Sentences with phrase «loss costs»

The learning - loss costs of teacher absence, however, have high face validity.
Set a premium that, on average, will deliver a profit after both prospective loss costs and operating expenses are covered.
It's a balancing act: fraud versus fair settlement and loss costs with expenditures.
Both of these teams looked primed to be favored in this year's tournament, but end of the season losses cost both teams greatly.
Yet despite the decrease in the number of accident claims, auto insurance loss costs are mounting.
As a responsible insurer, from time to time we must adjust our rates to reflect loss costs.
This report examines the frequency, severity and loss costs associated with auto injury insurance claims under bodily injury liability and personal injury protection coverages, from 1990 to 2013.
Nonstandard auto improved 5.3 percentage points to 76.2 percent in the quarter, as average earned premium outpaced loss cost trends.
The NFPA states that the total economic loss cost of fire in the United States is $ 14,900,000,000 — that's nearly fifteen billion dollars a year.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that a combined total of medical and work loss costs added up to $ 303 million for crash - related deaths in the State of Idaho in 2013.
We tend to think that sticking with a task at all costs shows character, but sometimes you just have to cut your losses
The financial services firm Allianz estimated that a 30 - minute power loss costs an average of $ 15,709 per customer for medium and large industrial facilities, while an eight - hour outage costs an average of $ 94,000.
«Because loss costs must be estimated, insurers have enormous latitude in figuring their underwriting results, and that makes it very difficult for investors to calculate a company's true cost of float.
The BA estimates that keg loss costs each brewery between $.46 and $ 1.37 per barrel of beer they produce.
Experts estimate that aflatoxin - related crop losses cost American farmers about $ 500 million each year.
Soil loss costs Canadian farmers between $ 500 million and $ 900 million in lost production each year.
Earlier this year, Rover's massive losses cost BMW's chief and his lieutenant their jobs.
Mortgage insurers are adjusting their pricing to reflect the differing loss costs.
In order to get significant yields one must take credit risks in excess of average loss costs — it is safe to say at times like this, the purchase of risky securities is not rewarded.
The year 2011 was the most expensive on record for natural disasters, with insured losses costing the industry more than $ 126bn.
Walker maintains that sleep loss costs the UK economy more than # 30 billion (US$ 40 bn) a year in lost revenue, or 2 percent of GDP.
Though a rear - end accident does not produce a high amount of injury in comparison to front - end collisions, the human and property damage and losses cost residents in the state of Maryland millions of dollars in medical expenses, loss of production, time and insurance claims.
In recent years, LAWPRO's actuarial analysis of risk - rating results has shown that total premiums attributable to the family law bar meet the expected loss costs.
Where applicable, this deductible is a tax on damages, obviously intended to lower loss costs and thus premiums by discouraging plaintiffs and their counsel from pursuing smaller claims.
In addition, schedule loss costs have remained flat for twenty - five years, with the exception of four years in which benefits were increased for middle - and high - wage workers in exchange caps on permanent partial disability payments, which saved employers a billion dollars.
The rates that the insurance companies determine are typically after they have estimated any future loss costs and after addition of expenses, contingencies and profit amounts.
These rate adjustments are used to offset increased loss costs across the population, inflation, and lower than expected return on investments So, if the cost of your policy goes up for no reason, this might be one of the reasons.
It must (1) understand all exposures that might cause a policy to incur losses; (2) conservatively assess the likelihood of any exposure actually causing a loss and the probable cost if it does; (3) set a premium that, on average, will deliver a profit after both prospective loss costs and operating expenses are covered; and (4) be willing to walk away if the appropriate premium can't be obtained.
The NFPA states that the total economic loss cost of fire in the United States is $ 14,900,000,000 — that's nearly fifteen billion dollars a year.
Lawsuits can be a drain on someone's finances, especially when also dealing with the medical bills and work loss costs that come with a personal injury.
That Houston would dispute the call is understandable and, in light of what the loss cost his club, perhaps so was Nissalke's indictment of the referees in his postgame remarks to newspapermen.
«These losses cost the beekeeper time and money.
Any loss costs you money, but it could... more
We aren't growing the way we used to; we're only around 10 % growth, and loss costs are catching up with us, somewhat.
Determine whether you want replacement value coverage for your personal belongings or actual cash value (depreciated); replacement value coverage will cost a bit more, but will protect you more fully in the event of a loss
According to the Insurance Research Council, loss costs for both auto bodily injury and auto personal injury protection increased substantially between 2005 and 2013.
Determine whether you want replacement value coverage for your personal belongings or actual cash value (depreciated); replacement value coverage will cost a bit more, but will protect you more fully in the event of a loss
If that is the question I'm sorry, but you, (and perhaps the driver) more than likely will have to pay for all loss costs yourself.
Summary of Qualifications u Purchasing / Inventory u Customer Service & Guest u Menu Development & Management Relations Planning u Food / Beverage Labor u New Facilities Start - Up u Profit & Loss Costs u Budget Administration Management u Special Events / u Quality Assurance & u Forecasting / Scheduling Banquet Management Control u Proficient in MS Word, u Organization / Problem u Recruitment, Interviewing, Excel, PowerPoint, Solving...
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