Sentences with phrase «looked upon that creation»

Surely feel that you are not aware of the proper way of how to preform ablutions or keep your A$ $ as clean...!?! So please speak of no superior or inferior we are all of Adam & Eve and are as equal only those who fear God most are more superior but as I see you are not God fearful since you look upon his creations and Worshipers as if inferior to you although they might be remembering, worshiping and praying to God more than you do... or will do in your life...
How easy it is to forget that we are the result of the collaborative work of a relational Being who in the beginning said, «Let Us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,» and who looked upon that creation and called it good.
In Mary Shelley «s classic novel, Victor Frankenstein is horrified the first time he looks upon his creation because the thing is flat - out hideous: eight feet tall, with watery eyes, black lips, and translucent yellow skin.

Not exact matches

As per the quote, what we do in comparison to God is «like filthy rags» and rightfully so — we are comparing creation with the Creator — I am also guessing we all feel like Isaiah in that presence of the Creator «not worthy» to even look upon it or speak.
Earlier Christians could greet the world as the creation, as a contingent realm deriving its ultimate meaning and reality from a transcendent Creator, even though the primitive Christians looked upon the world as the old creation, an Old Aeon that even now is coming to an end.
What man is amid the brute creation, such is the Church among the schools of the world; and as Adam gave names to the animals about him, so has the Church from the first looked round upon the earth, noting and visiting the doctrines she found there.
Some evolution appears to have happened, but if you look at the scientifically agreed upon probability that the creation of the universe was unguided, it is like 0.000000000000000000276 or something.
It constitutes the «why» behind God's act of creation: «With unimaginable love you looked upon your creatures within your very self, and you fell in love with us.
Nature, therefore, is to be looked upon as sacred, rather than as a mere agent of utility for human needs, towards which human beings are called to relate with a sense of duty.161 The arrival of the harvest, as may be noted from the case of the mustard seed, asserts that the time has come when the blessings of the Kingdom of God are available for all including non-human creation.
I'm looking forward to expanding upon what this great company is already doing so well, working with people who share a passion for water, people and community and the preservation and creation of natural, social and economic capital that benefits all.»
«To the contrary, upon looking at these numbers, one has the feeling of being in the presence of one of the inexplicable secrets of creation
The epitome of excellence - Majin and the forsaken kingdom is possibly one of the most inspired and most original creations this generation it seamlessly blends single player adventure with AI assisted co-op and although upon first looks this game might seem childish you shouldn
The fact that Pixar clearly copied this classic design for their own creation shows the overall concept was still looked upon favourably.
The Last Jedi has been unleashed upon us, along with tons of new books looking at the creation of the movie.
A complaint letter can identify the items that are valid enough to be reasons for the letter creation and for the issue to be investigated and looked upon.
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