Sentences with phrase «longer than about»

Your summary need not be any longer than about four lines, and the shorter the better.
A resume should not be shorter or longer than about a page.
You should shoot for sending out your thank - you letters within 24 hours of your interview — and no longer than about two or three days afterward.
Studies show that humans can not really focus for much longer than about 90 minutes.
In the global surface temperature record, that happens for trends longer than about 15 years, but for smaller areas with higher noise levels (like Antarctica), the time period can be many decades.
Only 1 of the past 8 interglacials has lasted longer than about half a precession cycle, which we are now past by 2 centuries.....
There are no detectable cycles in the sun's behavior at periods longer than about 11 years.
For the period after 1974,... there is no evidence for any non-magnetic change in the solar irradiance on time scales longer than about a day.»
His regular pace is glacial, and while there is the ability to sprint — which is slightly quicker than his standard pace — Thomas can't continue at this quicker pace longer than about 10 seconds before having to stop to catch his breath.
We recommend that it should last no longer than about 2 minutes in total, whilst simultaneously showing a wide variety of work.
This means no hikes longer than about five kilometers at a time and no runs longer than about 20 minutes at a time.
But very young puppies, especially toy - size breeds, shouldn't go without a meal for longer than about six to eight hours.
According to holistic veternarian Dr. Jane Bicks, the maximum life span of dogs is estimated to be around 25 to 30 years, yet the average dog generally lives no longer than about 13 to 14 years.
I discussed in Article 8 that we can avoid stock losses with a holding period longer than about 5 to 10 years.
A. Your author bio should be no longer than about one hundred fifty words — and that's on the very long side.
There is no need for an audition longer than about 5 minutes, and even 3 minutes is usually plenty.
I'd written features, lots in fact, for newspapers and magazines but never anything longer than about 1,500 words and had no particular desire to, either.
After having the vehicle for 5 years I still have not been able to find a position that I can drive in for longer than about 30 minutes before I start to get uncomfortable.
As a result, you may have an enjoyable time with Semispheres but that fun won't last much longer than about an hour.
In fact, there was not a stretch longer than about 2 minutes in the film in which I wasn't grabing my face, pulling my hair, or kicking the seat in front of me because of all the crazy / original sh*t going on on the screen.
In fact, there was not a stretch longer than about 2 minutes in the film in which I wasn't grabing my face, pulling my hair, or kicking the seat in front of me because of all the
It happens in only one scene, for no longer than about 10 seconds but it is there nevertheless.
Other rice water recipes do not suggest soaking with this much water, not do they suggest soaking for any longer than about 30 minutes.
I only use SS during workouts that last longer than about 3 hours, which I only do 1x per week.
When training with plyometrics (or any of the other power strategies you're about to discover), the delay between the stretching, eccentric phase, and the shortening, concentric phase needs to be very short — no longer than about a quarter of a second.
If your pain lasts (or gets worse) longer than about seven days, make sure you check in with your healthcare professional.
When you workout for a long time (longer than about one hour) your liver increases its release of IGF - binding protein (IGFBP - 3) to prevent the onset of hypoglycemia that would otherwise happen as a result of the increased release of IGF - 1 that occurs during training.
Since main - sequence stars of this colour do not live longer than about 8 billion years, Preston says that the system must be younger.
By comparing the pressure necessary to pump sugars with the maximum pressure provided by the cells, the scientists showed that sugars couldn't be efficiently moved through tubes any longer than about 5 centimeters, they will report in a forthcoming issue of Physical Review E.
«By reducing non-Y chromosome reads from our data with flow sorting and the RecoverY technique that we developed, and by using this combination of sequencing technologies, we were able to assemble the gorilla Y chromosome so that more than half of the sequence data was in chunks longer than about 100,000 bases in length,» said Medvedev.
She also suggests maintaining a good routine of every two to three hours during the day and once or twice at night, not going longer than about five hours.
I too wear compression socks on flights, at least those longer than about 4 hours.
Fluids are essential for almost all of the body's functions, and we can't live without them for longer than about a week.
Add the shrimp and cook just until the shrimp turns opaque (it won't take longer than about 3 minutes).
Let them thaw at room temp or pop them in the microwave for no longer than about 10 seconds.
I've not had this trouble before but it's best not to keep rice in the fridge for longer than about 3 days, quinoa is much better for this.
Where a work schedule of 60 or more hours per week is continued longer than about two months, the cumulative effect of decreased productivity will cause a delay in the completion date beyond that which could have been realized with the same crew size on a 40 - hour week.
If you sleep longer than about 30 minutes, you may feel groggy when you wake up.

Not exact matches

You may joke that the week you went on vacation flew by far too quickly, but if you stop and think about it, that week actually seemed to last much longer than one involving the drudgery of your day job.
Bill noted that because he has been in the public eye longer than his wife that he is sometimes viewed, from the outside, as the final word about foundation decisions, but he explained why that couldn't be further from the truth.
Individuals will formulate an opinion about you and your business in less than 10 seconds, so a graceful greeting goes a long way toward making a great first impression every time.
Long Pond Capital's Khoury suggested that D.R. Horton has more than 60 percent upside, while Ran of Half Sky Capital said GrubHub could hit $ 160 a share, up about 55 percent from its Monday closing price of $ 102.17.
«I've maintained for a very long time that this kind of myth about more business being done on the golf course than anywhere else isn't a myth.»
Still, there's an ironic punch line to the case: Because the stolen Bitcoins were sold right away, allegedly by Vinnik and long before Mt. Gox disclosed the hack, victims lost much more, in dollar value, than the hackers ever made — which, according to Chainalysis, was only about $ 20 million.
The holiday is about happily celebrating the lives of those who are no longer with us, rather than sadly mourning their loss.
A chatty and matter - of - fact executive who professes a geeky curiosity about technology, Medline comes across more like an easygoing family doctor than someone steering a $ 12.5 - billion organization that's long claimed to have an outpost within 15 minutes of every Canadian.
Though there's generally less competition for jobs in small towns, business owners need to be more careful about finding applicants who are truly qualified and most likely to stay in the position for longer than their counterparts in bigger locales.
«It seems like you are no longer interested in talking about business and it seems like getting to know each other better may mean something different to me than it does to you.
It's a hoary old stereotype that women take longer to get ready than men, but there are several reasons it might be true that have nothing to do with outmoded jokes about complicated hair care or excessive vanity.
David MacNaughton says he's feeling more optimistic about the state of the talks than he has in a long time.
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