Sentences with phrase «look of particular elements»

Not exact matches

H3.3 has been intensely studied in other processes but no one has looked at transposable elements, possibly because they are often considered to be of no particular function to the cell.
But somehow, the Danish madman repackaged those elements into something that felt incredibly fresh, with a brace of fine performances (Bryan Cranston and Albert Brooks proving particular highlights), grotesque violence and a fairy - tale romanticism melding with one of the most striking looking and sounding movies of the last few years, one that's set to be ripped off by filmmakers and commercials for years to come.
Jonny Lambert selected this particular entry because he was impressed with the abstract and modernist approach the child had taken to incorporate the different elements of their life within the constraints of what the inside of a computer might look like.
CSS really comes down to is a series of rules that define how a particular element (or kind of element) will look when an ereader displays it.
All CSS really comes down to is a series of rules that define how a particular element (or kind of element) will look when an ereader displays it.
Stay Thirsty: What are you looking for in the landscapes that you paint and how do you choose which elements of a particular landscape to include?
The artist has focused an incredible level of precision to replicate every element of a particular box, on an identical flattened box, built of acid - free cardboard, painted to look like naked corrugated cardboard.
Rather, judges are to look to the modern rule (the language, the various elements of context, the intention, and purpose) to see which particular interpretation conforms to the schematic policy behind the legislation.
We've been working with a range of clients, including regulators, law firm partners and corporate legal teams to help them understand: first, the predictive coding process as a whole from start to finish, and what that looks like for their particular matter; and second, some basic elements such as precision and recall, so they don't get bogged down in the nuts and bolts of the data science.
We have looked a bit at a particular element of this question, about preparing witnesses and their social media evidence, here.
Other current checks related to this particular scenario is to look for screen reflections, the presence of a square element (shape of the phone) and more.
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