Sentences with phrase «looking at different»

However, the interesting thing was that a recent study looking at different fruits showed that bananas were associated with quite a bit of protection against T2D.
I came across Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building program while surfing the Internet (and wasting time) looking at different bodybuilding Websites and forums.
For instance, looking at different white blood cells reveals whether an immune reaction is chronic or acute, and whether a virus, a bacterial infection, allergies, or parasite may be causing it.
Should I be looking at some different foods that you know of?
However, as I was looking at the different options, I was disappointed by the lack of affordable, high - quality Bergamonte supplements out there.
We will also focus on more foot and hand massage with an introduction to foot and hand reflexology, as well as most of a day spent looking at different massage oils, liniments, balms and the qualities of 20 different essential oils so that you can give an aromatherapy massage treatment.
I'm new to Keto, second week almost completed and today I was looking at different fat bombs and next thing I know I get a recipe from you, how awesome is that.
After much research and looking at different types of saunas, I decided to purchase the Ensi 2 - person Infrared sauna.
My topic will be looking at different glute exercises and their effect on performance.
«When I was looking at different medical schools, somebody came in and asked me what my plans were.
Looking at this different than what we have been told gives us a better starting point for better health.
Marna Thall: If you've never experienced it or if it's been many, many years, then the instant gratification is quite different, so — so I say the way I balance it and look at all of it is — is one, knowing the person, really getting a sense of who this person is that they're not just — I'm not just putting them through a system without knowing who they are and then looking at these different components and trying to balance them on and — and calibrate them because most people, they're usually just a few tweaks.
Unfortunately, because each study was looking at different measurements and using different amounts of weight when utilizing the weighted vests, it's almost impossible to draw hard and fast conclusions about when, where and how (or more specifically, how much), exactly, you should use weighted vests.
Depending on which your guy is experiencing, you're looking at different issues.
McGillivray's message was if things are not working out and people are rejecting you, try looking at different options and take another path.
The fact that a model population represents the observed planets so well tells astronomers that all of the various exoplanet surveys are looking at different sections of the same puzzle rather than different puzzles altogether.
Rob's taken a more historical perspective, looking at different types of human populations and the impact of ancestral lifestyles on microbiomes.
The most challenging part of growing the cells, according to LLNL post-doctoral researcher Chao Huang, was looking at different cell seeding densities to find one that would stay alive long enough, and could measurably contract and respond similarly to what would be expected in humans.
We are now looking at different combinations of drugs that will be able to kill melanoma more aggressively,» she says.
Then, we started looking at different forms of the protein and, unexpectedly, found that a short form was the key to silencing HIV.»
Looking at different locations in Germany, the East German station of Erfurt / Weimar shows the same January cooling trend despite rising CO2 concentrations.
At first, the segments will be looking at different points in the sky.
«There have been a lot of studies looking at different drugs, but researchers have not seen positive results,» said the study's lead author Evan Alley, MD, PhD, chief of Hematology and Medical Oncology at Penn Presbyterian Hospital.
«If you are looking at different parts of a complex system, a system - level approach can be really beneficial in helping to put individual pieces together,» says study co-author Daniel Larremore, an applied mathematician at the Santa Fe institute.
So far it has been assumed that humans recognize faces as one whole object or image, and not by looking at different parts (such as lips, ears and eyes) or local features that together form a face.
The researchers posit that these differences could be because they were looking at a different stage of the disease.
«Looking at different genomes and seeing where various processes were created gives you some insight into how things work and why they were generated.»
«Future studies looking at different menu types and sets of participants are necessary, but this study on its own provides clear evidence that both calorie labeling methods can be effective when ordering meals online,» VanEpps said.
«It's all looking at different pieces of the puzzle,» he said.
«We are looking at a different subset of neurons that were previously unknown,» Chen says.
One way you can tell is by looking at different oxygen isotopes in the fossilized skeletons of ocean microorganisms.
«It's looking at the same reality, just looking at a different angle.»
Other organizations are looking at different aspects of gene drive.
Brink: The group trained against their natural preference — because I'm looking at different types of behavior to try to decide whether that means they are sleep deprived or not; so I was looking at three things.
«It appears any decline that may have been detected by looking at different snapshots in time or different data sets has reversed course.
Scientists try to infer the type of nest by looking at different characteristics of the eggs and the nest setting.
While clinicians have been looking at different ways to prevent higher blood glucose levels by prescribing anti-diabetic drugs, Wright said his lab is interested in exercise physiology and trying to figure out how exercise can improve glucose homeostasis.
When you're looking at different reviews, we've listed the amount of pressure clearly on the chart.
(CNN)- They're on the same team, but the House and Senate Democratic campaign chiefs appear to be looking at different playing fields when it comes to the political environment their party will face in 2010.
Should each county's vote be weighed and depending on the measure for the weight, we could be looking at a different scenario next month.
Success Charter Network is looking at a different Upper West Side school for its expansion plans, an official says.
Despite what the current and last government have said, yes it would be — which is why the European Commission is starting one itself, looking at different approaches to controlling new synthetic drugs - so - called («legal highs»).
It is really just about looking at the different factors together to form a whole as opposed to just picking one thing which might be an effect rather than a cause.
«That is certainly an option, and we're looking at the different options we have.
When you are choosing which highchair to buy, you'll be looking at different factors including age range, practicality and style, and we firmly believe we can cater for all of those!
I have been looking at different babywearing sweater and coat options, and so far this is my favourite!
It may sound like a bit of a stretch, but if for no other reason, looking at the different types of babies based on their parents combined zodiac signs is a rather amusing!
Sony issued a statement, but acknowledged that it is looking at different options for the unit which is one of several business lines dragging...
I mean you always are going to have babies that don't like certain things and when we're looking at different kinds of things to do, I mean we're looking at the majority.
You might find that your baby is more stimulated by primary colours such as red, yellow and blue and also enjoys looking at different shapes and patterns.
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