Sentences with phrase «lost sinners»

You know, something like — «I believe there is a hell, and I believe lost sinners will go there when they die, but I don't know for sure, since my only source of information concerning hell is the bible.»
Most are presented the notion, as I said earlier, that they are «lost sinners deserving of hell» and that their «only escape is to accept Jesus».
Story after story in the bible show God seeking lost sinners, wooing them, urging them to turn from their freely chosen evil deeds, be forgiven and walk in his ways.
7In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety - nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!
It may not be a film that raises pulse levels, but the visual impact is often gut - wrenching, as if Ripley were tossed into purgatory to fight along side lost sinners and miscreants who are trying to find a way to redemption.
thats bs they just wreck the game by nerfing the bosses, demon souls, dark souls, darksouls 2 are great games until little kids who cant think of tactical ways to defeat a boss show up and whine to the creators, until they are givin no choice but to nerf them, seriously though lost sinner is so easy one person takes aggro of the sinner and the other 2 mess up the mages, the last giant and royal rat are being nerfed?
There are no good people, only saved sinners and lost sinners.
Now, I am completely confident that there will be no hell to welcome the «lost sinner» or «back - slidden believer».
Back then, as with the vast majority of believers, probably you, probably Rhology, all that was needed to persuade me was the claims from other believers that — «you are a lost sinner, God loves you, Jesus died for you... see, it's all right here in the bible, Gods word.»
You are a lost sinner, you're bound for a devil's hell, your righteousness is like filthy rags, nothing you do is good enough unless you keep asking Me for forgiveness, you're not worthy, «be holy for I am holy» even though your human nature forever prevents you from being holy.
You wrote, «However, you do NOT believe a lost sinner must believe these truths in order to be saved.
Some are lost sinners.
Without an iron wall to cower behind, I also tend to take a licking from some bosses: the Pursuer, Lost Sinner, and Royal Rat Authority (toxic dogs!)
Sometimes, you'll even find a way to get the jump on some otherwise - impossible enemies (like the Fool's Idol in Demon's Souls, or the Lost Sinner in Dark Souls II).
Attempt a Dark Souls 2 speed run by collecting the four Great Souls from The Lost Sinner, Old Iron King, The Rotten and Duke's Dear Freja.
There's the Lost Sinner, imprisoned in a cell within the stronghold of Sinner's Rise, hidden within the many jails of the Lost Bastille.
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