Sentences with phrase «lost output»

Drug - resistant infections could cost the world about $ 100 trillion in lost output by 2050, the coalition statement said, citing recent academic research.
The costs of the deviation from the optimal monetary policy in terms of lost output and employment might be high relative to the benefits of a somewhat smaller bubble.
But it would be foolish to ignore the mistakes we've made and what they're actively costing us in lost output, jobs, and living standards.
As the disinflation is fully anticipated, there are no expectational errors and hence there is no cost in terms of lost output from the disinflation.
By the same logic we should get rid of all Bank Holidays including Christmas and Easter, because the resulting lost output must run into hundreds of billions of pounds... we could run several dozen «No2AV» campaigns with that money.
If the diode goes open you will only lose some output and it won't be necessary to do anything.
It's a well - known fact that employee retention is far healthier for a business's bottom line; in fact, a report by Oxford Economics revealed that replacing a member of staff costs a business a total of # 30,614 per employee, through lost output and the logistical cost of recruiting and absorbing a new worker, making hiring a very costly exercise.
Not only does this lead to much individual suffering, but the damage to the economy is also great with health and social care costs and lost output amounting to over # 100bn in the UK.
Recent disruptions of oil production in Libya have cost the country 350,000 barrels daily in lost output, the central bank of the country said, adding that the effects of these disruptions will force it to curb spending further even though it has been trying to avoid this.
But the costs of tighter monetary policy may be lost output, higher unemployment and a failure to meet the inflation target.
The retirement of the baby boomers will leave the country with fewer economic actors, and the workers who remain aren't productive enough to make up for the lost output.
My reading of the evidence is that Australia reduced inflation at least as effectively (in terms of the trade - off between inflation and lost output) as countries like New Zealand, which have an inflation target.
UK GDP was 0.7 % in the second quarter of 2013 - a development which meant the British economy has now recovered more than half the lost output since its pre-recession peak.
President Obama's Clean Power Plan alone could have imposed $ 1 trillion in lost output, 125,000 lost jobs, and double - digit increases in electricity prices, the Wall Street Journal noted.
The Proposal promises to replace Diablo's 17,660 gigawatt - hours of annual output with renewable energy and efficiency, but its provisions only account for 4,000 gigawatt - hours of lost output.
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