Sentences with phrase «looking back it»

Looking back on it, it would be tempting to dismiss Mike Stephenson's epiphany as the by - product of what can happen when entrepreneurs and alcohol mix.
«Looking back on my time at Yahoo, we have confronted seemingly insurmountable business challenges, along with many surprise twists and turns.
Looking back, Flanders says he regrets the Manwin agreement because the company used to funnel traffic to its hardcore adult subscription sites, which he thinks was «too off - brand» with Playboy's shift to a retro - clean rebrand, a return to the classy Playboy your grandfather might recall as a gentleman's destination.
Looking back at my list when I set a goal to get a Division One college scholarship, I had over 40 things that I needed to do in order to put myself in a position for success.
Looking back on my own experiences, here are four critical tips for how other entrepreneurs can find the right balance between excelling at work and at home:
Looking back on it, the things that were the most challenging were really the most valuable.
Looking back I can barely remember what went on in there, but just that I went in with a fighter's mentality of not letting them speak over me, bully me or misrepresent what we are doing.
Spend a good deal of time looking back at your history and personal values in determining why you're even in the business you're in.
Looking back, last year's Republican primary offered plenty of signs that a breach between the industry and Trump was inevitable.
Looking back at my college years, I was always glad that I had random party - themed articles of clothes handy (Hawaiian shirts, referee jerseys, sports jerseys, construction vests, an extra bed sheet for a toga party, etc).
Looking back, I wish I didn't allow that to be an obstruction.
Looking back on the last few years, I found myself constantly fighting with other contributors and market participants about the direction of the stock market.
«Looking back at Mr. Wetmore's tenure, it was under his leadership that the current strategy was developed, and it was he who put the team in place that is now delivering the performance we are seeing at CTC,» she said in a note to investors.
Looking back at my dad I thought about how lame a blue vase was, and how reading a book to get one was even lamer.
The removal of immediate gratification, showing up, paying your dues, doing the work, an appreciation of your craft, shipping and not looking back — these are the laws that govern the behavior of a true professional.
What's striking looking back is how little there was to sell in the original Apple stores.
«I think the way they kept looking back - and - forth at each other, like they really weren't sure,» Miracle said in an interview with KOVR.
But, looking back, here are four things I wish someone had told me to focus on much earlier.
Virtually all of still photography switched over to digital years ago with hardly anyone looking back, and now most of us even record home video on chips rather than on tape.
Looking back, I could see that I had gotten in trouble in part because I had lost perspective.»
I'm in my late 30s and looking back, there are a lot of things I may have done differently had I known what I know now.
But looking back, he says the smartest thing he actually did was hire a driver to take him to meetings so he could work in the car.
This article explores Megyn Kelly's phenomenal rise by looking back at her interview with Sheryl Sandberg at Fortune's MPW Summit in 2014.
Looking back on this decision to take on the challenge of reviving a struggling business, Wat tells CNBC that whilst it was challenging, it was something she was willing to take a chance on.
Going back to the failure of Kodak (there are many, but we'll focus on one), looking back now, everyone and their mom knew that digital would crush the film business, especially Kodak.
«Looking back,» she says, «I wish I had gone to Yahoo! first.»
Sagan won the green jersey for points at last summer's Tour de France and followed it up with an even more impressive performance at the Road World Championships in Richmond, Virginia, which he won in crafty fashion — surging on an uphill cobblestone section and never looking back.
But what I saw, looking back, was not so much what they were doing but their mindset.
And the best way to ensure that a year from now you'll be looking back on your performance with satisfaction and pride is to plan now and often.
But looking back, I wouldn't be where I am today without it.
Looking back I still marvel at how he was able to achieve what he did, but I think the hardships he overcame during and after the war gave him the strength to fear almost nothing.
Looking back on a dramatic career like that of mining executive David Flanagan, it is clear the extent to which a stint of work experience and an industry vocational visit influenced his subsequent choices.
Looking back at the 2016 election, we can't be sure James Comey didn't violate that trust.
We actually considered moving our company there in the early days... but we didn't, and we're thankful for that now when looking back on things.
To best understand what's gone wrong with Western Australia's iron ore industry you need to start by looking back 12 years, to 2003, when an ambitious Andrew Forrest created Fortescue Metals Group.
As Apple employees prepare to move in to their new headquarters, one documentarian is looking back over the past year to show what it took to get them there.
Looking back, all those little requests were time sucks.
So, looking back, I realize what got me into entrepreneurship, and more importantly, what helped me succeed were all those naysayers.
But looking back over Flaherty's six budgets, it is increasingly clear that he doesn't have much of a clue what he would do with the federal treasury if he were freed from the political constraints of a minority parliament.
Looking back, I realize I suspected flying polluted more than I would have felt comfortable with and purposefully didn't look up the numbers.
Looking back, that was quite a bit of coverage.
Looking back from five years hence, 2012 could well be the year of the stock.
But looking back, I've realized that failure also propelled me towards the multiple seven - figure business I've since built.
Now, looking back, he's pretty confident that the word «ask» is one of the world's most powerful.
Looking back, she says her desire to find a home to live in for the long term was the wrong approach.
Looking back, I wish I never would have taken on any debt at all, because it would have forced me to be wiser from day one.
But looking back, it was the best thing that ever happened to me!
Now that inflation is back in the crosshairs of the markets, as investors try to understand what has caused such a swift correction in stocks, it's worth looking back at what Buffett has said about inflation in the past.
Looking back, I was so naïve.
So looking back on it, what would you say has made you the most successful?
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