Sentences with phrase «loss someone suffered»

Just like with the master liability policy, you're still on the hook for losses suffered by other tenants and by anyone else impacted by the occurrence.
Just like with the master liability policy, you're still on the hook for losses suffered by other tenants and by anyone else impacted by the occurrence.
This legal service coverage, which protects buyers for losses suffered as a result of the negligent errors of their lawyer, may not available from most other title insurance companies.
Most people think that stock investing is great except for the huge losses suffered in price crashes, which always take place during economic crises.
It was held that, even if a shareholder has a personal cause of action against the company, he can not recover loss which is merely reflective of loss suffered by the company.
A dismissed employee has a legal obligation to take reasonable steps to minimize the financial loss suffered as a result of their termination of employment.
But did you know that frequently the landlord is either not responsible or not solely responsible for bodily injury losses suffered on the premises?
You will also be unable to recoup any additional financial loss you suffer due to injury beyond medical expenses and lost wages.
Economic damages are awarded to make up for the financial losses you suffer because of your accident.
A wrongful death lawsuit can help to compensate families for the financial and emotional losses they suffer when their loved one dies.
Schedule loss evaluations under the present guidelines are inadequate to compensate injured workers for the economic loss they suffer as the result of workplace injury.
Your renters or home insurance policy automatically covers losses suffered by everyone living in your home and related to you by marriage, blood, or adoption.
However, where it is a question of actual loss suffered, it is much easier to compensate a plaintiff accordingly.
A collateral benefit arises when a source other than the damages payable by the defendant offsets the actual monetary loss suffered by the plaintiff.
Business income coverage applies to an income loss you suffer due to physical damage to property caused by a covered cause of loss.
You can add earthquake coverage to your renters insurance, and then you'd have coverage for a personal property loss suffered as a result of an unexpected situation like that.
The insurance covers deposit accounts, but not losses suffered by investments in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities and life insurance policies offered by credit unions or affiliated entities.
Genuine, proven losses suffered through an accident which wasn't their fault should be compensated.
What if a similar judgment was brought in foreign against an American actor for losses suffered under a similar basis?
The twelve previous losses he suffered happened over a period of 110 games.
It will cover the total relative loss they suffered, paid through annual payments until their death.
It has already long been known that men with premature hair loss suffer from heart diseases and prostate cancer somewhat more often.
Rather, it draws our attention to the personally experienced emotional and psychological losses suffered when there are changes or deaths in the natural world.
In any injury matter, our goal is to recover compensation for the undue losses you suffer.
Special damages are the measurable objective losses you suffer, such as property damage, medical bills and expenses, your lost wages and potential future income, and the like.
However, a car crash victim can only recover 70 % of the gross income losses suffered before trial or settlement of a claim.
Your premium goes to help fund losses suffered by the entire group.
Getting full compensation for the injuries and losses suffered in a motor vehicle accident and other scenarios is not a simple, clear - cut process.
Through these claims, plaintiffs may seek damages for losses suffered by any heirs, family members or beneficiaries, along with damages suffered by the deceased's estate.
Renters are no different from owners in terms of the amount of loss they suffer from a personal property standpoint if a tragedy occurs.
You can add earthquake coverage to your renters insurance, and then you'd have coverage for a personal property loss suffered as a result of an unexpected situation like that.
Economic damages are awarded to help you cover the financial losses you suffer because of your injury.
It is important to note that the plaintiff must quantify their damages by showing the economic losses they suffered, including medical expenses, lost wages, and lost future wages.
Economic damages help to compensate you for the financial losses you suffer because of an injury.
It pays for the financial cost of personal injuries and property losses suffered to other parties involved in an accident, up to the limits of coverage.
A car insurance claim made against a liability policy will pay only for losses suffered by the other driver.
Marine Insurance covers insured by providing compensation for losses suffered during transit of goods.
In last season's games we drew 2 - 2 at Carlisle with our goals scored by Tommy Wood and Shrimpton while the home game ended in a 3 - 1 defeat, the fourth in that run of nine successive losses we suffered at the end of the season.
Dan Litchfield, Invenergy senior manager and project developer, said the project would provide a stable, low - cost source of energy that allows farmers who own land the turbines are on to hedge against losses they suffer in farming.
In mid-October, US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson announced an intent to create a «Super SIV» (to be backed by the US government) that would «rescue» Citi from losses suffered in off balance sheet» commercial paper conduits» that Citibank supported with standby liquidity facilities.
«Despite recent losses suffered by Hispanics during the housing crisis, young Latino families that were unaffected by foreclosure or lost home values, are ready to enter the market,» says Carmen Mercado, president of the 20,000 - member group.
Price sued Tuesday, not long after another lawsuit was filed on behalf of Facebook investors seeking to recoup losses suffered when the social media giant's stock price fell when reports on Cambridge Analytica's activities broke.
After losses I suffered a few weeks ago due to mistakes and greed overtrading my account it looks like I was able to stop the madness and turn the tables around once again.
Both of these accrue to the benefit of high quality bonds, and owners will receive a windfall from their bond holdings in a depression, which can mitigate losses suffered elsewhere in the portfolio.
The purpose of a cross undertaking in damages is to compensate the subject of an interim injunction for losses suffered if it subsequently transpires that the injunction was wrongly obtained.
Jesse expresses his anger and sympathy for the great loss suffered by the Bitcoin community.
Lehman Brothersâ $ ™ failure and the massive losses suffered by other financial institutions have reduced bank lending around the world.
And more anguish over the job losses suffered in the economic crisis comes from the liberal side of the political spectrum, suggesting that it is liberals who should favor a move to Valuation - Informed Indexing.
In contrast, big losses suffered on such large portfolio amounts translate into devastating setbacks when the compounded effect of those losses are taken into consideration.
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