Sentences with phrase «look pock»

Not exact matches

There were strange pock marks interspersed among smooth plains and mountains that jutted higher than Everest, but they looked more like open sores on a world that could not heal.
That stellar sparseness means it does not look much like a typical spiral galaxy, but rather a loosely connected, ghostly blob of star - pocked gas and dust.
The cavity - pocked, cantaloupe - size rocks look similar to the modern stones Mercader found earlier in the Taï forest.
A century later, spacecraft images revealed that the moons look like asteroids — dark, crater - pocked, and potato - shaped — suggesting Mars had snatched them from the nearby asteroid belt.
I have seen yards with dogs that look like it is pock marked like the moon.
Girolata (named after a creek in Corsica, but after the picture was painted), one of the most beautiful of Joan Mitchell's recent paintings, is a large triptych which does look very much like a fairly literal impression of the face of a cliff pocked with crevices and littered here and there with vines and messy vegetation.
There, superimposed over the star ‑ pocked darkness just above Polaris, the North Star, is a large, slightly squashed looking M — the constellation you were looking for.
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