Sentences with phrase «lot of assignments»

In the today's technological world, lots of assignment experts are available on the web who claims to be offering high - quality writing work.
But unfortunately lots of assignments are assigned to the students to make their academic score reliable for making good career.
Students have a huge lot of assignment writing assistance in their plate to accomplish that they can't focus on other necessary things and task which makes them complete bookworm and isolate them from the exterior physical world.
University of Technology and National University of Malaysia both are known for assigning lot of assignments to the students.
Anyway, this semester is really tough, I have a lot of assignments and projects.
A lot of my assignments are connected to competitions and things that we can do to get published.»
Students pursuing their MBA degree program in finance need to complete a lot of assignments which carries a huge percentage of their academic grades.
Online assignment help is a powerful weapon for those students who have a lot of assignments to be done and have less time.
Students need to complete a lot of assignments to score excellent grades, thus to write your homework, students can take help from the professional assignment helpers of Students Assignment Help.
As a student, you will always have got to deal with a lot of assignments such as essays, research paper, research proposal, dissertation paper, dissertation proposal, thesis paper, case study, term paper, book review, scholarship essay, admission essay etc..
We know MBA degree program brings a lot of assignment writings with it.
Our writers prove to be a great support when it comes to handling a lot of assignment writing tasks on the difficult topics of IT.
Therefore, lots of assignment brings difficulty for the students.
Students enrolled in the engineering courses often need to complete a lot of assignments along with a dissertation in the final semester which is a crucial factor in deciding about the cumulative grades.
As a college student, I am supposed to write a lot of assignments.
Nowadays, students are flooded with a lot of assignments given by the University professors.
Students pursuing their course of study in marketing presentation need to complete a lot of assignments.
When a student reaches university or college level, they receive a lot of assignments for all the subjects that makes tough for them to manage.
As far as the scholars are concerned, their literary life is crammed with a lot of assignments, projects, tests and homework, and they have to deal with assignment writing each and every day.
Students are given a lot of assignment tasks, and they have to write continuously for hours without any break.
As a college student, I was supposed to write a lot of assignments and, I had absolutely no idea about the various topics.
As a travel writer, I am fortunate to receive a lot of assignments which include fabulous restaurants.
My idea was to teach the class to large numbers of students in a style that was largely lecture - based, but which included lots of assignments that would be graded and returned with extensive comments.
I can't say I was warmly received but I got a lot of assignments.
Let's say I'm netting a lot of assignments as a freelance writer.
I use it for a lot of assignments other than the class it was intended for
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