Sentences with phrase «lot of cancer»

This shows that there are lots of cancer patients while the oncology nurse workforce is not adequate.
It contains lots of cancer fighting vegetables we ALL need to be eating more of!
A recipe that not only works to detox the body, but also has lots of cancer fighting vegetables?
A lot of cancer patients are killed by an infection caused by the chemo destroying their immune system..
Those samples had come from Ashkenazi families with a lot of cancer.
«You can cure a lot of cancers in mice,» he says, «and not necessarily have any effect in humans.»
This study should help answer why some of those families have a lot of cancer.
Giant chromosomes that grow by sucking up cancer - promoting genes are seen in lots of cancers.
Matunis says the research may be useful for understanding cancer, because a lot of cancer involves cancer stem cells, also known as tumor - initiating cells.
«I think we have to reevaluate how we look at a lot of these cancer - associated genes.»
«A dietary intervention that could improve cognitive function after chemotherapy could benefit a lot of cancer patients,» Rendeiro said.
A lot of cancer patients have been discovered to be zinc deficient.
Aside from having lots of cancer - fighting phytochemicals, they also taste good!
A lot of cancer can be prevented through lifestyle and diet.
But I suppose a lot of cancers do exactly that: create vascularized fast growing tissues.
My family history has a lot of cancer.
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