Sentences with phrase «longtime veteran»

«We have good people,» he says, highlighting the company's management team, which includes many longtime veterans of the company.
The bird identification marathon attracts participants of all ages and abilities, including families and young people, as well as longtime veterans of the competition and others for whom birding is a serious avocation.
He added that «most longtime veterans, a strong majority of them, thought it was time for us to move in a different direction.»
Awakening was a massive success worldwide, adored by longtime veterans and first time players.
Longtime veterans of Roka Akor, Corporate Executive Chef Ce Bian and Executive Sushi Chef Mike Lim will lead Houston's opening team, spearheading seasonal menu changes and incorporating local ingredients whenever possible.
So much so that Arizona Senator John McCain, a longtime veteran of the Senate, rose from his sickbed and traveled to Washington to make a heartfelt speech against it.
A longtime veteran of the food industry, Beckfield joined ENA nearly five years ago and stresses that its operations are designed to be «organized for success.»
Valsamos is a longtime veteran of his family's company.
A longtime veteran of the restaurant industry, Sanders founded the company in 1973 when he opened one of the first Long John Silver's franchises.
A longtime veteran of the food industry, Pariti has worked for Always Bagels since its inception.
A longtime veteran of the food industry, Schanzer's previous experience includes Kraft Foods, Global Fresh Goods, ConAgra Foods Inc. and Fresh Express.
Waters is a longtime veteran of The NFL.
Ahmed himself is a longtime veteran of the campus dining services.
A longtime veteran of the food industry, Tenner joined Bertucci's this past July, becoming only the third chef to lead the company in its three decades of business.
A longtime veteran of the industry, Moye joined Reading Bakery Systems in 1999.
A longtime veteran of the food industry, Easterbrook's career began at Ralston Purina, where he stayed for seven years, before joining Mars Inc..
A longtime veteran of the food industry, Tehrany founded the company in 1991.
A longtime veteran of his family's company, Griffin joined it full - time in the late 1980s.
Herman is a longtime veteran of Dion's and joined the company in 1987.
A longtime veteran of Mother Murphy's, David Murphy joined his family's company after graduating from college.
Kansas City is expected to have to say goodbye to one or more of their longtime veterans this offseason, so this is just the beginning of that process.
Bird - a-thon attracts participants of all ages and abilities, including families, young people, and longtime veterans of the competition.
«The incumbents we're endorsing today have been dedicated advocates for making streets safer statewide, whether newcomers to Albany, like first - term State Senator Brad Hoylman, or longtime veterans of state government, like Assemblyman Joe Lentol,» said StreetsPAC board member Elizabeth Hamby.
But Avery Gilbert, a biological psychologist at Synesthetics in Fort Collins, Colorado, and a longtime veteran of the fragrance and flavor industry, says he's not so sure.
Becca gets fed up with these meetings, but Howie keeps going and forms a small bond with Gaby (Sandra Oh), a longtime veteran of the group.
Valcon COO Gordon is a longtime veteran of the industry, who started out programming computer games in Ireland, including Mario Bros. for the Spectrum.
Bruscas is a longtime veteran of anime fighting games, at times considered one of the strongest players in the U.S. at BlazBlue and a top contender in Guilty Gear Xrd.
Josh Ballard is a longtime veteran of competitive games, ranging from speedruns to the card game Dominion.
As such, Nintendo haven't really had a hook to grab gamers in beyond us longtime veterans, and little to shout about or market, leaving them to vaguely waffle about «quality of life» and backwards compatibility where no - one could hear them.
Diamond is a longtime veteran of the downtown New York art world, and she's maintained a studio practice in the same Bowery loft since she took up residence in 1969.
Jerry Taylor, a longtime veteran of the libertarian think tank Cato Institute who recently founded his own libertarian organization, the Niskanen Center, is a vocal proponent of this perspective.»
Traditionally there's a compromise against how the car drives, but as a longtime veteran of working at Lotus, Peter thinks he figured out a way to make the whole thing feel right.
Chris is a longtime veteran of the job hunt and online recruiting industry.
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