is a time to sit alone on the roof; there is a time to soar freely among the clouds, and a time to sink heavily to the earth.
Should someone explain that the fear of God, in the sense of that felt in this world of time, should belong to childhood and therefore disappear with the years as does childhood itself, or should be like a happy state of mind that can not be maintained, but only remembered; should someone explain that penitence comes like the weakness of old age, with the wasting away of strength, when the senses are blunted, when sleep no longer strengthens but weakens; then this would be Impiety and folly.
For a long time, exhausted and sick with longing for my bed, I tried every trick and tactic to help her sleep through the night.
Believe me, I spent a long time looking for a creed that would ineluctably lead to a code that in turn would produce peace of mind, serenity of spirit, and dreamless sleeps followed by hearty breakfasts without a trace of acid indigestion later.
She falls asleep easily, she is happy and content, she naps beautifully, she is ahead of the curve in her development in every way and she is apparently unable to sleep longer than two hours at a time.
At other times he longed to live in a cave, sleeping on fallen leaves, and feeding on forest fruits.
We've been sleeping more than usual (I actually went to bed with Matthew at 7 pm earlier this week, waking only long enough to scarf down a tiny bowl of pasta for dinner before drifting off to la - la - land again), eating our collective weight in local ice cream, and touring small, nearby towns in the afternoons before heading back to the cottage for happy hour snack time.
This bread was a 2 day process, however it took longer than necessary because of my life schedule and when it was risen, I did not always have the time to deal with it or the rising time happened in the middle of the night when I was sleeping.
But to keep things real on this here website, I'll be honest and admit that I'd rather spend my time sleeping as long as possible, then dedicate my before work awake hours making sure my hair is styled and my eye shadow and lipstick are in place before leaving the house (so I don't scare anyone) rather than waste spend time eating breakfast.
Basically they just sleep in the oven for you for a long time.
Due to long nights working, planning and preparing for entertaining I typically lose sleep from wanting to accomplish everything on my to do list before its time for bed.
In 2008, when Paul Gebhardt, a top musher who had finished the Iditarod 11 times, went for a long run without sleep, he became so disoriented that he turned around just shy of a checkpoint.
Worst night after a long time... could not sleep yesterday..
I'm a regular user of cannabis myself, For me, I've had anxiety for a long time, I tend to over think and over worry and stress about things, which besides increasing my overall stress levels, itt can also make it difficult to get a solid nights sleep.
The summer dread, especially after losing Lewis Cook, turned to reserved optimism by the end of July, and we all slept a little better knowing for the first time in a long time, we had a decent manager running the show.
Over time, they will probably even learn to enjoy sleeping on their backs as long as you make sure they do it every time.
Consider taking a sleeping baby along on date night, getting exercise by taking walks with baby in a sling, taking a trusted caregiver along for long evenings or special events, and working with employers to create a schedule that maximizes both parents» time with their child
I utilize this method with my four month old and he goes right to bed at the same time every evening, sleeps 4 - 6 hour stretches, wakes only to eat and then goes right back to sleep, is confident enough to play by himself for long periods, and is complimented as a very calm and present baby who seems wise beyond his years.
I suspect I could have used this a long long time ago but making the choice to take this has not only helped my sleep but helped make me a calmer, more focused person.
Although once I gave my daughter Dimetap when she was like, 3 just to get her to sleep for longer than an hour at a time.
For the average child (keeping in mind individual kids may be exceptions to these guidelines), an acceptable amount of homework per night is as follows: — Elementary school: approximately 10 minutes or so per grade level — Middle school: an hour or so — High School: 2 to 2-1/2 hours Any homework beyond these limits is no longer providing any advantage, and is probably cutting into those things that do provide advantages like adequate sleep and what we at Challenge Success call «PDF» — that is, play time, down time and family time.
I personally went for 8 months without sleeping longer than an hour at a time.
And if you've spent a long time getting said child to sleep, you're more than likely going to be annoyed when your furbaby decides to chase imaginary flying mice.
Don't become anxious about this but do try to go to sleep on your side as the position we go to sleep in is the position we spend the longest amount of time in during the night.
During the day he CIO for shorter times before falling asleep, but at night no matter how long he cries he won't fall asleep on his own at all unless I nurse him to sleep.
I would say I was relatively flexible with her, because I was desperate to find what was best for her but still kept it pretty scheduled (for example: experimenting with changing wake times or bedtimes, tweaking the bedtime routine, adding / removing dream feeds and cluster feeds, etc.) She started sleeping longer stretches pretty early and at 3 months I could count on getting a 6 - 7 hour stretch, but every once in a while she'd go 8 - 10 hours without a feeding.
She can sleep for LONG periods of time if we let her but I don't want to because she needs 8 feedings a day.
As baby gets older, their stomach gets bigger, they'll be able to sleep for longer stretches of time, and the time between feedings will lengthen.
It's unnecessary and creates a choking hazard and contrary to myths, will not necessarily make baby sleep for longer stretches at a time.
Or is it ok if his sleep times are shorter as long as he is getting a good quality feed?
I am trying to aid her in sleeping longer at night, but she is only getting 6 feedings before the 7:30 cluster, so I assume she will still need to get up 2 times at night?
The impact of swaddling on reducing crying was less conclusive in this study, but if babies are able to sleep for a longer time, then I'm sure more parents would still be overjoy.
While the baby won't sleep for too long each time, the baby would still sleep around 16 hours a day in total.
I would say to continue to follow the Babywise schedule, make sure they are getting enough feedings during the day and with time, they'll start to sleep longer.
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