Sentences with phrase «loss for someone»

And schools can be at loss for how to empower parents to increase student achievement.
There are times when blogging about a certain recipe that I feel at a complete loss for words.
Seeing your premature or ill baby for the first time may lead to feelings of loss for what you had expected.
Participants, on average, lost 4.7 % of the body weight, more than the average 2.4 % weight loss for in - person diabetes prevention programs.
There are various types of losses for which you might be able to collect reimbursement.
How often have we stood there in our kitchens, staring at our old family cookbook on the counter at a complete loss for how to go about making a dish gluten free?
That's tens of thousands of dollars in losses for which there is no coverage.
That investment could spell big losses for many cash - strapped school districts.
When I first became a mother, I was at loss for which strollers, diapers, and clothing were the safest and best to buy for my kids.
This could potentially result in a huge financial loss for you.
That's a huge loss for what essentially turned out to be a trading glitch.
This is largely why no fiscal analyses to date have found any program which generates a net loss for taxpayers.
This leads some investors to dump their losers near year - end, simply to establish a capital loss for tax purposes, to offset a capital gain.
Consider any significant losses for tax - loss selling.
But there have been gains as well as losses for process theology.
If the value of an account is below its cost basis, investors can sell their shares and claim a capital loss for tax purposes.
He recently passed away, and I feel it's a great loss for the biomedical community and the world.
The Bottom Line: This is a rental car only plan, so it will not cover losses for other types of travel risks.
Most people are able to see slow and steady fat loss for multiple months at this stage.
If you've struggled with weight loss for years, let us help you get on the road to success!
It's a healthy way of eating and an effective means of weight loss for many people.
The recent market downturn highlights the magnitude of the potential losses for stock investors.
Q: I own a corporate bond and the issuing company reports a large operating loss for its fiscal quarter.
Businesses and individuals take losses for a number of reasons beyond their control.
Likewise, a renter's liability coverage will kick in when their negligence results in property loss for other tenants in the building.
And this is despite knowing they've struggled with weight loss for most of their life.
One of the injured could be a massive loss for the club!
When this happens, dangerous products can be placed into the market resulting in injuries, health complications, and financial losses for consumers.
Keeping a tight stop loss for some means the death of a thousand cuts.
She has worked exclusively with children, and families coping with loss for the past 10 years.
That reduces intake and exhaust energy losses for more efficient combustion and improved fuel economy.
Let's talk about the difficulty of weight loss for women over 50.
Many coin offerings have also had security vulnerabilities that have led to big losses for investors.
· The lost of ice means economic losses for winter sports facilities including skiing, fishing and hunting.
There are a range of studies that suggest that a lower carbohydrate diet is better for weight loss for people who are insulin resistant.
I used to be at a total loss for what to wear to the airport, and to be honest I never cared.
If you want to know how to lose weight and keep it off, why not ask 5000 people who have maintained at least 30 lbs of weight loss for over 12 months?
And I think that is a real loss for everyone.
They are taking a short term loss for long term market share increase.
In other cases, however, the victim company suffers revenue losses for years to come.
A single customer policy, it is given to insure against loss for services rendered under a defined billing period.
Puppies — even purebred puppies — are in abundant supply and selling an entire litter often results in only a few dollars of profit or a financial loss for several months of headaches.
Ice loss for the week dropped about 50 % over the previous week, which indicate the melt season is rapidly winding down.
The decline during the current bear market thus far is still well short of the average loss for prior bears.
If you're planning to make a living off your books, that can be counted as a «business» — even if you report losses for several years.
This isn't just an issue for some obscure authors such as me; this is a serious loss for everyone.

Phrases with «loss for someone»

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