Sentences with phrase «lot about democracy»

We talk a lot about democracy, though our government thwarts it when it can.
We will survive this guy — and learn a lot about democracy.

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Calling Facebook a «a sewer of misinformation,» Joshua Benton of Harvard's Nieman Lab wrote in a post published Wednesday, «Our democracy has a lot of problems, but there are few things that could impact it for the better more than Facebook starting to care — really care — about the truthfulness of the news that its users share and take in.»
When you're talking about Revelation you're talking about Jesus» Second Coming, and there are a lot of Christians who think that their religion wouldn't be worth the effort unless they personally got to see their Lord and Savior slaughter all the liberals and end democracy like it says in that book.
They felt strongly about American democracy and women's rights, but they're old enough that it wasn't really feasible for a lot of them to go out to the marches in nearby San Diego.
I have been hearing a lot in the recent years about democracy and capitalism.
(1) Your question is based on the ridiculous assumption that economy and politics is a zero sum game and that somehow being «for» middle class means you're «against» (or «don't care about») poor; (2) Leaving that aside, championing the case of 75 % of population over 25 % seems like a lot less of a political suicide than championing the case of 25 % over the 75 %, unless I don't quite understand how voting works in a democracy.
But the comments revealed a lot more about Smith's campaign and the cultural identity crisis within British social democracy.
A lot could be said about existing systems - and even more could be said about systems that «could» exist - but let it suffice to say that Capitalism and Democracy do not «have» to co-exist within any given economy.
«As much as we think about it, we don't count for a lot of votes,» he said, noting the loss of Personal Democracy Media's Andrew Rasiej in the 2005 Public Advocate election.
You know, people sometimes say that when students from China come here and study and they go back, that they are bringing back western ideas, bringing back, you know, values of human rights and democracy, but that's partly true and definitely I have seen a lot of people come back with these kinds of ideas, well others come back and they have had such a negative experience in the United States that they become defensive about the one - party system, they become fans of it in someways.
The Heart of Whiteness: Ijeoma Oluo Interviews Rachel Dolezal, the White Woman Who Identifies as Black A lot of nonsense has been written about the role of Putin's Russia in subverting «our democracy
There are a lot of heavy - handed lip service about terrorism, xenophobia, and democracy tossed around, but Snyder lacks the nuance to make it add up to anything.
I think new media is very interesting because it is a field that challenges a lot of assumptions that we've made in the past, particularly with regard to education; it challenges how we think about citizenship; it challenges even how we think about democracy.
But we have been hearing a lot less about the civic mission of our schools — and the importance of education for our democracy.
Something about teaching is so personal and raw that teachers spend a lot of energy avoiding serious help from those who could best give it... Maybe I have to do some rethinking about how to bring the ideals of trust and democracy together to resolve a contradiction that I had underestimated.
This is why I think a lot of the cries about «this is a fight for democracy» are unfounded.
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