Sentences with phrase «lot of educators»

When reformers can't get lots of educators — especially accomplished ones — on board, the strategy needs some work.
We've talked with lots of educators who get back to us a year later and say, «We're having whole different kinds of conversations in our school now.»
Lots of educators in Florida have been asking the same question.
As the pilot class of my school has rolled out its projects, I've had lots of educators acquiesce that what we do here is a fun and interesting supplement, as if we're an unproven herbal remedy.
Well, I'm sure there are lots of educators out there — and teenagers who'd welcome an extra hour or two in bed on a school day — who'll be watching it with interest.
Most powerfully, lots of educators try new strategies they've learned at Edcamp and then report back to the Edcamp community on their blogs to get feedback and share progress.
The other thing of course, as lots of educators I know will say there's nothing going on in our community, there's nothing happening, it's just a very ordinary suburb, but I do think looking beyond the four walls of your service, just to be aware and mindful about what's going on you, will notice things that are interesting.
Lots of educators who decide to create small schools, often by negotiating special arrangements with the local school district, do so because they don't have any confidence that the system can be changed in any real way.
I think that a lot of educators over the past few years have tried to find a curriculum or a textbook that is somehow going to help kids become more perseverant and more self - controlled.
Economists call these abilities non-cognitive skills, and a lot of educators call them character strengths.
JE: Now, you do a lot of work in the UK and you see a lot of educators.
Aren't a lot of us educators worried about how kids spend their time these days?
What's potentially interesting — and a lot of educators have resistance to this — is creating a shared backchannel for the class, like an Internet Relay Chat channel.
And a lot of educators are starting at age eight, depending on the aptitude and the appetite [of the student].»
Considering how ubiquitous smartphones and tablets have become, especially in high school and middle school, questions about managing use and educating students about digital etiquette are on a lot of educators» minds.
As anyone who attended the 12/15/12 conference knows, there are a lot of educators who are interested in using WA's new public charter school law to create new public school choices for the children and families of WA.
The pay raise announcement had a lot of educators smiling and a lot of students cheering them on.
The much - discussed and written - about Johns Hopkins University study on the long - term positive impacts of same - race teachers reinforces what a lot of us educators — and all members of The Fellowship (Black Male Educators for Social Justice)-- have known a very long time.
«They don't understand that they've alienated a lot of educators throughout the country with some of their attacks on teachers,» said New York University education professor Pedro Noguera, who spoke at the SOS march.
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