Sentences with phrase «look at divorce»

Take a hard look at divorce & bankruptcy leads during 2016 to create new levels of profit for your investment business.
A quick look at divorce history shows the divorce process has made big strides since those early days.
So, you need to look at divorce negotiations as bargaining.
If we look at divorce as just being another step or stage in our life cycle, then we can view it as just another process in our aging.
In this didactic and experiential workshop attendees will look at divorce as a developmental crossroad; a moment of tension between past and future with transformative potential.
To look at divorce positively, one must first understand that a failed marriage is not about failing in life but about life changes and growing apart.
One that can set the tone and ensure that both parties will look at divorce as a distant and unlikely scenario?
The conference theme, Helping Children and Families — The Best of AFCC, set the stage for the children and family member participants from the conference ten years earlier to return to provide a retrospective look at divorce and its impact.
For these reasons and so many others, it's best to not look at divorce as an answer to a hurting marriage; to instead seek out other solutions to divorce.
Join us this month for a valuable look at the divorce process to assist you in making important decisions affecting your life and those of your family.
His book can also be a «wake - up call» for spouses whose are aware that their marriage is in trouble, but are willing to take a look at the divorce process, in the hope of not having to take that path.
Mediation allows the parties to maintain more control over the results as opposed to letting the courts decide.Take a look at our divorce mediation checklist below and let us know if you have any questions.
However, increasingly once the kids fly the coop, their parents undergo some life changes of their own, taking a closer look at divorce.
If we only look at divorce as the measure of success or failure in a relationship, then we would declare a 2 year marriage and a 42 year marriage to both be failures if they end in divorce.
Does this lawyer look at divorce in the same way you do?
That's right — in the Sunshine State it is possible for complete strangers to get a look at your divorce records.
do nt believe me, look at divorce stats, the same thing occurs there.
Additionally, please see our Divorce FAQ page for answers to common questions about divorce and take a look at our Divorce Guide by clicking on the link below.
Marriage and relationships is a concept that presents much challenge (just look at divorce rates), but we keep at it, don't we?
We have only to look at the divorce rate — 41 % for first marriages, 60 % for second and 73 % for third — to know that many couples have systems that don't work.
A look at divorce process in California and the issues you will face including child custody, child support, and property division.
«A beautiful film that offers a revealing look at divorce through the eyes of children.
Just look at divorce rates if you doubt.
Beyond their example, we can look at the divorce rate, the pornography epidemic, affair trends and conclude that simply being married does not guarantee anyone Christian maturity.
For example, if you look at divorce rates among Christians there is nothing about them that needs a supernatural explanation.
But, looking at the divorce rates between the late forties to the mid-sixties, one can already see the incipient breakdown of marriage owing, in part, to hasty wartime marriages combined with the stress of servicemen reintegrating into civilian society.
There is no particular reason that can be owed to this characteristic trait but looking at the divorce rates, these numbers seem to be the only deciding factor.
We looked at divorce rates for men and women in each city to see where marriages tend to last.
If you're a divorce lawyer, avoid the temptation of looking at divorce law from the complex perspective that you're required to look at as an attorney.
for their auto insurance policies than single folks (especially married men — a family makes men better drivers, it seems), but the rate differences became interesting when we looked at divorced and widowed people.
But the rate differences became interesting when The Zebra looked at divorced and widowed people.
Yet, once you know that the way you deal with your divorce, and the mindset you adopt while you're going through it, can positively change your life afterwards, you start looking at divorce a little bit differently.
But these researchers didn't look at wartime evacuations — they looked at divorce.

Not exact matches

(Barron's) • In Search of the Perfect Recession Indicator (Philosophical Economics) • A Fireside Chat With Charlie Munger (MoneyBeat) • Complexity theory and financial regulation (Science) • Five Pieces of Conventional Wisdom That Make Smart Investors Look Dumb (CFA Institute) • This Lawyer Is Hollywood's Complete Divorce Solution (Bloomberg) • Curiosity update, sols 1218 - 1249: Digging in the sand at Mar's Bagnold Dunes (Planetary Society) • The Plot to Take Down a Fox News Analyst (NYT) • Ask the aged: Who better to answer questions about the purpose of life than someone who has been living theirs for a long time?
Wolfinger looked at the numbers of sexual partners a woman had before marriage, and then, after putting them into groups based on the self - reported number, looked at how many were divorced after five years.
If you think these ideas are outdated or irrelevant, I suggest you take a look at the damage that has been wrought on society by rampant divorce, abortion, our of wedlock pregnancy, falling birth rates, and a general view that life is NOT sacred, family is NOT important, and that children are more a burden to be avoided than anything.
The Pill, no - fault divorce, and now gay marriage have made traditional sexual ethics look outmoded at best and....
Look at all the Christians participating in adultery by divorce and remarriage and yet they pick on the FAR FAR FEWER number of gays.
Look at the practical benefits, childcare problems are solved, there could always be a mother in the home, we might be able to cut back on the divorce rate.
In contrast, a fair comparison would have matched up children of same - s3x parents with children of heteros3xual parents who looked otherwise similar — no extra divorces, no extra separations, no extra time in foster care for the kids, said Gary Gates, a researcher at the Williams Inst itute, a s3xual orientation policy think tank at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Yet when we look around at the divorce rate, reality TV shows and even our own families, we see that just the opposite is true — deterioration abounds.
Divorce was a word that didn't come until a few months later when I realised that might be what we were looking at.
When I have look at statistics before usually it said Baptists had the highest divorce rate.
How must the Lord be looking upon the world at the present time, a world scarred by human conflict, war, terrorism, abortion, divorce.
People too often talk about Jesus aside from his words, about his compassion towards all, while they fail to wrestle with some of his steepest moral teachings: «Whoever divorces his wife... and marries another, commits adultery; Everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart; If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; I have come to bring not peace but the sword; Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me» (Mt 19:9, 5:28, 5:30, 10:14, 10:37).
The Church thinks that loud bands, trendy vicars, comfy seats, child minding and a cafe will bring um in, give me a break, when I first got the call, the Church then was cold, hard pews, poor lighting, a choir who thought they were Gods gift to the world, toffy nosed upper classes who looked down their noses at me and the divorced, but I didn't care, I loved it and joined in the singing except when it was in latin.
In each section, we will look at the value of these rights from a humanitarian perspective, and then how the right can be misused and abused when divorced from God and the Gospel, and how churches are guilty of this as well.
The topics of God's infinite grace and forgiveness will be looked at in later posts, and so nothing more will be said about it here except to say that God's grace covers even divorce.
well jen i hope your children are safe from some hetro rapist I hope somone does not make you have an abortion I hope you do not get a divorce I hope some man who is married does not look at you and lust after you I hope you do not vote for any politician who decides to have an affair.
This altercation at the Combine can't help a situation that is quickly turning into what looks like the beginning of a messy divorce.
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