Sentences with phrase «loss of love»

Loss of consortium: Represents the «loss of love, care, direction, and reinforcement» represented by a spouse or partner.
You can seek reimbursement of medical expenses and funeral costs, as well as compensation for loss of future earnings, loss of love and support, loss of services such as child care or household help and even pain and suffering.
If death occurred, the decedent's administrator could bring a wrongful death claim on behalf of the immediate family members for medical costs, loss of financial support from the deceased, funeral expenses and loss of love, support and companionship.
Damages under this category relate to the loss of the love and affection of the deceased family member.
Our evaluation of wrongful death claims must consider the manner of death and what the family has lost; for example, loss of love, care, comfort, support, companionship, and wages.
In pedestrian accident cases in San Bernardino where negligence or wrongdoing is a factor, families of deceased victims can file what is known as a wrongful death claim seeking compensation for damages such as medical and funeral costs, lost future income, pain and suffering and loss of love and companionship.
In fatal accidents, the surviving spouse, children and any issue of deceased children may bring a wrongful death action for funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial support and loss of love, affection and companionship.
Compensation may be claimed for loss of love, guidance and affection, loss of past and future financial support, loss of household services, loss of inheritance, medical, hospital and funeral expenses.
If you lost a family member to a dog attack, the decedent's administrator may bring a wrongful death claim on behalf of the immediate family and claim damages for financial and medical losses, funeral costs and loss of love, support and companionship.
In Orlando, a spouse is entitled to compensation for the loss of financial support, the loss of companionship, the loss of love and the loss of the routine services that were typically provided by the deceased.
Parents can bring a wrongful death claim for the loss of a minor child and are entitled to damages for the loss of the love and affection of the child and for the destruction of the parent child relationship.
• Funeral and burial expenses • Any medical expenses • Loss of financial support • Loss of love and companionship • Exemplary or punitive damages if the defendant's conduct amounted to gross, willful or wanton conduct
The protagonist is a former member of a motorcycle club who is trying to accept the loss of the love of his life and the whole world he had known.
From a book that I love: How to Survive the Loss of a Love, by Melba Cosgrove, Harold Bloomfield, & Peter McWilliams: «My friends are still here: neglected, rejected while I gave all my precious moments to you.
Hampl's own life winds through these pilgrimages, from childhood days lazing under a neighbor's beechnut tree, to a fascination with monastic life, and then to love — and the loss of that love which forms this book's silver thread of inquiry.
The Cunning Tortoise fable, was to demonstrate that greed robbed people of their dignity, coupled with the loss of the love and respect of other people.
That despite the loss of his love, he still hoped to live.
I am a widow of 5 years looking for a widower who understands the premature loss of the love of one's life.
I am a strong woman who works hard, has raised two very productive children, plays with my three beautiful grandchildren, and has experienced the loss of the love of my life.
Along with time, one of the surprisingly best ways I know to get beyond the loss of a love relationship is to use the healing power of Self - Love.
Or perhaps are you so distracted by the loss of love you won't allow yourself to love in the first place?
If you're grieving the loss of love, you have no time to hang out with Debbie Downers — the kind of friends who whine, moan, complain, and are otherwise stuck in negativity.
Lamenting the loss of love day after day is wasting precious time — and keeping you stuck in the darkness.
By my reading, the history of modernity should be understood in terms of the practical loss of love rather than doctrinal confusion.
If you are suffering from divorce, troubled marriage, depression, loss of love one, work problems, family problems, drink addiction, drug addiction, etc...
There is no loss of love, only the loss of illusion.
They are aware that many of those entrusted to their care suffer some disappointment from family members, perhaps a loss of love in marriage, that many are lonely living the single life.
A serial entrepreneur describes his whirlwind romance and how the tragic loss of the love of his life pushed him in a new direction.
There's loss of love: the broken relationships that can't be fixed.
The Democratic presidential candidate released a statement after the Department of Justice announced that it would be opening a civil rights investigation into the death of Alton Sterling: «Too many African American families mourn the loss of a loved one from a police - involved incident.
MetLife: Loss of a Loved One What to Do When a Loved One Dies from AARP WISER: Divorce & Widowhood Low - Income
Preparation — Inviting God's presence in a new season of life (be it marriage, a new job, the loss of a loved one, relocation, etc.) 3.
But we do believe they were saved... The sorrow is for those left to deal with their (temporary) loss of loved ones and friends so much sooner than expected.
Loss of a loved one, strong feelings of loneliness, «hitting rock bottom», a need to belong to be part of something bigger than themselves.
and by that i mean the clergymen, not the author of the article, i believe in the good faith you good people have with the loss of your loved ones... god bless
They offer an alternative to death, injustice, helplessness, insignificance, the loss of loved ones, and so on.
We mourn the loss of loved ones.
I used to think this was because they were embarrassed by their loss of a loved one, job or health.
The loss of a loving relationship, an esteem - feeding job, financial security, dreams for one's children, a house that feels like home, a healthy body, the life stage one has gotten used to, means there probably will be a crisis within.
The loss of a loved one is a psychological amputation.
Most religion plays on fear of death, fear of bad fortune, fear of loss of loved ones, fear of poor health.
Rather than trying to seek meaning in the paranormal to reconcile the loss of your loved one, accept the fact that the universe and by extension nature is chaotic.
Second, and closely related, television provides many people with important psychological compensation for a sense of alienation or frustration born of loneliness, poverty, illness, joblessness, loss of loved ones, divorce, and similar problems.
The museum, i believe, represents how people express their grief for the loss of their loved ones, the loss of a piece of their city, their loss of security.
Even most Christians, whom this comfort is for, try to get through earthly tragedies and loss of loved ones without it.
No matter what we go through, and we all go through suffering, abuse, loss of loved ones, sickness, and even death, Jesus is by our side.
In my difficult times (divorce, addiction, loss of loved ones and depression) I have asked God «why?»
Or, they may be making their REQUESTS based on what makes them feel better about THEIR loss... and guess what: when you're grieving the loss of a loved one, you're not always thinking clearly about what the person believed.
Death guilt is felt by individuals who survive, a sense that they should have been able to do something to prevent the loss of loved ones.
Although our patterns of grief and consolation have not been worked out as they should be in our Western culture, I have received comfort from the Christian community, and I am indeed grateful to those who have sincerely tried to assist me in the very difficult task of dealing with the loss of a loved one through suicide.
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