Sentences with phrase «loss of seats»

So it is also hard to credit that, far from making significant progress with their much heralded «fightback», the Lib - Dems are actually on course to make a net loss of seats in Wales this year.
But consistent bad headlines since Budget 2012 have hammered the government's reputation for competence and prompted loss of seats for the coalition parties at the local elections.
Former Long Island GOP Sen. Mike Balboni, whose departure from the Senate to take a job in the Spitzer administration caused consideration consternation — the the temporary loss of a seat to the Democrats — among his former colleagues, is now making up for things by giving them some of his old campaign cash that's sitting around collecting dust.
It resulted in a Conservative majority, a massive loss of seats for the Liberal Democrats, and all but three Scottish seats going to the SNP.
Labour would therefore suffer a net loss of seats relative to all other parties (in England) of 5.
The exception to the strong Conservative advance is West Yorkshire, where the Party suffered a small net loss of seats, for a second year in a row, and where it is not close to outright control of any of the authorities.
Most will be vigorously defended by those that would be affected but here, the county political leader would actually benefit directly from the loss of this seat.
The 2015 general election unexpectedly resulted in a net loss of seats, with Labour representation falling to 232 seats in the House of Commons.
In spite of the loss of seats in Wandsworth and Westminster, the party comfortably held on to Hillingdon, where the local MP and shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, had campaigned.
MPs such as Yvette Cooper, Stella Creasy and Chuka Umunna have spoken out in recent weeks about being threatened with the loss of their seat.
[188] Their net loss of seats were mainly a result of their resounding defeat in Scotland, where the Scottish National Party took 40 of their 41 seats, unseating key Labour politicians such as shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander and Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy.
A win in RI for Laffey in the primary will almost surely result in a loss of the seat to the Democrats.
If the loss of seat comes from Brooklyn, i will take it out on democrats, who permitted this to happen.
Labour's dominance of Scotland's Westminster seats continued in the 2001 general election, with a small loss of votes but no losses of seats.
Gains or losses of seats are not applicable in this election due to the reduction of seats from the last election in 1998.
In many cases, larger constituency units have come about as a result of a loss of seats — whether it be the loss of a European Parliament seat by the Republic of Ireland or the loss of County Council seats by some (of the more rural) counties — added to the overall increase in seat numbers for City and County Council elections.
The best outcome for Labour (although it won't feel that way to individual Labour MPs since it is the English region with the biggest net loss of seats) is the North West.
So, to minimise their loss of seats at the next election, the Lib Dems risk the accusation of bad faith.
This makes sense since United does not have to pay another airline for redemptions on its own metal; the only cost is the loss of a seat being sold on its own aircraft.
I think the loss of seating was worth it.
This helped offset the loss of seating from removing the giant dining table.
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