Sentences with phrase «look at our freedoms»

I look at our freedoms as blessings that we must guard, not take for granted, and remain worthy of.
First, let us look at the freedom of religion from a historical and political perspective.
«I just think we ought to step back and look at the freedoms that we have been given in this country and reflect on them,» Silver said.
Minister Bleker has weighed all of the benefits and risks of publication of the avian influenza research, and has especially looked at the freedom of research and publication, health, and safety.
What starts out as a look at Hulk Hogan's court case regarding a leaked sex tape quickly turns into a harrowing look at the freedom of press in America and how easily wealth supports censorship.
Looking at the freedoms that define us — from the vote to the press; the values that have transformed us, from empathy to inclusion to service; the institutions that sustain us, such as public education; and the traits that helped form our young country, such as the audacity to take on daunting challenges in science and medicine — Rather brings to bear his decades of experience on the frontlines of the world's biggest stories.
But to help point out even more what Chase is doing, just take a look at their Freedom 5x categories for the remainder of the year:
Molly Stevens: Seeing Freedom: In this visual lecture, artist Molly Stevens will look at freedom in art as symbol, as protest and as ideal; as body, as choice and as no choice — as nothing left to lose.
For some of the most affordable car insurance rates, Glendale drivers should take a look at Freedom National, Auto Owners, State Farm, Farmers, and Ameriprise Group.
Looking at the Freedom Node's Canary, it's obvious what kind of information a good Warrant Canary should contain.

Not exact matches

Now we know any platform that can be used by people seeking greater freedom can be leveraged at least as effectively by bad actors looking to curtail that freedom.
Today, that deal no longer looks sustainable, so a new, unspoken one now lies on the table: In exchange for a (further) loss of freedoms and (now) economic hardship, the Russian people will swell with national pride at a Russia — once mocked and belittled by the West — now retaking its rightful place at the center of global power politics.
Then I looked at the UR Points that I earn from my Freedom and Freedom Unlimited card.
If we take a look at my Vrijheid Fonds (Freedom Fund), we can see it was a good month.
Bonuses are relatively rare in the world of cash back cards, so if you're looking to earn cash back and you don't want to have to worry about rotating cash back categories, take a look at the Chase Freedom Unlimited ® card.
RELEVANT takes a look at the Grammy Museum and its exhibit called Songs of Conscience, Songs of Freedom.
I was looking at all the ignorant comment garbage I expected, and FINALLY found your comment... I'll be there too, choosing to express my freedom of thought and my intellect rather than abide by the unabated subjugation that all religious folk subscribe to.
And, if I want to look at nude people who do not mind being looked at or photographed, that is my right and freedom!
If you don't like it, don't look at it, it's called «FREEDOM OF RELIGION» not «FREEDOM FROM RELIGION»
At the same time, I do think we all should feel we have the freedom to express different ways of looking at iAt the same time, I do think we all should feel we have the freedom to express different ways of looking at iat it.
Rahner looks at various aspects of freedom: historical, paradoxical, the role of grace, self - realization, capacity for love, moral judgment and freedom in relation to Christ.
Look at some of the laws in this country, and the ignorant christians who are trying to prevent atheists from voting or holding public office, or to simply use their first amendment rights for freedom of speech.
To repeat: a cursory look at the nations of the world makes it clear that the important differences in social responsibility and freedom are between the democratic types (of both capitalist and socialist economic system) and the despotic types, not between capitalism and socialism as such.
You should look at limiting 2 other freedoms first — Speech and Press.
Take a look at ten issues from that first year or two and you'll find essays on religious freedom, war and peace, marriage and family, philosophical materialism, literary figures, and theological movements.
Before we set out Whitehead's view, it should be noted that if his view really is a different way of looking at real things, then we will need to think about freedom, human action, responsibility, the meaning of life, the self, etc. in a new way.
Or, in the absence of any alternative vision, fearful people will look to authoritarian leaders to maintain order and security at whatever price in individual freedom.
In this emerging world community our challenge today is to look around at the other religions of the world and their prophets and to see what insights we can glean from them in the struggle for justice and freedom.
We must look at it dialectically, and say that man is indeed determined, but that it is open to him to overcome necessity, and this act is freedom.
In the concluding part of our series on escaping consumer culture, we look at finding freedom in an abundant life in Jesus... More
Lets look at the 1st amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In the concluding part of our series on escaping consumer culture, we look at finding freedom in an abundant life in Jesus...
Alternative media like art, or TV shows, or comedy, have long been vehicles to examine society and religion and all sorts of things in a more effective way that head - on debate can provide — look at Stephen Colbert for one example — any, any restraint on those media is a direct assault on freedom itself.
Look at the most well known atheists out there right now, people like PZ Myers, Sean Harris, Richard Dawkins, they're among the most liberal people out there who argue vehemently for freedom of religion.
Taking a fresh look at the book of Exodus made Salvation Army officer Danielle Strickland rethink what the Bible says about slavery, oppression and freedom.
But it makes a great difference whether we look for love's meaning in static formal structures, or as the spirit at work in a history where there is freedom, growth, and decision, and where new forms are created.
She said: «I think if we look at how God parents us, obviously there are some boundaries and clear guidelines in place but he wants us to use our freedom well.
He thus referred the man to a look at his real motivation - desire for freedom to loose the bonds of matrimony not for legitimate reasons — adultery - but for whim.
Also, the government of this nation was created by men who looked at their contemporary examples of religion - led states in Europe and realized that true freedom depended on keeping religion and government separate.
Paul speaks of having the mind and heart of Jesus in us, which means looking at reality through his eyes, loving as he loved, and thus being committed to work for a more just society, a society of freedom, fellowship and human solidarity.
Observing that the waters of European theology are at present somewhat stagnant, Karl Barth recently said that what we need in Europe and America is not a renewal of an older form of theology but a «theology of freedom» that looks ahead and strives forward.
A religious freedom advocate looks at the factors that keep faith communities resilient in conflict.
The leaders always had good consciences, for conscience in them coalesced with Will, and those who looked on their face were as much smitten with wonder at their freedom from inner restraint as with awe at the energy of their outward performances.
For racist, murderous, freedom haters and self righteous bigots all you have to do is look at the examples of 2 of the most murderous Atheists of all times; Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.
If we look at verses 26 - 27, which may well have been at one time connected with verses 20 - 21, we will understand that in Israel the first principle became and remained dominant: if the slave's owner should inflict the loss of an eye or even a tooth upon the slave, the slave must be given his freedom in compensation!
It is a word given not only to the universe, society and history, which we have already looked at, but also to the hidden, private freedom and selfhood of each one of us.
Roe v Wade was a Supreme Court decision and so falls under the executive branch purview to ensure compliance, I look at the Gay Agenda as simply fulfilling the American ideal of freedom and personal choice.
I think this is because most Christian activities don't cultivate an environment of humility, authenticity and freedom to really look at ourselves.
Any American who doesn't think ISLAM and America are at odds with our values should only look and see what Most Muslim countries look like, Iran, Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, no freedom at all, women all second class citizens, sharia law, women stoned, gays killed got just being gay, all other religious mininorties are oppressed and could be killed at any time, and deny all rights.
The present political situation in Latin America has generated so much heated debate about the Church, the «sects,» and religious freedom that it has become necessary to take a closer look at the existing religious scene, including Pentecostalism, if we are to build a coherent theological overview of the region capable of generating serious ecumenical dialogue.
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