Sentences with phrase «look at the mistakes»

Look at mistakes as a very necessary part of your education — another way to test your resolve and prepare you to succeed.
«Perfection is impossible, but looking at the mistake analytically, and having a commitment to improvement is going to impress your more experienced employees,» he says.
On the other hand, look at the mistakes that daily - deal sites like Groupon and Living Social made.
Taking an honest look at the mistakes, he was not only able to build upon the experiences and accelerate his learning, but was able to ensure that others didn't make the same mistakes he once did.
I looked at mistakes I made since the time I invested and I looked at mistakes that other people made that I respect like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, LongLeaf Partners and so on.
When I look at mistakes, I would figure out what was the reason the investment lost money and was that reason visible at the outset?
When we win, nobody looks at the mistakes although they keep repeating themselves.
Everyone go look at the mistakes Cech has made already (the 2nd goal vs Everton, the 2nd goal vs Swansea), not even a Championship goalie makes mistakes like that.
Maybe first, lets look at some mistakes to avoid.
Instead of looking at mistakes and failures as defeats, they understand that these events are merely opportunities to grow and learn.
Without beating around the bush, let us have a look at those mistakes one by one:
We'll look at mistakes in debt paydown next time but from the get - go it's worth focusing on both debt paydown AND saving because too often people put the saving cart before the debt paydown horse.
The checklist was created, looking at my mistakes and other investors» mistakes.
One way to look at the mistake the press is that it is failing to give the alarmist extreme equal coverage with the well - funded complacent extreme.
In addition to the gun restrictions and arming some school personnel, it would create new mental health programs for schools, improve communication between schools, law enforcement and state agencies, create a task force to look at mistakes made during mass shootings nationally and then make recommendations on how to continue to improve law, and establish an anonymous tip line where students and others can report threats to schools.
Resume without grammatical errors is obvious but we will look at the mistakes that you might not even realize you are doing in your resume.
The HR person is going on a quick first impression based on your resume, but your friend is looking at your mistakes in context of your friendship.
Let's take a closer look at the mistakes to avoid when determining your target list.
Take a look at the mistakes you made when the romance started to go downhill.

Not exact matches

While there's no mistaking that a pair of shorts makes you look like you mean business, Hanson is quick to clarify that it's unlikely that the Royal brood are throwing shade at the rest of the country.
If you're looking at all stocks though the same lens, Jim Cramer thinks you're making a mistake.
«That's the biggest mistake most inventors make — is they look at an idea from a passion perspective rather than analyzing it as a business opportunity.»
When mistakes happen, look at it as a teachable moment not just for the employee but the leaders as well.
How you can do it: Always look at the lessons you can learn from failure and the opportunities a mistake creates.
Let's take a look at these steps, and also at ways to avoid some of the most common mistakes new entrepreneurs make.
Instead, look for one mistake at a time.
Then they can look at your track record from the last number of years and see it's all worked out, and when you have made a mistake, you've owned up to it, and that there were lessons learned.
Look for one mistake at a time.
Jankowski says that looking at The New Heartland as an area of the country that tends to mirror white, Christian, conservative values is a huge mistake.
If you still don't believe lying on a résumé is bad, take a look at these 10 outrageous mistakes and lies that hiring managers caught.
Below, I'll look at six of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make and see what some famous founders who experienced them did to eventually find success.
«It would be easy for me to be super negative here like so many others that I talk to, but when I look at the data, it tells me being too negative will be a mistake
Because you look at every poll, it said they made a mistake.
Here, we take a look at seven common mistakes that, if avoided, might help you shape your video into a captivating, and even inspiring, advertising tool.
«The biggest mistake small companies make is to look at the resume in terms of what the person says he has done, and what company the person has been with, and they automatically say «Oh, that's great.»
A common mistake for small business owners is to view finances through an emotional lens, meaning they either look at them with fear when times are tight or delight when business is booming.
If you look at examples like RIM / BlackBerry though, which resisted the shift toward smartphone apps, you can see that unwillingness to change can be a costly mistake.
Villains make this mistake frequently; look at Red Skull, Nazi super soldier and mass murderer — essentially Captain America's evil twin.
Many investors make the mistake of looking only at current or recent earnings, which are nothing more than meaningless snapshots of where a company is or was.
Don't make the mistake of spending weeks... maybe even months looking around at «business opportunities» only to find out that no one in your family supports your idea of being the boss....
In this live virtual executive roundtable, you'll: * Learn what entrepreneurs need to do to get noticed by top VC firms * Look at the most active venture capitalists in tech today * Discover the biggest mistakes made by foundering startups * Identify the weaknesses that are keeping you from becoming the next unicorn Speakers: * Ton van't Noordende, Venture Partner, Keadyn * Jon Cifuentes, Cofounder Research and Operations, All Turtles * Matthew Zeiler, CEO, Clarifai * Stewart Rogers, Director of Marketing Technology, VentureBeat
We take a look at present bias and other behavioral mistakes investors make when saving and investing for...
That mistaken belief usually rests on a short - term look at gold by critics that are biased toward owning stocks.
«If you look at the number of public companies and the number of circulars and they're all in a concentrated season for what they do I don't think it's significant in terms of the number of mistakes made — but when there is one it's near and dear to everyone's heart.»
They make the same mistake looking at other proposals.
One of the common mistake most of the young entrepreneurs make is: They focus more on building & miss out looking at user experience.
Take a look at some common mistakes people make when investing in tech.
Others are from a wider lens, like looking at common ethical mistakes business owners make.
Putting aside his mistaken belief that his voters are «Aussie Battlers» - when in fact they are hard - working small business owners and contractors, many of whom receive franked dividends from their business endeavors — it's worth looking at what all the fuss is about... Continue...
Longleaf also made the mistake of looking at the wrong variables.
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