Sentences with phrase «longitudinal study tested»

A University of London longitudinal study tested vocabulary skills of the same people at ages 16 and 42 and found at the younger age the average test score was 55 percent.
However, a longitudinal study testing bidirectionality is necessary before conclusions about the direction of effects can be ascertained.
The personality trait neuroticism predicted distress outcomes in all of the five longitudinal studies testing this association.

Not exact matches

Also published today in Gynecologic Oncology is the end - of - trial data of the Roche Diagnostics ATHENA HPV trial that enrolled more than 47,000 women in a longitudinal, three - year study of Roche's HPV test.
Efforts to conduct long term longitudinal studies and hunt for additional diagnostic transcripts should eventually be combined with testing of new therapeutics aimed at early intervention.
«Instead of doing a cross-sectional study like this, where we tested children at various ages, we would prefer to do a longitudinal study that would involve the same kids who'd be followed over the years from childhood through adolescence,» Dr. Foxe said.
The study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, looked at 3,166 adults aged 60 or over from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and compared their performance in tests of memory and walking sstudy, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, looked at 3,166 adults aged 60 or over from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and compared their performance in tests of memory and walking sStudy of Ageing (ELSA) and compared their performance in tests of memory and walking speed.
In a new longitudinal study, first - generation immigrant children who took part in a community - based intervention had higher scores on math and reading tests than their first - generation immigrant peers who did not participate in the program.
Before this study, there had been no large ‐ scale, systematic longitudinal analysis of suicide in Greece, and suicide data were lumped by year, not month, making it harder to test the short ‐ term relationship between specific events and deaths.
The hypothesis was tested using an integrative approach at the isolated organ, cellular and molecular levels, in a longitudinal study in rats.
Therefore, the study supports the hypothesis tested, and the new discoveries provide insight to mechanism and intervention using a broad range of measurements at several levels in a single longitudinal experiment.
Analysis of this data revealed a set of candidate biomarkers which were then tested against over 150 longitudinal samples from an SMA natural history study by the Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinical Research Network.
Six minute walk test in type III spinal muscular atrophy: A 12 month longitudinal study.
To be clear, the predictive power of these exams is not zero; longitudinal meta - analytic studies do find statistically significant linear correlation coefficients at the 0.1 - 0.2 level between test scores and long - term outcomes such as citations and scholarly output decades later.
A longitudinal test of video game violence influences on dating and aggression: A 3 - year longitudinal study of adolescents Let's Do This!
A longitudinal test of video game violence influences on dating and aggression: A 3 - year longitudinal study of adolescents News, reviews, previews, tips, and downloads for multiple platforms.
A longitudinal test of video game violence influences on dating and aggression: A 3 - year longitudinal study of adolescents Recent Issues - Volume Six; Date Title Author (s) 08/12/10: The Effects of Humor and Gender on the Relationship between Social Support and Psychological
A longitudinal test of video game violence influences on dating and aggression: A 3 - year longitudinal study of adolescents Is your partner playing hot and cold?
A longitudinal test of video game violence influences on dating and aggression: A 3 - year longitudinal study of adolescents Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a
Tinder users are more likely to think of themselves as sex objects than people who don't use the app, suggests a new study of online dating A longitudinal test of video game violence influences on dating and aggression: A 3 - year longitudinal study of adolescents
A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or A longitudinal test of video game violence influences on dating and aggression: A 3 - year longitudinal study of adolescents
Tough alludes to the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) studies, which show that a young adolescent's score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) is the best single predictor of later income.
Test will also start collecting data in spring 2005 for an upcoming project, which will involve a longitudinal study of the development of social cognition in children from birth to age five.
First, CTBA cites a longitudinal study of Milwaukee's voucher program by researchers at the University of Arkansas, claiming that voucher students in grades 3 - 8 «performed statistically similar» to a matched group of district - school peers on standardized tests.
Also part of the longitudinal study, a matched sample of voucher and Milwaukee Public Schools students are taking the same tests to produce a sound comparison.
The initial test - score gaps for Hispanic students in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study data were even greater than for blacks — 0.72 standard deviations in math and 0.43 standard deviations in reading.
The 1998 study by Meredith Phillips and her colleagues, mentioned earlier, had the greatest success in explaining racial differences in achievement, yet the unexplained portion of the achievement gap on the vocabulary test used in their study was still so large that it nearly exceeded the raw gap in reading and mathematics we found in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey data.
The effectiveness of the model has been studied in over 20 years of research and field - testing about: (a) the effectiveness of the model as perceived by key groups, such as principals, teachers, students, and parents; (b) research related to student creative productivity; (c) research relating to personal and social development; (d) the use of SEM with culturally diverse or special needs populations; (e) research on student self - efficacy; (f) the use of SEM as a curricular framework; (g) research relating to learning styles and curriculum compacting; and (h) longitudinal research on the SEM.
Setting aside the question of whether 8th - grade tests can be compared with the lower - grade tests in the Prospects study and the higher - grade tests in the National Education Longitudinal Survey, a more basic problem with this measure has to do with the statistical properties of test scores.
Suppose that enlightened policymakers eventually fund the type of longitudinal study that would enable the tracking of changes in the black - white test - score gap from 1st grade to 12th grade for a single cohort of students — precisely the type of study Jacobsen and his colleagues call for.
In an attempt to solve this problem, the Jacobsen team cobbled together data from the federal longitudinal «Prospects» study's Cohort 1 to measure children's test scores in 1st and 2nd grades (1992 - 93); Prospects Cohort 3 for scores in 3rd and 5th grades (1991 - 93); Prospects Cohort 7 for 7th and 9th grades (1991 - 93); and the National Education Longitudinal Study to measure 10th - and 12th - grade scores longitudinal «Prospects» study's Cohort 1 to measure children's test scores in 1st and 2nd grades (1992 - 93); Prospects Cohort 3 for scores in 3rd and 5th grades (1991 - 93); Prospects Cohort 7 for 7th and 9th grades (1991 - 93); and the National Education Longitudinal Study to measure 10th - and 12th - grade scores (1990 -study's Cohort 1 to measure children's test scores in 1st and 2nd grades (1992 - 93); Prospects Cohort 3 for scores in 3rd and 5th grades (1991 - 93); Prospects Cohort 7 for 7th and 9th grades (1991 - 93); and the National Education Longitudinal Study to measure 10th - and 12th - grade scores Longitudinal Study to measure 10th - and 12th - grade scores (1990 -Study to measure 10th - and 12th - grade scores (1990 - 92).
Since 1999 the CCSR has published several studies of Chicago's attempt to end social promotion that help to provide an extensive, empirical, and longitudinal look at the impact of the high - stakes testing policies on the Chicago school system.
Using data from a variety of sources, including the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, the High School and Beyond study, and the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972, Jacobsen and his colleagues at Mathematica essentially confirm Neal and Johnson's findings, providing additional evidence that most of the remaining wage gap is due to differences in cognitive skills, as measured by test scstudy, and the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972, Jacobsen and his colleagues at Mathematica essentially confirm Neal and Johnson's findings, providing additional evidence that most of the remaining wage gap is due to differences in cognitive skills, as measured by test scStudy of the High School Class of 1972, Jacobsen and his colleagues at Mathematica essentially confirm Neal and Johnson's findings, providing additional evidence that most of the remaining wage gap is due to differences in cognitive skills, as measured by test scores.
Shedding Light on an Elusive Climb: A Longitudinal Study of Indiana English Language Learner Test Performance Malkeet Singh presents in a poster session with co-presenters April M. Burke (Central Michigan University) and Trish Morita Mullaney (Purdue University).
Using statewide longitudinal data, the study analyzes dual - credit participation rates by race / ethnicity, gender and math and reading achievement on state tests and examines differences in outcomes for dual - credit participants and nonparticipants.
In this graduate follow - up study, Envision Schools puts its model of «Rigor, Relevance, Relationships, and Results» to the test, examining the results of a longitudinal tracking study to measure the...
Members of the Rhode Island ASCD affiliate conducted a longitudinal study of all public schools in the state, comparing the performance of students with IEPs with that of all students on state testing in language arts and math.
However, very few studies have tested the impacts of changes to legal status on educational inequalities, with a particular gap in research on the longitudinal processes and mechanisms through which these changes may occur.
A new large - scale, longitudinal study should make Connecticut policy makers think twice before continuing with their ill - advised policy imposing the SAT as the new «mastery test» for 11th graders.
Where is the longitudinal studies to show what this trauma does to children in their beliefs about themselves, in others, empathy and the effect of stress at such a young age all for the sake of better test scores?
The Abbott Preschool Program Longitudinal Effects Study, or APPLES, found gains in all test subjects with larger gains for children who spent two years in preschool.
She currently leads a five - district, longitudinal study of voluntary summer learning programs for low - income elementary youth that includes extensive primary data collection including classroom observations, interviews, surveys, and student testing.
Data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study indicated that high - stakes testing was not associated with improved scores but was associated with higher dropout rates (Jacob, 2001).
I use novel data on teachers from the nationally representative High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 to test whether teachers» beliefs that they can overcome students» social disadvantage are related to higher student achievement, and whether associations are stronger for racial minorities and economically disadvantaged students.
This new meta - analysis seeks to update and expand both Gini and Pozzoli's and Reijntjes and colleagues» meta - analyses3, 12 by (1) including the subsequently published studies that allowed to estimate the risk for psychosomatic problems in children and adolescents who are bullied by peers (ie, cases) compared with nonbullied peers (ie, controls), (2) performing separate meta - analyses of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies, and (3) testing for potential moderators of variation in the magnitude of effect sizes.
Although important, those results were limited by the small number of studies included in the meta - analysis (which also precluded the possibility of testing for possible moderators), and the results were also limited by the fact that only 2 of them used a longitudinal design.
The necessary design elements for studies testing environmentally related risk factors are longitudinal study design, with - in subject comparison, and sufficient power to determine effect sizes.
In a longitudinal follow - up study, adults abused or neglected in childhood performed poorly on tests of intelligence and reading ability compared to adults without a history of abuse or neglect.11
Longitudinal studies are needed to test the specific mechanisms that may explain these associations, such as prenatal health behaviours (smoking, alcohol, drug use, poor weight gain), constricted uterine placental blood flow, fetal neurobehavioural profile (e.g., heart rate), and obstetrical outcomes (e.g., low birth weight).
To clarify the developmental relationship between children's temperament and parenting, more longitudinal studies are needed, especially ones that include statistical controls for parenting and temperament at earlier time points, allowing tests of temperament as predictors of change in parenting and tests of parenting as predictors of change in temperament.
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