Sentences with phrase «lot in life»

It's only lot in life is to provide a pivot point and change the direction of the belt as it travels its given route.
Some people have very poor lots in life and others seem to have all the advantages.
After the kids drew their designated species lot in life at random, we let the feeding frenzy begin!
The court denied them access to a program that might improve their child's future lot in life.
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In the interview, Brooks explains some of the history behind her fiction, like how some women in the 17th century were literate and longed for a better lot in life.
Besides these wannabe stars of tomorrow, the picture focuses on folks resigned to their miserable lot in life, such as 14 year - old Henry, an undeucated shoeshine boy with no education who when prompted by Ms. Honigmann admits that he has no dreams, and no nice memories.
Yet Rachel's lot in life soon proved unhappy.
It is a Bohemians lot in life to be a pauper though...
One thing you have to appreciate about Gwyneth Paltrow is that she doesn't apologize for her rather enviable lot in life.
This story of loss and loneliness is an easy one to overlook, but when a film holds up well for 30 years... and affects you differently depending on your own lot in life... its legacy is secure.
However, it quickly becomes clear that White wants to distance his movie from any such accusation, with one of the film's younger, more idealistic characters eventually chiding Brad for whining about his rather generous lot in life.
And what could be worse for a group whose main lot in life is to keep acquiring buckets of money and enormous power being exposed as pushing a model that never should have been applied to the teaching profession in the first place?
Though from completely different lots in life, they bonded as if they were littermates.
The letters reveal a young, ambitious Clyfford with a deep longing for more than his current lot in life.
The sad truth is while the street dogs of Santorini are granted a better lot in life, the majority of strays world - wide are in far worse conditions.
Sure, it's reality television, and reality can certainly be scripted, but there was nothing fake about Bryan's pain — no script was going to capture what he felt better than his actual feelings and his natural responses to his new lot in life.
It's only lot in life is to provide a pivot point and change the direction of the belt as it travels its...
And new research highlights just how much your lot in life can affect medical well - being, including heart health.
You sense a very deep soul who's been through a lot in life.
I've performed a lot in my life.
«My parents» friends and I talk about how this occurs a lot in our lives, of people wanting to touch our hair,» Opiah says.
I've dated a lot in my life, so I have my own opinions.
That's why I tell anyone looking to improve their lot in life to try to read at least 2 hours a day.
Humans are innately greedy and never happy with their lot in life.
Most people spend their days creating to do lists that consist of tedious tasks that hold very little value in helping them advance their lot in life.
«Most of these employers who are paying these rates of pay are competing among each other — retail stores, hotel change, fast food — their lot in life isn't going to change,» he said.
What do you believe about your lot in life?
But from its debut in May, that was the Trucking Moves America Forward mascot's lot in life, even as it began its duties as the -LSB-...]
Critics of my sympathy for the down - trodden - wage earner have advised me «that this is their lot in life, and they had better accept it and suck it up», so to speak.
So government takes all those things from us to use either to enhance our lot in life or not.
Men are supposed to be happy with their lot in life, weather a free man or a slave.
The worst thing about any religion is the teaching that people should be happy with their lot in life because it's God's will.
Reprobate minds are our lots in Life's consecrations within many conjuring folks who seem to deplore their own wayfaring mindedness exploratory expletives.
I'm not a fan of modern - day christianity and the close - minded nature of some of its followers, but if this kid has found some peace with his lot in life due to his relationship with this church, I'm not going to hate on it.
If Jesus had to die for the sins of man, if that was his lot in this life, could you perform the required task as did Judas?
However, most atheist's I know are very happy with their lot in life, and feel «this» is more than enough, more than we ever asked for or could have dreamed of as a tiny embryo.
I have been disciplined a lot in life, and as I look back, many of those times were quite painful.
I doubted a lot in my life even the divinity of Christ, but it did not keep me form trusting him.
most of them are ignorant and impoverished youth who stand little to no chance of improving their lot in life and just want to get laid.
You said, «I've been through a lot in my life, that is why I believe in God, Jesus, and Christianity.»
I've been through a lot in my life, that is why I believe in God, Jesus, and Christianity.

Phrases with «lot in life»

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