Sentences with phrase «lot less sugar»

My version of the sauce has a LOT LESS SUGAR and no alcohol.
Still good, a little more bitter, but a lot less sugar!
Having been through the same fruit confusion myself when first exploring a life with a lot less sugar, and seeing my clients go through all the phases of sugar detoxing and low sugar life transition, here's what you need to get you head around when it comes to fruit.
Eggless whole wheat cookies with a lot less sugar were the right thing for me.
This natural ability to create a jelly - like texture requires a lot less sugar than traditional refrigerator jam or shelf - stable preserves, and gives the jam an extra healthy boost.
First, I don't like things too sweet so I often use a lot less sugar than most people.
This time round I've used a lot less sugar (a sugar free alternative) and made some other less obvious tweaks and in my opinion, it worked out just as great!
Curious to make again with a lot less sugar sub for the crust.
And there's none of that other questionable stuff and a lot less sugar too.
This is why I'm trying to make recipes with a lot less sugar.
Since changing my diet, I've gotten used to eating a lot less sugar and many dessert recipes are simply too sweet for me now.
I actually use a lot less sugar than what bundt recipes normally call for.
Not only is this version gluten - free / dairy - free... but there's a lot less sugar than most other mug cake recipes.
Gingerbread cookies have become a Christmas tradition of ours over the past few years, and while I have a great classic gingerbread recipe using butter, sugar, golden syrup, treacle and wheat flour, I wanted to create a healthier type of Christmas spice cookie with a lot less sugar, and no dairy or wheat.
Except that, but of course, I ignored their dire warnings about following the recipe exactly, crossed my fingers and forged ahead using a lot less sugar than suggested.
and has a lot less sugar than traditional tomato soup made with dairy milk.
Hi Clare, well hope you have fun experimenting with a few different variations and you find these can satisfy that cereal bar craving when it hits (with a lot less sugar!).
«Winemakers are using a lot less sugar now than they were even 10 years ago.
One study repot from Johns Hopkins University found that people who cook their own dinner tend to eat a lot less sugar, fat and overall calories than people who rarely or never cook their own food.
What's great about rolling your own sushi is that you can use a lot less sugar and salt than most restaurants do (so no sushi face the next day), and you can get creative and healthy with your fillings (as much as I love my spicy / crunchy / mayo rolls, they aren't exactly the most waistline - friendly options).
I think it's the fact that I am eating a LOT less sugar.
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