Sentences with phrase «lot less calories»

I've spent years learning how to make my favorite fattening foods for a lot less calories.
Grilled Fruit Packets will satisfy even the biggest sweet tooth — for a lot less calories.
Zucchini Hummus makes a fantastic alternative to chickpea hummus, with the same sort of texture and flavour but with a lot less calories.
It has all the delicious flavors of a confetti cake with a lot less calories.
To make the creamy sauce, I swaped out heavy whipping cream and used Greek yogurt instead, same creamy texture, just a lot less calories.
I love making pizzas using tortillas — it's fast, easy and a lot less calories!
It has a lot less calories than a chocolate candy bar and it contains soluble fiber that keeps your digestive tract healthy, absorbs the water and slows digestion of the food.
You'll be consuming a lot less calories the usual cappuccino provides and you'll also save some cash.
With hypothyroidism, your metabolism slows right down and your body burns a lot less calories.
Since we're most likely going to need a lot less calories than men due to our smaller size, full GOMAD is usually overkill.
Baked Not Fried All the traditional flavors of Buffalo Chicken Wings but with a lot less calories.
For example Pitbull puppies will need a lot less calories than an adult would.
Most dogs love them and they have a lot less calories than traditional treats.
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