Sentences with phrase «lot of antibiotics»

If they have a lot of fatigue, and they have a history of being more sensitive, or they have a history of lots of antibiotics and like they tell me like — you have like, in the past, antibiotics have really wiped me out, or I'm just really tired or if in fatigue, then maybe I would add in preventatively.
With the help of lots of antibiotics, love, and the miraculous healing powers of Res Q Organics cream — Gumdrop now loves life with her new family and barely shows any traces of her past scars.
While livestock operations are an obvious source of antibiotic resistance, humans also take a lot of antibiotics — and their waste is another contamination stream.
Curtis Donskey, chief of infection control at Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, adds that «a lot of antibiotic overuse comes from the mistaken idea that more is better.
One is that the 21st century lifestyle, which includes a diet very different from our ancestors», lots of antibiotic use, and even a rise in cesarean section deliveries, has profoundly changed the makeup of microbes in the gut of many people in developed countries.
I also recommend taking a probiotic regularly to support a healthy bacterial balance, especially if you have had a lot of antibiotics or medications in your day.
It will also take you to change your lifestyle with enough exercise and your diet should include a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and protein.If you have been taking a lot of antibiotics throughout your life, eat a lot of junk food and foods with preservatives it may take a bit longer to achieve a healthy bowel.
I had a yeast infection after taking a lot of antibiotics last year.
I had a lot of antibiotics as a kid.
Hatcheries, where a lot wild salmon come from, also use a lot of antibiotics when fish are young.
Now you also have to remember these cows are in confined areas so there's a lot of susceptibility to disease, so the dairy farmers are giving these cattle a lot of antibiotics.
What happens, though, when we're experiencing chronic stress, or we use a lot of antibiotics or maybe eat things like high - sugar foods, caffeine, or a lot of alcohol, we can cause gut inflammation, which starts to allow bacteria, food toxins, or whole proteins from food into the blood, into the body by breaking down the integrity of the gut.
My gsd dog is severly suffering from eczema diagnosd by vet.actully he has this problem from almost an year a lot of antibiotics / creams try my vet but it works only temporarly.again after a month hairfall, itching and hotspots.plz help me i am very frustrated what i do?
You recently took a lot of antibiotics of acid - suppressing drugs.
After two surgeries, multiple bandage changes, laser therapy, and lots of antibiotics, she is healed up and doing great!
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