Sentences with phrase «loss of lean muscle mass»

Getting enough protein is important when losing weight to prevent loss of lean muscle mass.
Finally, loss of lean muscle mass slows down your metabolic rate so you burn fewer calories with activity and at rest.
Protein is required to supply the building blocks for renewal and maintenance of the body's cells, from muscle tissue to organs, skin and coat, so reducing it too much usually quickly results in loss of lean muscle mass, poor skin and coat quality and sluggish behavior.
Investigators determined that the discrepancy between BMI and body composition was due to increases in body fat with simultaneous loss of lean muscle mass during treatment.
Higher IGF - 1 levels also predicted a lower loss of lean muscle mass in aging men.
We also excluded individuals who had gastric bypass surgery and newly pregnant or lactating women (one 4 - y interval only) and censored individuals at age 65 due to age - related loss of lean muscle mass.
Cats 7 to 11 years old are at the highest risk for obesity due to increases in body fat, while cats greater than 12 years old are at risk for loss of both lean muscle mass and body weight.
Even the weakness of old age may have an inflammatory cause: Ferrucci has found that inflammatory activity breaks down skeletal muscle, leading to the loss of lean muscle mass.
My body fat has gone down by 6 to 7 % with no loss of lean muscle mass.
Restricting your daily intake of calories will lead to fat loss but also to a loss of lean muscle mass.
This is due to the loss of lean muscle mass thus less energy is required to maintain the body's vital processes.
Lost pounds are a short term effect which is reached at the expense of your health, loss of a lean muscle mass and a negative feedback cycle when a suppressed thyroid function causes even more stress response.
Loss of lean muscle mass and tone, resulting in decreased flexibility and structural protection of the skeletal system.
Many people living with diabetes around the world are told to eat a high - protein diet to «balance» blood glucose or to prevent against the loss of lean muscle mass.
Additionally, because cats can not process and utilize carbohydrates, Indoor and Weight loss formulas result in the loss of lean muscle mass because your cat is not consuming enough protein to maintain that muscle mass.
(ref) In humans, it results in a loss of lean muscle mass (protein - energy wasting aka PEW) and it is the strongest predictor of approaching mortality.
In us humans, the loss of lean muscle mass to CKD is one of the best indicators of ones approaching mortality.
In addition, as dogs age, they have a loss of lean muscle mass and an increase in body fat percentage.
Among its deleterious effects, over time hyper - cortisolism caused by Cushings Disease, may lead to obesity, skin infections, thin hair coat and even hair loss, pigmentary changes of the skin, urinary tract infections, loss of lean muscle mass, anxiety, diabetes, heart enlargement, kidney failure, and cataracts of the eyes.
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