Sentences with phrase «looked upon reality»

I do not mean that they had a knowledge of scientific evolution but that they looked upon reality as a process of growth.

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Earlier Christians could greet the world as the creation, as a contingent realm deriving its ultimate meaning and reality from a transcendent Creator, even though the primitive Christians looked upon the world as the old creation, an Old Aeon that even now is coming to an end.
Ogden's own view is to look upon God as Process, as a social reality that interacts with human persons in a relational way, and who is temporal and historical because he grows, matures, evolves and becomes, while at the same time being God because he is likewise infinite, eternal, unchanging and immutable.
This author in my opinion deep inside is questioning her faith but like a security blanket to a child does not want to get rid of it and is looking for any explanation she can come up with to hold onto it even in the face of the reality that the text that faith is based upon is highly flawed and frankly quite silly.
This can also be expressed in another way: the cross is to be regarded as the eschatological event; that is to say, it is not an event of the past to be looked back upon, but the eschatological event in and beyond time, for as far as its meaning — that is, its meaning for faith — is concerned, it is an ever - present reality.
This undertaking, which looks upon Plato's Timaeus as its paradeigma, has been termed cosmology» in the western philosophical tradition of which Whitehead's Process and Reality is a prime example.
Conversely, many ordinary theologians look upon Polkinghorn's proposals as unpersuasively speculative and narrowly pertaining to the future of physical reality.
Panvitalism, according to Hans Jonas, was the common view.20 Where there was an apparent absence of vitality, as in a corpse, there was a tendency to deny the reality of any dead matter and to look upon death itself as an illusion.
We think that maybe the picture we had in our minds of exactly what our kid's childhood would look like isn't quite matching up with reality of our messy houses and piles upon piles of laundry.
Their debut is pretty hilarious to look back upon, as it's a Pac - Man clone that stars characters from the reality TV show of the same name.
However, the reality is that education as a whole is looked down upon and often mocked.
This is an unflinching look that touches upon some of the more sobering realities of nature, so please use discretion before sharing this book with kids.
Richterís painting reflects the influence of his interest in photography, and a closer look at his collector's editions reveals, in a somewhat different way, the extent to which Richter's art is based upon visual reproductions of reality.
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