Sentences with phrase «look at your finger»

My finger points at the bare - assed moon of dogma, but you keep looking at my finger.
Soon after, he may begin to look at the finger you're pointing.
They're naturally curious and will find something to do if they're not exhausted; they might grab their toes or look at their fingers, for example.
Martijn is challenging the status quo and pointing to the moon, so don't just look at his finger.
Every day, whenever I look at my finger, I'm reminded of the past and the future at the same time.
Watching Macchio (My Cousin Vinny, The Karate Kid) try to stack up with the legends can be a bit silly at times, especially since it is you can occasionally tell that he isn't really playing the guitar, but the guitar coaching and actual performing by Arlen Roth (along with Ry Cooder) works well enough that it looks believable enough for those not looking at his finger movements.
was something — anything — for my senses to latch onto; it didn't feel like watching a cinematic masterpiece as much as it did spending 90 minutes looking at a finger painting pummeled into a solid brown smudge by an overzealous child.
If you look at your fingers, declawing would be like amputating the last section of each finger.
Locals WILL take one look at your finger and directly ask you questions about your relationship status.
Main image: Hetain Patel, Don't Look at the Finger, 2017 (Film still).

Not exact matches

Journalists and doctors who have tried the test called it painless, but a look at Yelp reviews of one Theranos location, at a Walgreens in Palo Alto, shows that at least one person claims their finger was bruised.
Every time my fingers zombie - typed"» into my URL bar and hit enter, I'd find myself looking at the login screen and think, Why am I doing this?
Again, look at Chipotle, which has the lowest - tech method for ordering: pointing with your finger.
My idea of financial forecasting consisted of looking at last month's sales, sticking my finger in the air and taking my best guess as to what next month's sales were going to be.
A look at the young companies making it possible to unlock your tech with your face, heart, finger and voice.
It looked like a crushing blow to the industry, with skeptics pointing the finger at Udacity as just one example of why MOOCs offer students a subpar education.
And before we point our collective appalled fingers at Harper or the Canadian Forces, let's also take a hard look at ourselves.
«So we suggest looking at ovals, which have a similar aesthetic, are cheaper for a given carat size, and look even larger on a finger
Bible believers accept that God wrote on stone tablets with His finger, an Ark that was magically filled with animals, a sea that magically parted, a talking donkey, a woman turning into salt for looking at a city, a polygamous Abraham / David / Solomon, and some Jonah guy living in a whale.
and the pastor looked at him, pointed his finger and said.
Debbie Harpe recalls a time when Jones looked her mother in the eye in the middle of a service and pointed his finger at her.
Yet we divide and point fingers and look down our noses at those who have a difference of non-essential opinion.
Rather than pointing the accusatory finger at the churches and their vast wealth, I need to take a hard look at my budget, and my possessions, and where my money is going.
«When I look at your heavens,» the psalmist says, «the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are you human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?»
The deeper I go, the more the finger wags — the more aware of my baggage — unless I get stuck looking at the wagging finger rather than what the fingers wags at.
The deeper I look into myself the more clearly I become aware of this psychological truth: that no man would lift his little finger to attempt the smallest task unless he were spurred on by a more or less obscure conviction that in some infinitesimally tiny way he is contributing, at least indirectly, to the building up of something permanent — in other words, to your own work, Lord.
I glance at the ring on my finger, and look up to see her eyes focused on mine.
I look closely at the photograph and see the bracing of my own body, the cold look in my own eye, the fierce pointing of the finger.
It is easy to point the finger at the church (or as popular these days, at the government), but all of us, myself included, can begin by looking at our own budgets.
He points the finger and says: you have violated your marriage just by looking at this woman and desiring her.
Just look at the ring on his finger, it tells everything.
They don't want to look at his record (which is dismal), they want to cross thier fingers and hope he can figure it all out eventually.
Whether the stars are as near as they seemed to the Psalmist or are removed by the millions and billions of light years to which we must accustom our imagination, still the question is the same: «When I look at thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast established; what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou dost care for him?»
a priest comes out (no pun there) and says to look up the apologist phil jenkins and point his finger at the baptists....
yes i have looked at all the evidence and seen at first, all finger pointed to the man and then when the witnesses recanted their stories, would that make you think twice and three times before taking a life.
He went straight to Thomas and said, «Put your finger here, look at my hands.
Conversely, I will not point my finger at any house church, emergent movement, or any other gathering that seems to look more like a New Testament church and declare: «You have the biblical and historical right to exist!»
Becoming honest with ourselves begins with looking to the sin in our own lives before we point the finger at somebody else.
I see a lot of finger pointing and people poking fun but there are two ways to look at this
For a special touch, he told me to open a leather - bound fishing book and point my finger at some random place on the page to make it look like I was studying it.
I've written before about how I wrestle with it, how my heart is wounded at the slightest exposure to poverty, and then I quickly move on, stuff my fingers in my ears and sing lalalalalalalalahallelujah loudly to drown out the inadequacies of my response, look busy!
We tend to be a very judgemental people, looking for excuses to point our fingers at others.
typical christian point finger at others so they do nt look at u.... christians do nothing but spew hatred and bigotry... and here we have it.
So before anyone starts pointing fingers at Islam as a whole, look at your own religion.
At the same time, if we look more closely, each view does seem to have a finger on something that is true about the foundations of moral discernment and decision - making.
So before you go pointing you holier than thou finger at anyone else, maybe you should look in the mirror and realize that you are very similar than those you insult.
«Look at this diamond ring on my finger.
Perhaps we should all stop pointing our fingers at one another, and instead, take a closer look at ourselves.
Sounds more like they were looking for a way to save money, but instead of owning up to it, pointed their finger at Obama.
A few months later, with trembling fingers, I hit «send» and delivered my 100,000 + word manuscript to Thomas Nelson, where my talented and longsuffering editor took one look at it and said, «can you trim this down a bit?»
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