Sentences with phrase «looking at his teeth»

I've heard countless well - meaning people say things like «I tried eating vegetarian, but I just craved meat» or «Humans were meant to eat meat — just look at my teeth
i work full time as a dental assistant and dream of the day i can work from home and say adios to looking at teeth all day.
You can talk about how the dentist will look at and clean your child's teeth, and you can model good dental office behavior by letting your child play dentist and look at your teeth.
Seriously, look at that tooth monster's eyes — are they following me?!
The dentist can look at the teeth, predict when they will come out and tell the child what to expect.
A new study published in the journal Nature, led by evolutionary biologist Dr Alistair Evans from Monash University, took a fresh look at the teeth of humans and fossil hominins.
But then they looked at tooth marks from previous experiments in which researchers had captive crocodiles chomp down on sheep bones.
But no one took a close look at his teeth until now.
So, we looked at the teeth, but the teeth was so odd — we [had] never see [n] any Mesozoic mammal have a set of teeth like that; but if you compare [it] with anything else, that this is still a mammal -LSB-'s] teeth.
To look at the teeth and jaws of the hominins at Dmanisi is to see a mouthful of pain, says Ann Margvelashvili, a postdoc in the lab of paleoanthropologist Marcia Ponce de León at the University of Zurich in Switzerland and the Georgian National Museum in Tbilisi.
You can tell a lot about animals» lives by looking at their teeth.
A broad look at tooth formation of Darwinius shows that the third molar crowns are well developed, while the deciduous dentition has only begun to shed — a degree of simultaneous tooth development that does not appear in slow growing primates.
Uh — I'll look at tooth meridian chart and see where that tooth's meridians on.
Seriously, open up your mouth and take a real close look at your teeth.
I remember once, my little cousin was looking at my teeth while I was smiling and said, «Wow, you have a loose tooth too!»
Your furkid's dental health is important, which is why one of the first things vets do during your pet's check - up is look at its teeth and gums.
Simply check their mouth by lifting the lips and looking at the teeth and gums.
Looks at her teeth, gives a piece of kibble.
The mouth should be examined by raising the lips, looking at the teeth and touching the gums at the junction of the teeth to the gums.
Your dog isn't likely to lie still and open his mouth to let your vet look at his teeth, remove any tartar and polish the enamel.
Learn how many baby teeth puppies have when they appear, and how you can guestimate your puppy's age just by looking at his teeth.
You'll also learn how to predict the age of a puppy just by looking at the teeth because the various teeth erupt at predictable times.
Veterinarians and veterinary technicians can get a better look at the teeth and accurately assess the stage of the disease.
After a thorough combing of those parts of his body, pause and look at the teeth of the comb to see if any fleas have been stuck in between the teeth.
So we look in the rabbit's mouth right away thinking maybe he has a tooth problem, and before you even look at the teeth you can see the burn in the mouth, and that really hurts.
This involves lifting the dog's lips to look at its teeth and evaluating the response.
- Lift up the lips to look at the teeth, treat!
«When I'm giving someone an estimate on their cat's age, I tend to start by looking at the teeth,» Barrack said.
Our digital dental x-ray unit can detect problems under the gum line that may not be evident by just looking at the teeth...
These pictures provide a comprehensive look at each tooth and offer valuable information for evaluating the tooth's health.
Most pets will allow a brief look at their teeth and oral cavity if approached slowly and gently.
Sometimes, the veterinarian will have to do X-rays of your rabbit's head or look at the teeth under anesthesia to know for certain if your rabbit has bad teeth.
You can also get an indication of your pet's dental health by monitoring the breath (bad breath is often due to dental disease) and flipping the lip up to look at the teeth.
If you flip your pet's lip up and look at his teeth, can you see unsightly tartar?
Dr. Jennifer H.: Just looking at the teeth, this tooth actually looks pretty normal.
Dr. Jennifer H.: Sometimes you can see them just looking at the tooth, but a lot of times you need a dental X-ray to reveal what's really going on.
When you look at the teeth, and see some tartar, it doesn't seem like much of a problem.
Look at their teeth, exactly the same as other carnivores.
I just took her to the vet, hoping that they would also take a look at her teeth / brush them, but they didn't.
Try to get a look at the teeth, they should not be overgrown and should be well - aligned.
As you dog gets conditioned to having it's teeth brushed get into the habit of looking at each tooth carefully to inspect for plaque / tartar you might be missing or any signs of infection such as bleeding or inflamed gums.
I usually start at the head, open the mouth, look at the teeth and under the tongue.
You only need to look at their teeth to know that.
Make a game of opening his mouth, looking at his teeth and giving them a gentle rub with a soft toothbrush.
If you have an adult dog who has never brushed their teeth before, we recommend starting with lifting their lips and looking at the teeth.
X-rays may be needed to look at the tooth roots and surrounding bone.
This examination will include a look at the teeth, gums, and oral cavity.
Having said that, it is only after having your dog or cat under anesthesia that our vets can take a detailed look at each tooth.
We will see him back in four weeks to repeat those radiographs and if at that time things are fully healed and there are no further issues, the next step would be to make an appointment for a dental exam to look at the teeth that were damaged as part of the injury.»
I've always heard you can tell a lot about someone's health by looking at his teeth.
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