Sentences with phrase «looming crisis»

Alliance for Excellent Eucation issues brief: The Online Learning Imperative: A Solution to Three Looming Crises in Education (February 2010)(460K)
«Looming crisis of the much decreased fresh - water supply to Egypt's Nile delta.»
Without denying that the Human Age has triggered global warming and a terrifying mass extinction, Ackerman banks on our ability to address looming crises with creativity and determination in this precisely illuminating, witty, and resplendently expressive guide to the framework for a more positively human and humane future.
And counter to what many believe, this doesn't change when your company is doing well — every moment of glory is fleeting, quickly swept away by the next looming crisis and the need to reach the next level of success.
The idea of culturing flesh for meat and other animal products is more than a gee - whiz moment for technology geeks — whoever can bring the food technology to market will take a major step toward alleviating one of the key factors fueling humanity's large looming crises.
The report focused largely on the state's pension crisis, but New York City faces the same looming crisis and Mayor Bloomberg has repeatedly called for reining in retirement costs.
Head teachers» leaders warned that such «structural changes» would be irrelevant unless the government addressed a «looming crisis in both funding and recruitment».
Avoid being sucked into observations and dialogue about the looming crises that many people are certain lay ahead.
And water is a looming crisis: a recent McKinsey report forecasts that global water demand will rise 40 % over the next 20 years.
Click here to watch the full interview with Grant Williams for more insights about gold and the historical warning signs of a looming crisis.
One possible solution to this looming crisis is that either Congress or the Treasury Department authorizes an emergency loan to the island's government.
The president may ignore the looming crisis of sovereign bankruptcy, but his rhetoric in terms of pathos and ethos is powerful.
These trends will create shortage of affordable housing necessitating a well - designed and quickly implemented housing policy to tackle this looming crisis.
Instead, Labour responds with hostility and has no serious plans to tackle CO2 emissions or even the looming crisis in energy supply.
«We wrote protest letters to the governor, national secretariat over the looming crisis.
They're sure to discuss critical Bronx housing issues such as foreclosures and the looming crisis with over-leveraged buildings purchased at unsustainable inflated prices with private equity.
London's only bilingual free school has opened its doors as the government tries to tackle the looming crisis in school places.
These are potential sources of funding for teacher positions, he told the standing - room - only Council hearing, at a time when the city is facing a looming crisis in education, child care, afterschool programs and other family and children's services.
The looming crisis has forced doctors to flee the island in search of better rates and patients to flee in search of better care, only exacerbating Puerto Rico's problems.
Greg Clark needs to demonstrate that the Tories have a plan to address the looming crisis in British energy supply.
«We conclude that coastal communities are facing a looming crisis due to climate change related sea - level rise, one that will manifest itself as increased frequency of Sandy - like inundation disasters in the coming decades along the mid-Atlantic and elsewhere, from storms with less intensity and lower storm surge than Sandy,» Sweet said.
As a result, people in Florida's southernmost coastal counties already have more knowledge than average Americans about climate change and see it as a looming crisis.
«We face a looming crisis based on the country's inability to train enough U.S. - born talent,» asserts George Langford, a biologist at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, and head of the education committee of the National Science Board, whose task force on the scientific workforce is finishing up a report that is expected to call for a major boost in government training funds (see sidebar).
Langford's «looming crisis» and Jackson's «gap» are more difficult to pin down.
According to Ulf Heyman, author of the report, there are two ways to solve the looming crisis.
The development could help save the multibillion - dollar computer chip industry from a looming crisis: the point when microchips can't get any faster.
With the advent of «predatory» journals that seem legitimate but function essentially on «pay - for - publish» economies, some commentators are claiming we are facing a looming crisis in science.
But across two - and - a-half hours, even these cameo turns, even an ambience of looming crisis as we edge towards the endgame, are not enough to distract from the sense of a pantechnicon slamming on the breaks.
Why there aren't more male educators in the classroom who look like him, keeps Robert Ellis, an African - American, first - grade teacher at Washington Elementary School in Richmond, Calif., up at night, and wrestling with what he sees as a looming crisis in the profession — a shortage of teachers.
It is his policies that have led to the mess we saw at the Al - Madinah Free School earlier, the looming crisis in teacher recruitment and the 141 % rise in unqualified teachers since 2010.»
London's only bilingual free school has opened its doors as the government tries to tackle the looming crisis in school places.
«If this is the Government's answer to a looming crisis in teacher supply, they really need to look at the numbers; the Troops to Teachers scheme is not the answer.
This is a looming crisis in, okay, reading.
Further, he often describes sources in a perfunctory manner that offers readers no glimpse into the humanity involved in this looming crisis.
For the first time ever the digital format has overtaken print, but there is a looming crisis when it comes to piracy.
Americans face a looming crisis because millions of people near retirement age have little money saved.
Numerous studies have pointed toward the looming crisis student loan debt could cause on the economy.
The group is still talking to legislators, hoping to find a solution to what appears to be a looming crisis.
Still, a looming crisis may actually make it harder to see the consequences for culture.
This failure belongs to the curators, not the artists included in the show, and reflects a looming crisis in contemporary art where media producers assume the role of curator and in turn organize trend - oriented exhibitions centered on universal concepts with little nuance or awareness of the histories central to their curatorial work.
It's also obvious that many people still do — and in face of reading about the looming crisis of climate change, turn the page to a Range Rover ad and head to the dealership.
The wind industry's looming crisis was a topic of discussion at the New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce's second annual conference in Las Cruces Oct. 5, attended by executives from national and local firms, and by state and federal public officials.
But the atoll study is one of many that points to a looming crisis of global displacement that will come sooner than expected if the world doesn't act quickly to reduce emissions and curb climate change.
ICN's series on Exxon's early research into global warming showed that the company was at the forefront of climate change research as early as 1978, long before the general public was aware of the looming crisis.
«The ever increasing ethanol mandate has become unsustainable, causing a looming crisis for gasoline consumers,» API's Bob Greco said.
Speaking on behalf of all the groups, Stephen Hale, director of Green Alliance, said: «Action in the next parliament is critical if we are to simultaneously reduce our CO2 emissions whilst improving the resilience of our natural environment to avoid the looming crises of food, energy and water shortages by 2030.
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