Sentences with phrase «looming deadline at work»

You may have a looming deadline at work, but the startling beauty of a freshly blooming peony will only be there to appreciate for a short time, so make the most of it.
Rather, with looming deadlines at work, financial burdens, social pressure and the constant inundation of information, it's safe to say that for the majority of the Western World we are stressed for the most part of a day, most days.

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Add that to a looming deadline for me on a huge project at work... life is going to be busy and a bit rough until mid-March.
Our spring break put me behind at work with a looming deadline and to be able to work for 5 hours without paying a babysitter just seemed to make sense.
With the mandated budget deadline looming in March, the state assembly has been hard at work to complete their financial plan for 2017.
I seem to work at my best when there is a date looming, but at the same time, I dislike the pressure of deadlines.
We all have those days at work when nobody feels like working, looming deadlines, zero productivity, etc., but this can all be very frustrating when you are a part of an eLearning team without being able to track the progress of this team.
In my case, I contribute regularly through a group RRSP at work, so I don't normally regard the looming RRSP deadline with any trepidation.
Design has an image that can attract people for the wrong reasons at times because when the projects stack up and the deadlines are looming and your back aches and you're working into the early hours of the morning, it's then you need to know you're doing this because you love it.
When you've got a big deadline or exam looming, you might need to spend a bit less time resting and a bit more time working, but never neglect getting at least a bit of downtime.
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