Sentences with phrase «lot of collectibles»

There are also lots of collectible cards and pictures of toys to add to the cyber collection.
People with lots of collectible things in their Alviso units will sometimes discuss the importance of owning renters insurance to other serious collectors who lives in the city.
The game has lots of collectibles like music album covers, magazine covers and more...
Once again, like the previous DLC Origin of Pain, Riders of Doom offers lots of collectibles to found along the way and trophies to be obtained.
Hopefully there will be lots of collectibles littered around the city to encourage lots of sky - high climbs and death - defying last - gasp gap leaps.
Difficulty is nicely balanced for players of all abilities and there are lots of collectibles for completionists to find.
Well aside from Knack, but I'm hoping this is more open with lots of collectibles, upgrades etc. like BK / Zelda.
Lots of collectibles and unlockables.
There are hidden bosses that are available in the game, several dragons to free, lots of collectibles to collect in each area and more.
The game has a lot of collectibles and they are required for 100 % completion.
There's no true side - missions or the like scattered around Gotham city to take part in, but there are a hell of a lot of collectibles to be found in keeping with the traditional LEGO style and little things to keep you entertained.
The game features a lot of collectibles (it's a Ubisoft game, remember that), a lot of those only available to acquire after you've beaten the levels they're located at.
It is an Uncharted game after all so expect to find a lot of collectibles, note that tell you more about the story and also conversations between the characters that can be triggered at certain points.
Also there are a lot of collectibles and over 300 achievements in a Smash Bros. - ish layout.
Its story is a lot more interesting and well - written than I expected, its graphics are beautiful, its music is incredible, and with lots of collectibles and secrets hidden around the maps, there's plenty of incentives for replaying levels even after you've completed the campaign.
The combat is addictive, and lots of collectibles to find.
Like many games, there are lots of collectibles to find, but we don't know if we've ever seen one in which these materials (email chains, press stories, etc.) were created with such care.
Since not every player is willing to explore, open world titles throw in a lot of collectibles at different locations forcing you to walk the virtual world in search of these powerful mods, locations or tools that make the protagonist more efficient.
In addition, there are a lot of collectibles that boost Yooka and Laylee's abilities, giving you more health or even goofy abilities that change up some properties within the main game.
Optional tombs filled with lots of collectibles are available to explore and of course, the puzzles aren't going anywhere.
If you own a lot of collectibles or antiques, then this can be a bit problematic.
If you keep a lot of collectibles in boxes within the garage, free up that space by placing them on display.
You may have a lot of collectibles and accessories that you'd like to show, but don't just put everything on display.
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