Sentences with phrase «lot about infrastructure»

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«The president talked about infrastructure improvements in roads and rail lines — these are all types of projects that get lots of small business involved,» said Charles Green, the executive director of the Small Business Finance Institute.
Lots of words by political parties about the need for infrastructure spending, but there have been few commitments to real action.
Expect a lot of «clever» talk and «imaginative» ideas about how to finance new infrastructure spending, without the words infrastructure «deficit» and «debt».
A few things in the discussion surprised me, and it also forced me to think a lot more about oil infrastructure in this country and to put some numbers to the question, «What would it take -LSB-...]
«We're seeking to expand transparent and competitive global energy markets, cooperating on high - quality infrastructure investment in the United States and in the region - we've spent a lot of time talking about infrastructure, especially urban infrastructure,» Turnbull told reporters.
The candidates talk a lot about job creation and economic development, with Espaillat condemning the growth of so - called big box stores and Walrond promoting infrastructure investment, but there is not a policy issue driving the race.
We may not be able to do anything about the limits of individual donors but we can separately be building another infrastructure, a public financing infrastructure that at least enables candidates to get heard in their relevant district without have a lot of money and without having big money backers,» said Teachout.
I mean, infrastructure really is the key in a lot of these things, but in some ways that goes to the really creative, novel way of thinking about this.
«The best way to protect our homeland is to make investments around the world,» because we only know about threats if our partners around the world have the capacity to detect, respond to and control threats, she said, adding that when it comes to pandemics, plans and prior infrastructure must be in place because «we don't have a lot of time for bureaucracy.»
That's a lot of what The Panama Laugh is about, in fact — the elevation of private business above community infrastructure, with catastrophic results.
Developing nations on the other hand are spending money today on establishing an energy infrastructure and they can make choices about spending this money on a system that will produce a lot of Carbon emissions or one that will be produce less.
But a lot of states and localities have begun to think very, very seriously about how to adapt, how to protect infrastructure, how to protect vulnerable people.
Zurich can learn a lot from Dutch cities about building bicycle infrastructure.
There is a lot to love about the cycling infrastructure in Copenhagen, but we have been rolling our eyes at the roll - out of the so - called «kissing bridge» that finally opened last year after many years of being the «missing bridge.»
Lloyd has written a lot about the emotional advertising surrounding car culture and how it puts cyclists and pedestrians at risk; it drives development of car - friendly infrastructure and creates a world that's far dirtier and more dangerous for people to live in.
The function of the legal infrastructure we're talking about is to provide a reliable framework for interaction — which mere words on paper can't be without a lot of other features being in place.
«It involves very detailed questionnaires and interviews about your infrastructure, how you keep things and so it's an awful lot of work to satisfy people about what we're doing.»
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