Sentences with phrase «loss parents»

One issue that many baby loss parents struggle with is how, when, and what to say to living children about the loss.
Pregnancy after loss is unique for each mother, but a unique situation for loss parents.
There are no words to describe the feelings of loss a parent feels when they lose a child.
One of the things many loss parents struggle with is feeling that we are alone in our journey after loss.
Like all other loss parents, I don't need a special day or ceremony, ritual, tradition, etc to remember that my son is dead.
I read somewhere where that with infant loss parents are almost never asked the «normal» questions, who does he look like?
There are things that non loss parents will not understand and thankfully I have a community for that now.
Holidays for baby loss parents add another layer of -LSB-...]
Underlying these conflicts is the sense of loss parents often feel when the holidays approach.
The home birth community seems to be inhabited by singularly callous people, who find that it is worth ostracising and ignoring loss parents, sacrificing other people's (and sometimes even their own) babies, and protecting dangerous midwives, all for the sake of avoiding any kind of discussion whatsoever of the risks and benefits of home birth.
I believe this is true for all parents, but more so loss parents -LSB-...]
Dearest Mama (or Dada), Wherever You Are in Your Journey After Loss, One of the things many loss parents struggle with is feeling that we are alone in our journey after loss.
Holidays for baby loss parents add another layer of complexity: typically, the holidays mark some type of milestone that reflects the lost pregnancy: when the parents were going to (or did) share with family the news of the pregnancy; estimated due date; the time of year of the loss; or other types of reminders.
You know those fears we have as baby loss parents, the uncomfortable situations, the anxiety tends to build before big events and then the event happens and it really wasn't anything like you anticipated it to be?
I soon realised the differences of live and still birth — the difference in antenatal care, the end of our «loss parent» status in the way healthcare professionals looked after us, the appointments and information that you are given.
You know those fears we have as baby loss parents, the uncomfortable situations, the anxiety tends to build before big -LSB-...]
If I'm honest, outside the deep sadness I've felt this month at missing my first son, and staring at second wondering how we got so lucky at the same time — I feel like I'm increasingly talking to no one, echoing in the chamber of Baby Loss parents, and not sure what good it's all doing.
It's a beautiful sentiment to recognize the loss parents feel — and continue to feel for years afterwards — from the loss of a child and a dream.
Give InKind is a site by loss parents for loss parents.
Idk how the fuck you start lecturing a loss parent on positive birth experiences but that's exactly what I think she did here....
Laura and her husband James Kocsis are loss parents and Give InKind is inspired by their daughter Layla, who was stillborn in 2013.
The death of a child is a loss no parent should have to bear.
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