Sentences with phrase «longer than the age»

Children sit forward facing in high back boosters (rear facing longer than age 4 would be far safer and preferred).
Most kids will wear the smaller size for much longer than the age stated.
Some live longer than the age of the Universe and serve as fossil records of the composition of the gas at the time they were formed.
The black holes found in the universe are so cold that it takes forever for them to evaporate, many orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe.
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR has shown that the neutrinoless double - beta decay half - life of Ge - 76 is at least 1025 years — 15 orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe.
Said van Dokkum, «Cardiac arrest is not expected until a trillion years from now — that's a hundred times longer than the age of the universe.»
Center time should be no longer than the age of the students times 1.
So if you live longer than age 80, you'll receive less in total Social Security payments than you would have by waiting until your FRA.
People born after March 1958 have to wait longer than age 65 to collect OAS and GIS.
The breakeven point for those who plan to live longer than age 80: they will be financially better off deferring the start of CPP to age 70.
Puppies should not be left in a crate longer than their age in months plus an hour; i.e. a three month old puppy should not be left in a kennel for more than 4 hours at a time.The crate should NOT disappear once the puppy is house trained.
However, ownership numbers might improve, Puro says, as millennials create new households and baby boomers keep their pets longer than aging adults once did.
Your pup generally won't be able to hold on for much longer than her age in months — so if she's 4 months old, she'll need to go every four hours.
I had the impression that Mike was claiming that he couldn't get the Earth to cool to 3K and I was simply trying to point out that if you include radioactive decay, you wouldn't expect it to be 3K today in the absence of the Sun, and even if you ignore radioactive decay, it would still take longer than the age of the Universe for an Earth - like planet to cool to the temperature of the cosmic - background.
My quick, back - of - the - envelope calculation suggests that it would take longer than the age of the universe, but I might not have done that carefully enough.
Two things to note, perhaps: his sensible skepticism — he is, after all, a theoretical physicist, not an experimentalist; and his summation of the possible benefit: «We'd be able to do computations in a finite time that would take longer than the age of the universe now.»

Not exact matches

Home healthcare in particular is in high demand, mainly because aging Baby Boomers want to stay in their homes as long as possible and are opting for in - home nursing care and assistance rather than moving to assisted - living facilities.
Aging baby boomers will retire but stick around (among the living) longer than their parents.
Japanese whiskies tend to have a more delicate taste, and those spirits are aged far longer than their U.S. counterparts.
Greg Habstritt has been a life - long animal lover and entrepreneur, having been involved in starting and building more than 20 different ventures since his first venture at age 13.
It's true the traditional 30 - second spot seems a little old - fashioned in the age of the Internet (legendary U.K. adman Trevor Beattie recently declared that ads should run no longer than five seconds), but it isn't going away.
«The average American has less than $ 5,000 in a financial account, a quarter to a fifth of what you should have, and those aged 55 to 64 who have retirement savings only carry $ 120,000 — which won't last long in the absence of paychecks,» the survey reports.
The Guaranteed Income Supplement was meant to be in place only long enough to help the people who reached 65 before the full Canada Pension Plan pensions became available and who would have little or nothing other than Old Age Security, and perhaps a reduced Canada Pension Plan pension, to live on.
(Barron's) • In Search of the Perfect Recession Indicator (Philosophical Economics) • A Fireside Chat With Charlie Munger (MoneyBeat) • Complexity theory and financial regulation (Science) • Five Pieces of Conventional Wisdom That Make Smart Investors Look Dumb (CFA Institute) • This Lawyer Is Hollywood's Complete Divorce Solution (Bloomberg) • Curiosity update, sols 1218 - 1249: Digging in the sand at Mar's Bagnold Dunes (Planetary Society) • The Plot to Take Down a Fox News Analyst (NYT) • Ask the aged: Who better to answer questions about the purpose of life than someone who has been living theirs for a long time?
Certainly, there are significant headwinds that will not abate anytime soon, including an aging population, government austerity, the worst income inequality in nearly a century and more than four million long - term unemployed workers.
The result is that funds have been forced to hold on to aging portfolio companies for longer than they would like, and growing piles of unspent capital have ensured that competition for any new deals is intense, keeping valuations high.
For those age 50 or older, one $ 6,500 yearly contribution could grow to more than $ 69,000 in 35 years.5 We used a hypothetical 7 % long - term compounded annual rate of return and assumed the money stays invested the entire time.
From record - breaking stock market returns to falling unemployment, the U.S. has no shortage of positive economic indicators, and the majority of investors say they feel confident about achieving both their short - and long - term goals, according to the latest «Morgan Stanley Investor Pulse Poll,» which surveyed more than 1,200 investors age 25 to 75 with over $ 100,000 in assets.
With the youngest boomer age 50 and most of the generation retiring over the next 16 years, making the right investment decision has become more crucial than ever before, as the risk of making speculative gambles can no longer be entertained.
As they age, and given that folks are living longer today than any point in history, there is going to be massive demand for skilled nursing, assisted living, and independent living (Senior Community) facilities as well as all the square footage for offices to support those networks.
Long story short — she insisted we sell everything the next day (which was also a significant down day); we eventually re-entered the market; I retired at age 53 in 1995; and today, my IRA is 3.5 times greater than at retirement (in spite of zero new $ $ $, 2 more market crashes, and 2 significant RMDs).
This bull market is old — more than 3,046 days old, making it the second - longest on record.1 The question is, will it be more like a fine wine — getting better with age; or more like milk — nearing its expiration?
I am twice Nial's age but I have learned more from this young fella in two weeks watching his videos than I have in a very long time.
It began in March 2009, and at 5.75 years of age, it is longer than the 3.8 - year average bull market duration of the past 80 years.
This is not unlike the dilemma facing many retirees and other individual investors: holding ultra-safe interest - bearing investments is wise past a certain age; yet when yields are lower than the inflation rate, this strategy erodes buying power and undermines long - term financial security.
While you're likely to be earning more money at age 50 than at age 20, as long as you have a job, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to set aside less than $ 116 to become a millionaire in retirement.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
«Consequently, if my theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest Silurian stratum was deposited, long periods elapsed, as long as, or probably far longer than, the whole interval from the Silurian age to the present day; and that during these vast, yet quite unknown, periods of time, the world swarmed with living creatures.
If God has died in our history then he is no longer present in the Word of faith, and at most he can be no more than a nostalgic memory of an age that is past.
In this age of science, and in coming times to be increasingly more scientific, no claim may be more startling than the one that love rooted in religion would be around long after all science is gone.
I recall reading an article on this theory of organic creation that estimated it would take 10 to 15 times longer, in a best case scenario, than the age of the Universe which is currently estimated at 14.6 billion years.
There emerge, however, from the «periphery» (so to speak) rather than from the center, pockets of order, meaning, and value which grow, spread, and die — that order, those values, and those meanings which gradually grew and spread until they constituted the various Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt would be an example of how order, value, and meaning emerge from the «bottom» and spread «upward» and «outwards» into dynamic pockets or aggregates of order, meaning, and value which prosper - overcoming and absorbing other pockets of order — until they no longer embody the imagination, vigor, and zest required for continued vitality and find themselves absorbed into other competing orders or gradually disintegrating into the silence of a Dark Age.
The church has been around for 2000 years, much longer than your new age philosophy - and the church is not going anywhere.
It is not that the theses of traditional theology regarding Adam's elevation to grace, his Paradise, his knowledge and so on, are to be unmasked and diagnosed as at the most anthropomorphisms or dreams of a golden age in which mankind expressed in vivid form a longed - for future rather than a past that had once existed and was lost?
Recalling my past, I can see now that coming out has been a long and puzzling journey out of the heterosexual box, in which I was no more comfortable at age five than I am now at thirty - three.
Market herself as a fallen child, work her youth for as long as she can, make some money and some «fallen» cred within Christian circles and, after they've been praying a long time for her to return and she drifts into middle age eclipsed by younger singers, return humbled, but stronger than ever.
The asses of the time were much less efficient than the camels that were to come into use many centuries later; nonetheless Sumerian commerce ventured far, blazing many a path followed by the merchants and adventurers of long succeeding ages.
But they wore their youth and bright future so carelessly, and I found myself applauding until my palms tingled for the men and women like my brother - in - law who had to battle through school with so many other demands on their attention, for the women older than my mother who have finally finished their degree long after their nests emptied, the middle - aged men with a circle of whiskers on their shining bald heads.
Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star, which means its expected lifetime is far longer than our Sun's: it could well last hundreds of billions of years, which is much longer than the present age of the universe.
Not only are more of them living longer, they are healthier and they look and feel younger than people their age did in the past.
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