Sentences with phrase «lot of common ground»

I'm a liberal Conservative so I think there's always going to be lots of common ground between liberal Conservatives and Liberal Democrats.
«There is a lot of common ground between diplomacy and business,» says Carey Cavanaugh, a professor of diplomacy at the University of Kentucky and a former U.S. ambassador stationed all over the world for over two decades under both the Clinton and Bush administrations.
Not surprisingly, looking at the investment attributes of these three equities, we find a lot of common ground.
I think there's a lot of common ground between Pagans and Christians who care about issues of social justice, acceptance, and the environment.
He has said in the past that he there is a lot of common ground between his up - bringing and the «Godfather» trilogy.
How disappointing that such a seemingly educated and intelligent woman like yourself has such little dignity that you have to take cheap shots at someone who, like it or not, probably has a lot of common ground with you.
But, Lincoln said in a conference call with reporters, this time, «there was a lot of common ground around that.
«Of course, that's because he was speaking to a group of Hispanic evangelical ministers with whom he shares a lot of common ground.
He seems to have a lot of common ground with Turner, who has more name recognition.
«Clearly there are differences of views on Europe within the coalition, but there is also a lot of common ground,» the prime minister's spokesman said, citing commitment to the single market and a desire to end the eurozone crisis as examples.
There is a lot of common ground.
There's a lot of common ground between Labour and the Conservatives, even if they don't like to admit it.
«I've met with a number of folks in the community over the last few weeks and think we've found a lot of common ground.
Between them there is a lot of common ground
As you can see from the sidebar, a series of examples listed in More Psychometric Testing, these tests are so broad in scope that there really isn't a lot of common ground.
Amongst EIROforum members there is a lot of common ground.
I'm pleased, Jay (and not altogether surprised), to see that we share a lot of common ground.
Marketers and learning designers share a lot of common ground, but at times may be reluctant to let this be stipulated.
Part of the problem is that political parties have carved out different meanings for morality; but, he adds, «There's another kind of morality which I think we have quite a lot of common ground about, which is that kids should be taught to be respectful, caring, and fair.»
Julie has 3 children in Middle School and High School, and feels well - equipped to teach VLAC's 7th and 8th graders («I'm living the same student experience as VLAC parents — we will have a lot of common ground!»).
And to get such an agreement, one would have to really propose a new approach, and build a lot of common ground around that.
Even though [Frank] and my classes are very different we had a lot of common ground.
I did it so readers who were uncomfortable rooting for an assassin would discover they shared a lot of common ground with my luckless Cuban hit man.
This week, I thought I'd try something different and take a look at three series that... share a lot of common ground.
There's a lot of common ground.
[I] f you put the economic advisers, from both parties, in a room and told them to hammer out solutions to the country's big economic problems, they would find a lot of common ground.
Simply exporting your LinkedIn profile into a CV format will not land you an interview and, while both share a lot of common ground, there are plenty of things on your LinkedIn profile which should not be included on your CV.
Therapy and coaching have a lot of common ground, a fact that partially accounts for why many therapists are looking to expand or refocus their careers with coaching.
She's also a pastor's wife, so we have a lot of common ground.
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